The Chase

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{Millennium Spider arc} beginning

1 week later

A week has passed and things have gotten slightly calmer. Charlotte has been continuing with her hunt for demons but at the same time avoiding Miguel. At some point, he was close to capturing her but she got away via the Train tunnels and rode the underside of the train to an undisclosed location.

Today she is in Sydney, swinging around to take her mind off of her quest and problems. She has even finally made a new mask for her to fully cover her face. She knew deep down, that whatever was trapping inside her was something sinister, it was like her dark side or darkness that drove her to do such sinister things. To be honest, it was killing her from within her psyche.

She lands on top of a building to rest. She pulls out her phone and starts strolling through the news to see what's been happening. She comes across a certain story that immediately sparked her concern. The page showed that the King of Falconia had put a bounty of 75 million dollars on the live capture of SpiderWoman, making it the highest-known bounty in history. Charlotte knew a bounty that high would easily spark a massive manhunt against her and now she needs to be extra cautious. "Damn! That white-haired freak is that serious on getting his hands on me?!", she said out loud. "And who would dare come after me?! I'm capable of killing demons with just one bite, I mean who would be that foolish to go against me at this point?".

Suddenly her spider senses went off, and she leapt to the side and narrowly dodged an attack from behind. She looks to see it is Vulture, a member of the sinister 6. "Turkey-man!?", Charlotte taunts. "Haven't seen you in a while!". "I see you've been busy SpiderWoman!", he spoke in a menacing tone as he flapped his gorgeous wings. "Going from place to place, fighting demons and all with that new sword you've got. Hell we've noticed you've changed a lot since the day of the Eclipse.". "We", Charlotte says confused. "What do you mean 'we'?".

Suddenly the rest of the sinister six appeared, they all surrounded Charlotte with menacing intentions. "It's been a while young lady!", Green Goblin stated. "You've grown a bit, hell you look way different since our last play date!". Charlotte seemed unamused by the situation she is currently in. "So.. you're all here!", she stated. "Who never thought you all would join together and go against me all at once! Can't I just catch a break for one day for fuck sake!". Dr Octavius grins. "We SpiderWoman, you should be aware that the King of Falconia has put a 75 million dollar bounty for the live capture of you", he remarked. "Such a high reward to catch a little spider-like you".

Charlotte grits her teeth under her mask but she collects herself and huffs. "So be it then, one against six it is!" She stated. "Now with put further ado". She then swiftly shoots a web, catches Mysterio, and throws him at Electro which knocks them both off the building and creates an open space for her to escape.

She leaps off the building and starts swinging away. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!", She calls out. The villains wasted no time and chased Charlotte around the city. At some point she glanced behind her and saw most of her chasers fly after her while Rhino chased from the ground. Charlotte swings and lands on top of a moving light rail, Mysterio soon appears. The two threw hands with each other with Charlotte ending it by delivering a strong lunch that knocked him off the light rail.

Rhino charges at the light rail and rams it, derailing it and sending Charlotte flying off it. Vulture swoops down and grabs her with his feet and carries her away. She struggles and manages to break free and catch herself by creating a cobweb. Electro zaps the cobweb with his electrical abilities and shocks Charlotte a bit but she jumps off and continues swinging around the city. The electricity did affect her a bit but not too badly to handicap her. She narrowly avoids an attack from Vulture but Green Goblin flies in, rams and pins her to a building with his flying board.  Charlotte struggles against Goblin but one of her arms is pinned.

"I'm glad to see you've improved little Spider". He spoke. "You've gotten faster and stronger". Charlotte felt her rage begin to boil up from within. She uses her free arm to shove Goblins flying board away and swing away. She notices Rhino down below, and the thought of slamming him comes into mind. She shoots a web, attaching it to his chest. With all of her strength, she threw and slammed Rhino into the ground, hard. Because she could celebrate, she was suddenly grabbed from behind by Octavius and thrown across the block. Vulture swoops in and catches Charlotte before Green Goblin rams her out of Vulture's grip and she falls to the ground.

Charlotte was quick to get back up and by now she is fuming with rage. She pulls her sword out, swings back up and begins swinging around. She spots Vulture approaching before he can even land an attack, she swings her sword and slashes him across the chest, sending him falling. Mysterio flies in to try and counterattack her but he ends up getting sliced across the abdomen by Charlotte's mighty sword. Suddenly her senses told her that there was an attack from behind, but before she could react, Miguel appears from nowhere and slammed her threw a window of a building. The people inside all gasped and scrambled back as Charlotte landed badly threw the window, glass scattered everywhere and one shard even left a small deep cut on her right cheek that was pretty close to her mouth.

Charlotte weakly gets back up but Miguel slashes her behind the leg, cutting her hamstring and prevented her from getting back up.  "Stop it Charlotte", Miguel hissed. "You've done enough! You're not getting back up even if you want too". Octavius and Green Goblin both enter the scene. Miguel was quick to level the area by creating a portal and left, leaving Charlotte.

Octavius snatches Charlotte from the ground and brings her up close. She struggles against Octavius' robotic arms but she has exhausted most of her energy. Octavius rips off her mask, seeing her face for the first time. "Finally...", he groans with satisfaction. "After years of chasing you down, I've finally seen who you really are". He was surprised to see that her right eye was covered by a bandage. The cut on her face has been healing under the bandage.

Octavius and Goblin both moved out with Charlotte as their captive. For the first time, SpiderWoman has fallen into the hands of the Sinister Six, all for a prize that nobody has ever received before.

To be continued

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