SpiderWitch to the rescue

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The Spider variants all cheer with victory after Charlotte has finished killing all of the apostles. A random variant leaps off a building and lands by her, "Nice work Black Spider Woman!", he congratulates. "You saved us all" Afterwards, without warning Charlotte turns on the variant and starts attacking viciously. Everyone stops cheering as they what the variant narrowly escaping Charlotte. She then turns on a group of nearby variants, charges at them and starts attacking them. Jess is shocked at what she is seeing, "CHARLOTTE!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?", she yells out but that causes Charlottes to turn to her and launches at her. Jess leaps out of the way but Charlotte is quick to stop herself from missing Jess and lands a hit on Jess with her sword, leaving a slash on her chest and barely missing her baby bump.

Miguel arrived at the scene and saw what was going on. "Charlotte! That is enough!", he yells. "You defeated the demons! Why are you attacking us!?". Charlotte doesn't say anything, she lunges at Miguel and starts attacking him. Miguel tried to use his claws to break her sword but Charlotte was swinging it so fast he couldn't even catch up with it.

Up high on a building, 2 variants watch as Charlotte goes completely savage on Miguel and everyone close it her. The two variants are The Golden SpiderMan from earth-475 and SpiderWitch from earth-29789. "Man, she's gone completely berserk!". Golden SpiderMan shutters, "Has she been consumed by so much rage she doesn't know who is who?!". SpiderWitch just watches on, the armour giving off a strange feeling that gives her an idea of what is happening. "That armour," she started. "It's giving off some sort of violent energy, it's like it has consumed her with the Od and is making her go berserk". Golden Spider-Man turns to her with confusion. "So you're saying that armour is making her go all psycho?", he asked. SpiderWitch nods. Golden Spider-Man stood up. "So what do you suppose we do to make her calm do?", he asked.

SpiderWitch goes into thought, she knows yelling and trying to talk her out of her rage won't do anything, but perhaps trying to reach out to her by astral projection might work, there is no guarantee that it will work but it's worth a shot. "I'm gonna try to astral project and reach out to her!", she stated. "What!? No Hecate, it's too risky!", Golden Spider-Man cries. "Peter! This might be the only way we can get the Black SpiderWoman to snap out of her rage!", SpiderWitch (Hecate) spoke. "If I don't do this, the current situation might end with us all dying or her dying, I have to do this!". Golden SpiderMan was about to protest but knew Hecate had a point.

She draws a circle with her staff and lies down in the middle. She brings her stick to her chest, closes her eyes and enters the Astral world. Meanwhile, both Miguel and Jess had managed to escape Charlotte's attacks but both have serious injuries. "You alright?", Miguel asked, trying to catch his breath. "I'm alright!", Jess responds, "What has gotten into her? She's gone full-blown psycho!". Just as Jess said that her senses went off. Both Migs and Jess turn to see Charlotte charging at them. Just as they thought they were done, Cyborg SpiderWoman appears and stops Charlotte's attack with her massive bulk. "You two! Go! NOW!!", she commands," ILL HOLD HER OFF AS BEST AS I CAN!!". The two wasted no time getting away and left Petra to fight against the bloodthirsty Spider Woman.

Hecate flows within the flows of hateful turbulence that flows within the Berserker armour. She knows that if any normal human were to be similarly consumed, their psyche would simply shatter. "I must find her ego before it's too late!", she stated. Suddenly something caught her eye, it was a flaming image of a dragon-like creature, and the head looked similar to the helmet of the armour. "That's.." Hecate shutters, "That's the image that been displayed on the armour! The BlackSpider must be in there!". Hecate launches herself at the image, and upon seeing inside it she begins to see images. "This must be her memories!", she spoke to herself.

Hecate saw memories of Charlotte's life, her friends her family, the moment she got bitten by a radioactive spider tattoo that gave her powers, bushfires, a pandemic that affected the entire world, riots, villains and even learning her name. "So this girl is named Charlotte aye," she mumbled to herself. Suddenly, the vision became dark which surprised Hecate. "Woah! Darkness!?". She yells. Then she saw it, demons and a huge hand below an eclipse. The apostles were all devouring people in the worst ways possible, with screams of terror and bloodshed. "Oh my lord!", she yells with horror. "It's horrible! No!", Hecate even found herself being engulfed by the moon up above which blocked the sun's view. "No! I'm beginning engulfed!", she screams


Hecate event finds herself in a dark surrounding, in front of her is a fiery figure of a woman. "What's that?", she asked. "No, this is it, Charlotte's ego!", the fiery figure looked to be unstable, like it was about to collapse. "She doesn't have long! I need to reach out to her now!". Hecate stated.

Charlotte and Petra both clash with one another. Despite Petra's immense size and strength, it was clear that Charlotte was even stronger and was overpowering the cyborg. In a desperate attempt to strike the psycho down, Petra manages to swat Charlotte with her massive arms, the force has even snapped Charlotte's left arm in 2 places and a few more ribs have cracked. The Armour immediately injects metal spikes into her and repairs her broken bones. Charlotte lunges forward and slices Petra's arm clean off with one swing of her sword before slicing off her other arm and both of her legs.

Petra looks up at Charlotte who has her sword up, ready to swing it down and finish her off. Just as Charlotte is about to kill Petra, a voice calls out to her. "Remember your name! Your name is Charlotte! You're SpiderWoman, the protector of humanity and most importantly, Charlotte the protector of your friends!".

It's that moment that Charlotte finally snaps out of her berserker rage and returns to reality. She lowers her sword down before dropping it. She quickly lifts her helmet before acknowledging her surroundings. "My god!" She sighs, "I really did some damage". The Variants all approached her cautiously but soon realised she was no longer in a rage. Charlotte can tell they are all terrified of her and she can't blame them. Miguel and Jess both hurry over to Charlotte who is covered in blood and is exhausted.

"Charlotte... is that you?", Miguel asked. Charlotte turns to Miguel and nods, "Yeah". He sighs in relief. "Thank god!" He spoke. "Why the hell did you go all psycho on us!". "She isn't the one you should be blaming!". A voice calls out. Everyone all turns to see SpiderWitch approaching alongside The Golden Spider-Man. "She went psycho as a result of the armour! The Armour has been imbedding with a violent Od! That's what caused her to go psycho!". Charlotte was impressed that a variant had managed to figure out the armour's abilities.

"Is that so?", Miguel stated. "Very well then". Charlotte lets out a sigh, now all she wants to do now is to go home. "Man, I think imma go home now, my job here is done". She said. "Very well then, let me help you with that", Miguel then used his Gizmo watch to create a portal to Charlotte's dimension. "You know, this won't be the last time we see each other, Black Spider Woman". Miguel spoke. Charlotte scoffs, "Just make sure it's only apostle killing related". She then enters the portal and lands back into her dimension in her home.

It was dark, possibly just after midnight. Charlotte quickly walks into her room and quickly shuts the door. She sighs with relief knowing that she is now home after weeks. She wants to take off her armour but realises that she can't. The armour spikes are holding her bones in place which also prevents her from removing them. She sighs with annoyance knowing she has to wear the armour until her bones fully heal and at the same time, confronts her mother whom she hasn't seen in more than 2 weeks and now she has to explain to her where she has been and why she's in armour.

Charlotte collapsed into her bed, she was so exhausted she forgot she was in armour but she didn't care at this point and fell asleep.

{Millennium Spider Arc} End

To be continued

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