Battle against a true Spider

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Both Charlotte and Arana circle each other. Charlotte still has her sword in her hands and Arana is in a stance where she is ready to strike like a tarantula. Arana is the first to make the first move and tries to swipe at Charlotte but she dodges the attack and swings her sword down onto Arana's head but the beast uses her arms to block the attack. 'Damn! She's so fast!', Arana thought to herself. 'Even after I bit her, she's still fighting at full capacity! Usually, when I bite someone, my venom affects them immediately! But why isn't she affected by it? Is it taking longer to affect her!? Just how long will it be until she tells the effects?'.

Charlotte continues her assault on the apostle, swinging her sword at rapid speed. She notices the fire that is blazing where the material is and thinks of a plan to try and burn the beast. Just as Arana charges at her, Charlotte shoots her webs, catches the beast and most of her strength to throw and slam Arana into the flames.

Charlotte stares at the fire as she watches the spider apostle burn and roast into a spider barbecue. Lieutenant Dan is still in shock at what he is seeing. He has never seen an apostle before and now he's seeing SpiderWoman's true face. He stumbled back, unaware of the railing behind him that blocks a 50-meter drop below onto the second floor. Just as Dan's back hits the railing, he loses his balance and falls back I've the railing. Charlotte's senses go off and she turns to see Dan falling over the railing. She runs over and catches Dan in mid-air with her webs.

Dan is currently suspended in midair around 25 meters above the ground. Charlotte tried to pull him up but couldn't. For some reason, Dan felt incredibly heavy for her. Usually, Charlotte can lift and carry up to hundreds of tons of weight but Dan felt like he weighed more than a thousand tons and was getting heavier. Charlotte leans over the railing as she struggles to hold Dan with her web. "Damn, since when did you get so heavy Lieutenant!", she groans before slipping over the railing but catches herself by shooting a web onto the platform, suspending her and Dan 22 meters above the ground.

Charlotte can feel her entire body getting heavy in a matter of moments which made her struggle even more. "Hahahah, so my poison has finally kicked in!". Arana emerges from the fire, crawls over to the railing, looms over and grins down at Charlotte. "When I bite you on the shoulder, I poisoned you with my fangs!" She explained. "It took a little while but it's finally taken over your body!". Charlotte's heart begins racing as the realization of being poisoned hits her. She begins lowering herself and Dans to the second by using her webs to get them to the ground safely.

When Charlotte makes it to the ground, she feels the effects of the venom as her body starts to feel heavy and she begins sweating and shaking, her armor feels incredibly heavy and she feels like should could collapse. Arana crawls down the wall and onto the second floor. "Don't worry, my venom isn't lethal", Arana coos. "But you'll experience symptoms such as chills, sweating, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, but most importantly, your muscles will weaken and eventually your body will become so heavy you won't even be able to move. When you're too weak to move, I'll string you up into a cocoon where you'll be melted into a smoothie and I'll slurp you up and devour you."

Charlotte knows that her battle hasn't ended yet. She picks up her sword and ushers Dan to get outta here. "But SpiderWoman, you've been poisoned!" He argued. "I'll be fine, just get outta here!" Charlotte reassured. "I'll look for a doctor after I've defeated this bitch!". Dan grabs Charlotte by the arm. "No, you are so young! I won't allow you to sacrifice yourself for the sake of this world!", he yells. Charlotte felt a surge of frustration build up inside her. "Oh for fuck sake", she mumbled to herself and kicks Dan so hard, he burst through the window. Lucky for him, Charlotte creates a web that catches him but leaves him suspended 40 meters above the ground. "I'll come and get you later!", she calls out before turning her attention back to the spider apostle.

'So she's poisoned me!'. She thought to herself. 'I need to defeat her now before the venom takes over my body completely'. Arana charges in at tries to attack but Charlotte blocks the attack with her sword. "You still got some strength left don't you little brat", Arana coos. "But don't get your hopes up, in no time, you won't have any strength left to fight!". Charlotte leaps back to create some distance between her and the beast. Her sword is starting to feel heavy which makes her shake as she struggles to hold her sword up. Arana can see that Charlotte is struggling to hold her sword up and chuckles. "You've survived all this time witness! Now, 2 months after the feast, you meet your end here!".

Arana charges in again. Charlotte tried to dodge but was too slow and was rammed into a wall. Charlotte can feel her strength deteriorating as she drops her sword and her legs give out. Arana picks her up and grins at the sight of Charlotte being under the effects of her venom. "Looks like I win, Black SpiderWoman". She coos, putting on her winner's medal. She begins to string Charlotte up with her web and hang her up on the ceiling. "I'm not gonna fully cocoon you just yet Little girl", she explains. "I'm gonna keep you around as a trophy for you are the reborn branded Swordsman. I heard a lot about you, I must say I'm impressed. It's a shame the black swordsman passed away long before I was born but now I here you are, he has been reborn into you".

Arana creases Charlotte's cheek. "Gotta say, you've grown a ferric reputation young one", she says. "I'm glad we got to meet, I am truly honoured-". Arana was cut off when Charlotte suddenly bit her hand in a last-ditch effort to attack. Arana pulls away immediately before glaring into Charlotte's eyes with anger. "Why you..", she yells. "I'm giving you a chance to live for another few days and you just bite me like that! You ungrateful brat!". Arana brings her front spider leg up to Charlotte's face and begins cutting down her face, leaving a deep cut that runs down her forehead, over her right eye, and her right cheek. Charlotte had her eyes clenched shut when Arana slashed her face, trying to fight the poison that was making her body numb.

Suddenly, Arana felt off. Her vision was blurry and her insides were hurting like hell. The next thing she knew, she was vomiting blood. "Gah! W-what the... what did...!", she chocked. Charlotte uses all of her remaining strength and breaks free of the web that restrained her and stumbles over to the dying monster. "I was hoping you'd crease my cheek", she spoke, the poison making her sound weak. "When I bit you, I injected venom of my own that can kill a monster like you. In less than 30 seconds, you'll be nothing but a rotting corpse". She kneels and stares deeply into Arana's eyes and says her last words to the beast. "In this world, I'm SpiderWoman, not you, you little arachnid Tart!". When Charlotte said those words, Arana went limp, reverting to her human form.

Charlotte felt a sense of satisfaction in her. She turns around and stumbles over to her sword, picking it up and discovers that it is feeling even heavier. She remembers that Dan is still suspended on a cobweb that she made but she is missing her mask. Charlotte puts up her hoodie on her cloak over her head, pulls out a black cotton face mask, puts it over her face, stumbles over to the opening and peeks out, seeing that Dan is still on the cobweb and seems surprisingly relaxed. "Lieutenant!", Charlotte calls out, catching the officer's attention. "SpiderWoman!", he calls back. Charlotte begins to crawl out into the cobweb, carefully so that she doesn't fall. "Don't worry Lieutenant! I'm on my waAAAAY!", Charlotte loses her balance and tumbles onto the cobweb and next to Lieutenant Dan.

"SpiderWoman! Are you alright?!" Dan asked. "I...I'm fine", she groans. "I just... need to... rest for a little... b-bit". Charlotte can feel the poison take over her entire body, making her muscles go numb. Her stomach was twisting and turning, making her feel like she was gonna throw up. Charlotte could only do one thing, sit back, rest and wait until the poison wears off. Dan sits up and looks at the girl who just saved him. She looks so young, so youthful, how can a girl at this age have so much experience in fighting crime? It's been like this for the past 4 years of her life and she doesn't regret a single bit of her career as a hero.

"Your name!". Dan asks. Charlotte weakly looks up at the lieutenant. "Huh?", she asked. Dan then asks again. "Your name! I'd like to know your name! Your true name!". Charlotte goes into thought," I don't know", she says. "I'm not the type of person to go around telling people who I am". "Please!", Dan begged. "I just want to know your name! I won't tell a soul! Your secret is with me!". Charlotte goes into deep thought. "Hmmmm", after a little bit of thought, she made up her mind. "I guess telling you my name won't hurt too much", she says. "My true name is...".

Suddenly her Spider senses go off.

To be continued

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