The Man who Hunts Demons

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{Spider Hunters Arc} beginning

1 month later

After spending an entire month recovering and getting grounded and a whooping from her mother for making her worried sick for 2 weeks, Charlotte is now once again back at it on the streets. Today she is roaming the streets of Bankstown. She can't swing around due to there being no buildings to swing around, even if any buildings were too short for her to swing around, her only options to move around are to either hitch a ride on top of a bus, car or train or go by foot. Charlotte's bones have fully healed at this point and she has finally gotten out of the Berserker armour. The entire month she was in the armour was the most uncomfortable month in her life. After finally getting out of the armour she locked it away in her wardrobe. She has made a new mask for her to wear and she also made a spear mask just in case she loses her other mask.

She is now wandering by the warehouses in Bankstown where the most suspicious things happen. Eventually, she got a twitch and a tingling feeling on her neck. She pulls out her sword, climbs up a wall of a warehouse and looks through a window. She sees a huge troll-like apostle with a log club for a weapon. But what really caught her eyes was a man who was going up against the apostle. Charlotte thought that the man was crazy and had a death wish, but the more she watched the first the more it became fascinating. The man was 183 centimetres taller and really buff, he was also wearing strange clothing as if he was some kind of primal Hunter.

"Tell me...", the man spoke "where can I find this SpiderWoman?". The apostle just grumbles before swinging its club at the man which he catches using his bare hands. "Very well then..", the man spoke before swiftly charging at the apostle and ramming into it, sending it tumbling back and landing on its ass before the man runs up and lands a powerful kick to the troll's face. The man then gets on his knees and starts pummelling the apostle's face with his very own hands by repeatedly punching it in the face until it is flat like a pancake and its pieces are scattered all over the floor.

The man stood back up and swiped his first clean of the blood that stained them. He lets out a sigh before leaving the scene.

Charlotte was shocked at what she just saw. That man just killed an apostle with his bare hands. Most importantly, she just heard him say that he was looking for her, but why? To fight her? Or to make amends with her? Who knows why he is looking for her, her twitch is telling her that it isn't good and should keep her distance. She jumps out of the window and walks away from the area in a hurry.

"I should keep an eye out on this guy for now, something doesn't fit right with him". Charlotte mumbles to herself. "I better get outta here before he notices me!".

In a dark alleyway a group of teenagers have cornered a young boy, all teens are armed with knives. "Fuck off! Leave me alone!", the boy begged. "Give us your fucking vape mate!", the teens demanded, "I don't have a vape! Leave me alone!". The teens didn't believe the boy and closed in. "HEY!", a voice calls from behind, the teens look back and see SpiderWoman has appeared. "Leave that boy alone!". She demands.

The boys have heard of SpiderWoman before but that didn't stop them from charging in with their knives. Charlotte wasted no time taking them all down and stringing them up with her web. She turns to the boy who is shaking with fear in the corner of the alley. "Are you alright?", she asked. The boy nods slightly. Charlotte gives the boy a reassuring nod. The boy then dashes away before giving her a "thank you". Charlotte walks away.

As she walked past the other people, they gave her concerned looks, some even stared at her with shock. Charlotte was confused about why everyone was giving her strange looks. Then she felt something wet on her side, she looked down to her side and saw that she had been stabbed. She was surprised that she didn't notice she had been stabbed by the teens, she didn't feel anything and there was no pain. "The hell...", she mumbled to herself. "How did I not feel that!".

She whips off her cloak and applies pressure to her wound. It didn't take long until she heard the familiar sirens of an ambulance approaching. "I guess someone called one for me", she mumbled. "The real question is, how am I not feeling any pain?". So many theories are playing in her head, and then it hits her. Could it be the result of the Berserker Armour?

The ambulance arrives, and the paramedics help apply first aid before putting her in the ambulance and speeding away to the nearest hospital. Charlotte lays on the stretcher lost in her thoughts, 'so the Armour has completely turned off my pain receptors', she thought in her head. 'Guess I don't need the armour now that I can't feel any pain anymore. Can't be too bad...'.

To be continued

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