Tell me what happened

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"Who... are... you?"

Miguel and Lyla were both surprised to see that the poison was wearing off faster than expected. Charlotte tries to sit but but fails, collapsing back onto the ground as lets out a huff. "Where am I?", she groans. Her vision finally clears and now she can see her surroundings.

"Welcome to the Spider Society, Charlotte" Lyla greets her. "Hope you're doing okay after your fight with that Spider Apostle". Charlotte makes another attempt to sit up and this time she succeeds. "Careful now, you're still under the effects of the poison". Lyla explains. "But I won't stop you from moving". Charlotte looked around, seeing the lab that she was in, dark and massive. Not only that, a man was kneeling beside her, it was that mysterious spider man who chased her around Sydney. She shuffled back away from him but her arms gave out and she collapsed back onto her back.

"I guess she doesn't like you Miggy". Lyla giggles. "Lyla, not now!", Miguel growls. "Alright, Alright", Lyla says. "I'll leave you to it, just make sure she doesn't bite you because... well, you know". Lyla disappears. Miguel stands back up and looks down at Charlotte and strides towards her. Charlotte shuffled back and even tried to pull out her sword but it was too heavy for her to even pull it out of its case. "Relax, I won't hurt you". Miguel reassures, "You're safe as long as you're here". Charlotte gave up trying to get away at this point and accepted that she was now at her opponent's mercy. As long as she's under the effects of the poison, she's powerless.

Miguel kneels in front of her. "That's a nasty scar you got on your face". He spoke. "That monster did you good". He reaches out a hand but Charlotte flinches, making him retreat his hand. "Just who the fuck are you!?", Char asks. Miguel's mask disappears, revealing his face to her. "My name is Miguel O'Hara". He introduces. "I'm this dimension's one and only SpiderMan, and welcome to the Spider Society". Charlotte swore she saw fangs in Miguel's mouth, he was just like her, and she wondered if he had lethal venom like her. "So... Miguel..." Charlotte spoke, still weary of him, "Why am I here?". Miguel huffs. "I'm glad you asked", he says.

"It's about your Canon Event". Charlotte was surprised but confused at the same time. "Canon... event?", she spoke. "W-What's that?". Miguel gave her an aversion look before sighing. "Lyla! Can you do the thing!", Miguel Demands. "What thing?", Lyla asks. "What thing? The information explaining thing!", Miguel explained. Suddenly the whole room goes dark which alerts Charlotte.

"Relax Charlotte", Miguel reassures. "There is no threat you need to worry about". Then a little speak of light fell from nowhere and when it made contact with the floor, it bloomed into a tree-like thing. "This is everything", Miguel explains. "Everything that a Spider Variant lives by is all dependent on events called canon events". Then the whole room changed and rows of cobwebs were scattered around the room, all connected to one another. "What you are seeing now Charlotte is us all. The Arachno-Humanoid Poly Multiverse, or what others like to call 'Spiderverse', which I think sounds stupid". Miguel rolls his eyes when he mentions the word 'Spiderverse'. 'Damn, what a Nerd!', Charlotte thought to herself.

Then a cobweb appears in front of Charlotte. "This right here is your world". Miguel explains. Charlotte managed to regain the strength to stand back up but her legs were weak. She pulls out her sword and uses it as a walking stick to keep her from falling. She acknowledges the cobweb in front of her and sees her and the events she went through. When she got bitten by that spider, her discovery Arc, Black Summer fires, that time she locked her suit away for a full month, Captain Sullivan dying, and the eclipse. Charlotte felt her stomach turn when she saw the eclipse on the holographic web. Her mind once again played the memories of the eclipse.

"During the eclipse, I was watching you in my Lab. You went through all of that and you still made it out alive". Miguel explained it wasn't like Charlotte was oblivious to what happened. "However, during those three days following the eclipse, you managed to survive being eaten by those demons and your two friends managed to keep you alive during that time". Charlotte clicks her tongue with irritation. She now has enough of Miguel and just wants him to shut up and never bring up the eclipse ever again.

"Now you know what I've been through", Charlotte spoke. "Why I'm like this, why I'm hunting those demons!". A dark presence surrounds her. "I swore to hunt down every single last one of those demons. I won't let anyone pay the price because I was branded in a previous life and I won't let anyone get in my way!". Miguel thought for a moment, he wondered if she would be willing to join him or not after all that had happened. He shook his doubts away and spoke.

"Charlotte, may I offer you something?", Miguel spoke. Charlotte raises an eyebrow. "Offer? Did you not hear what I just said?" She says sternly. "I'm already at war with demon kind, so I'm gonna have to decline what offer you have to offer to me!". "Just listen to what I have to offer!", Miguel snaps, stopping Charlotte from leaving. "Look, when I first saw you during your battle with the moth demon, I noticed how strong you are, how you can get back up after suffering such critical injuries. And I thought maybe, just maybe, you can become one of us...". "What the hell are you trying to offer?" Charlotte spoke. "Just get to the point already".

"I'm saying, I have taken a liking to you.", Miguel says. "I want you Charlotte, to be a part of the Spider Society".

To be continued

The Black Spider Woman (Under reconstruction)Where stories live. Discover now