The City of Hawks

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Europe: Falconia

Two days later

Griffith has gotten word about SpiderWoman's capture by the Sinister Six. It has been two days and the villains will be here soon with his bounty and they will be rewarded. He has been waiting for the return of Guts for centuries and now it has happened, he can have him for himself now for Gut has been reincarnated in the form of a girl. His desires have been going into overdrive for he has been a lone King for centuries since the death of Princess Charlotte and now he can have another Queen, in the form of his former friend.

The massive doors of the castle open and the Sinister Six all walk in. Octavius was holding Charlotte with his robotic arms. She was restrained with a special chain that was created to withstand her immense strength. Mostly, she was under a powerful sedative that knocked her unconscious to prevent her from making noise and to stop her from making any attempts at escaping.

Griffith smiles with satisfaction at seeing SpiderWoman being brought here to Falconia. "You've brought in the Spider", he spoke. "I am thankful". Octavius hands Charlotte over to one of the guards. "Now, our reward". Octavius demands. "As yes, you shall be granted the best possible reward I can give". Griffith remarked. "Your reward for catching and bringing in my reincarnated soldier, I give you all, the highest achieved honour and payment of 75 million each". The villains all bow down to thank the king before they were excused.

Griffith walks up to the guards and looks down at Charlotte who is motionless in his arms. He then pulls off her mask, revealing her face which brought him so much joy. Through her facial features, Griffith saw the presence of Guts, bringing him back to the times of the Band of the Hawk. He takes her into his arms and begins walking away to his chambers. "After all of these years, I've finally got you back", he explained. "You now belong to me, Black Swordsman".

Charlotte can feel herself regaining consciousness. The moment she opened her eyes she found herself in a large room on a bed. She threw the covers off and stepped off the bed. She examines herself to find that she is still in her suit but her mask is missing, along with her gear, cloak and armour. Suddenly, a group of well-dressed maids approached her and greeted the confused Superhero.

"Morning, milady", they greet. "Now to dress you out of that silly-looking suit". Charlotte took a step back away from the maids. "Who the hell are you?" She asked sternly. "And where am I?". The maids were quick to sense her hostility. "Answer me! Where am I?!", Charlotte snapped. "Oh, Milady, you're in the castle of Falconia", one of the maids responds. Charlotte felt a sense of shock hit her, no... she couldn't be here. Not in the city that is ruled by a member of the God-Hand! Those damn bastards brought her here so she can rot with that Hawk Demon.

Charlotte pushes past the maids and runs out of the room since no shackles are holding her back. "Hey! Where are you going Milady!?". One of the maids calls out. She ignores them, her only objective is to get out here and fast. "GUARDS!! STOP HER!!". The maids call out.

As Charlotte dashes down the corridors, she finds herself surrounded by guards, all with swords and spears. 'Good thing those guys don't have guns!'. She thought to herself. 'Otherwise, I'll be in serious trouble'. She skeets to a stop when a wall of guards blocks her path. "SEIZE HER!!". The commander commands. Charlotte shoots her webs up to the ceiling, leaps up and sticks to the ceiling like a spider. She crawled away as the guards tried to reach her with their spears but they couldn't even get close. "HAHAHAH!!! THEY CAN'T GET ME!!", she laughs. "TALLY HO, LADS!!!".

She crawls on the ceiling and swings around the pillars with her webs. Eventually, she sees a huge open that leads to the outside world of the castle. "Yes!", she cheers. "I'm gonna make it! And when I get outta here I'm gonna go back home!". Just as she was about to leap out of the opening, she suddenly got a twitch and was suddenly struck down by a massive hand and pinned down to the ground. She struggles and squirms, frantically trying to get out of its grip but it has a hard tight grip on her.

"Where do you think you're going, girl!?". Zodd taunts. Charlotte looks up at the beast with fear and frustration. "You..! Let.. go... of m-me! Nrh!". She groans. The guards surround Charlotte and point their spears at her. Zodd gives her a concussive squeeze which causes some bones to crack. "Take her to the dungeons and teach her a lesson!". He commands and lets go of Charlotte who just loads there in pain from being squeezed. The guards grabbed her and dragged her away down to the dungeons.

"Lord Griffith", the minister greets. "The Spider has been contained. She has tried to escape but luckily Zodd managed to catch her. She's now in the dungeon to be disciplined and punished". Griffith stands by the balcony and watches over the city that he has been ruling for almost a millennium. He smirks before turning to the minister.

"I'm glad to hear that", he remarked. "I don't want to lose my Queen after just one day of bringing her here. You are dismissed". The lord bows before leaving. Griffith leans over the balcony railing and stares over his city. He has longed for the return of his old friends and the first thing she did was try to escape. He can't have that happen, not after all of these years. He just hopes that whatever the torturer has to offer to her, he better make sure he teaches her a lesson to not run off again.

To be continued

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