Trouble in the trees

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It was a warm day outside. The sun rages its heat on the great Australian bush forest as the trees provide shade from the light but the humidity is merciless. Charlotte is currently wandering around the bush trail while in her spider suit. She has heard of rumours that children have been disappearing around the area and decided that now is the time to go hunting for the culprit. Her black suit was absorbing the heat from the sun but she didn't seem affected by the heat.

Charlotte soon came by the creek that is said to be the last location of the mission children. She takes a look around but sees nothing suspicious. She then walks up to the creek and looks down into the water." did the kids drown? There's no way in hell a bunch of kids can just disappear just like that" Charlotte mumbled to herself. Suddenly her spider tingle went off and she could sense the presence of something. She looks around frantically, spotting something floating over the water. Charlotte tried to make out what it was but it suddenly took off, flying away and leaving her in a confused state."what the hell was that?" She asked.

Up above. The figure was flying high above, lost in its thoughts as it glided towards its nesting ground.' there's no way that he's back, it's been hundreds of years but why can I sense his presence in that person?'.

Charlotte runs along the trees and bushes in the same direction as the creature did before it disappeared. The ground was littered with leaves and other debris that were perfect fuel for a massive bushfire to break out. "Come on! At least do some backburning while you're at it!" Charlotte wines."don't want a repeat of Black Summer!".

Charlotte skits to a stop when she comes across something that she's never seen in her life. In front of her was an orchard of trees that had strange-looking looking slimy objects hanging from above. Some were small while others were big enough to fit an entire human child in it. Charlotte took a closer look at the objects and saw something inside. Then the object bursts open and a little figure emerges, it looks like a tiny person with bee wings, a stinger and even bee antennas.

The realisation hits Charlotte as she now knows that these objects are all cocoons. Charlotte may have encountered strange things before but this is on a whole new level of crazy.

"So, you've followed me here" a voice spoke. Charlotte turns to see a woman with huge butterfly wings for hair standing on top of a branch. Flying around her are little bee people all with stern expressions on their faces. Charlotte goes into a stance."Who are you!?" She yells."Are you the one responsible for the disappearance of children in this area!?" The elf woman chuckles. "So you must be the one sent out to find these children. Well sorry to disappoint you but they're already gone, they've willingly given up their humanity and become a part of my little family of elves".

Charlotte gasp at the elf woman's statement, before cursing her "Damn you! How could you!" The elf lady laughs madly. "Oh please, it's hilarious seeing you humans yell out in anger. You think you can stop me and my army you're sadly mistaken. The name is Rosine by the way, the reason why I'm telling you my name is because it will be the last thing you'll remember before you die!" Two antennas shoot out from Rosine's forehead and the elves transform into bee-like creatures that all rush in at Charlotte.

Charlotte shoots her webs and starts swinging away from the area for she has no idea how to fight these things. 'Damn! What the hell are those things!? And that woman, there is no doubt she isn't human!' Charlotte yells in her head. 'How the hell do I fight this thing?!'.

Charlotte then creates cobwebs that stretch out across the trees, catching most of the elves but some manage to slip past her trap. 'I need to think of a way to get rid of those cocoons!' Charlotte thought. 'But how?'. Then she noticed something on the ground, it was a piece of glass that was just on the ground. Then Charlotte thought of an idea, it was a crazy and discriminatory idea but it will work. She swings down and picks up the shard. 'I'm gonna set this area on fire and hopefully burn these insects back to hell!'. She states.

She raises the glass up high towards the sun. The sun's rays then pick up on the glass and create a laser that ignites a leaf that quickly turns into a small fire that begins spreading to other leaves. Then next thing Charlotte knew, her senses went off and she was suddenly tackled and carried up high by Rosine. "Trying to create a little fire show?" She taunts. "You won't last long before you get to see your little spark of flame reach its glory!" Charlotte grins under her mask." we'll see about that!" She states.

Nueva York 2099 (Earth 928)

"Miguel I have news" a hologram woman spoke. "Not now Lyla, I'm busy" a man said while looking at his screens. "Miguel, I've just discovered a new universe and you're gonna see what's currently happening in it." The hologram woman said." what's the new world called?" The man asked. "It's called Earth 1697783089, and the Spider Variant is a woman and she's not from New York" the Hologram woman explained. The man sighs as he loads a screen to the newly discovered earth. "This better be good" he mopes. The screen then loads up and shows the Spider Variant wrestling with an elf-like woman in the air over a huge bushland while a fire grows and rages from below.

"What the Shock!" The man gasped. "Is that..!?" "Yes Miguel, that's the Spider Variant" The woman says. "she's currently fighting some sort of demon or some sort. Should we send in someone?" Miguel thought for a moment before saying. "No, not at this moment, I'll look into her and decide if she is worth having around". Lyla hums. "Alright, suit yourself" She then disappears.

Charlotte and Rosine wrestle with each other above the trees for a good solid 5 minutes. Charlotte had even used the glass shard to leave cuts on Rosine's body. Finally, Rosine manages to slip free of Charlotte and sends her falling back down to the ground but Charlotte catches herself using her webs. "Not bad, for a human" Rosine says. "But...". A swarm of Elves emerge and surrounds Charlotte. "See this, there are so many of them! You won't win if they all attack you at once!" Rosine states. "This is punishment for wandering into the emerging grounds! Everyone! Chew her up and do it slowly!"

The elves all rushed in. Charlotte couldn't take them all at once and used her arms to shield herself from the elves as they all began biting her ripping her suit and cutting her skin. Charlotte groans and yells in pain as the elves cut at her skin and stain her suit with blood. "Bye-bye, miss SpiderWoman, you were kinda fun" Rosine taunts while grinning. Just when Rosine thought she had won, Charlotte dashes towards the fire that has grown into a full-blown Bushfire that is now consuming the Emerging Grounds. Charlotte herself wasn't thinking, she was acting on pure instinct and the pain around her body had propelled her towards the blaze and eventually run into it, letting the fire around her engulf her.

The elves that were biting her all screamed out as their bodies burned up and were incinerated by the flames. Charlotte wasn't even affected by the fire as she stood in the middle of the flames. Even her suit wasn't even burning up despite how hot the fire was.

Rosine stood there in complete shock as Charlotte emerged from the flames completely unfazed. "W-what?!" She stuttered. "Impossible! What the hell are you!?"

To be continued

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