The scumbfull pooch

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2 weeks later

Somewhere in Siberia

Deep within the wilderness of Siberia, Charlotte rides across the snowy plains on her majestic white horse which she has formed a connection with and named Jebodiah. Winter is just around the corner and already there entirely of the Siberian countryside is covered in a thick layer of snow and the temperatures have dropped to below freezing, anything that she has experienced before.

Charlotte has been surviving by eating wild fruits and Hunter wildlife such as deer. She managed to get ahold of winter clothing to help keep her warm. Her arm has been healing thanks to the armour stabilizing it and letting it heal properly. Charlotte couldn't remember much from the fight against Grunbeld but the most important thing was that she felt a little odd, her left had been getting pins and needles from time to time which was a bit weird.

The sun was now setting below the horizon and it was getting dark. Charlotte decided it was now time to settle down for the night, she set up a fire and took off her armour but left her right arm armour on because she couldn't take it off due to the metal spikes stabilizing the bone. She sets the armour down by a tree and sets up her sleeping bag before warming up some deer meat for dinner. Charlotte was told by some locals not too long ago that a blizzard is set to hit tomorrow, which means she has to find a place where she can wait out the storm before setting off again. After eating her meal, she collapsed onto her sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep.

Charlotte was suddenly awakened from a twitch. She sits up and looks around, spotting light in the distance. She didn't know where the light was from but her twitch was telling her that it wasn't something good. "Must be a bushfire over there...", she mumbled to herself. "I should go check it out". She stood up and walked over to her armour. Just as she reaches out to put it on, her sense goes off and she narrowly dodges an attack from a massive javelin spear that knocks the armour away from her and scatters the pieces across the snow. Charlotte looks over to see an army of knights on horses led by a huge man with a canine facial structure. The most horrifying thing about the group was that they were all parading mutilated corpses of women and children on pikes.

Charlotte was horrified at the sight. The leader spots her and immediately takes an interest in her. "Well, well, look what we have here". He spoke. "A pretty girly is out here on her own! Not only that, she has the suit that the Hawk of Light is after!". Charlotte pulls out her sword and gets into a stance, she doesn't have time to put on the armour. "Say I don't know why I'm here", the demon spoke. "One moment I was laying and the next thing I knew I fell through a black hole and ended up in a place like this. And now I can play around with this cute little girly out here in the woods". Charlotte has already had enough of this pooch, she charges in and attempts to slash him but is stopped when the demon grabs her by the handle.

Charlotte was surprised at the demon's speed and decision to grab her. "Hoho, that's a big toy you got there little girl", he cooed. "So... what will you do now?". Charlotte tried to pull away but the demon's strength was unlike any she'd experienced before. She then tries to bite him on the hand and inject him with her venom but the demon delivers a strong kick and knocks her back. Charlotte had even let go of her sword which is now in the hands of the devil dog. "So, you bite?" He spoke. "This is interesting". He then reaches down and pulls out a log instead of a sword. "Let us have some fun before our intimacy!".

Charlotte leaps into the air and webshots around the trees. She begins shooting her webs at the pooch and tries to string him up but the apostle's strength allows him to break free with ease. Meanwhile, the soldiers all stood by and as their lead started to struggle against the web-slinging woman. "You've gotta use something better than a big stick doggy boy!", Charlotte taunts. This somewhat angers the pooch as he jumps off his horse and punches a nearby tree, causing it to fall on top of his soldiers. Charlotte is a bit surprised at the demon's strength but continues swinging. The demon then picks up the tree and throws it at Charlotte who narrowly avoids it.

"Hahah! You missed me!", she laughs. She expected an angry response from the demon, but instead, he was grinning. "My my! You are fast for a woman", he spoke. "The fund just begun and already you've driven me to the edge!". Suddenly, smoke emerges and engulfs the apostle. "So now... I'll start taking this party seriously!". Charlotte watches as the pooch transforms into his apostle form which looks like a giant ape-looking being with a huge mouth on its chest and 3 large eyes. Charlotte was tiny compared to the demon but was still confident that she could beat him.

The demon grabs hold of a tree and rips it out from its root. He then begins swatting it around to try and swat Charlotte like a fly but she herself is fast. "Damn you little bug!", he yells. "I'll crush you!". Charlotte grins arrogantly since she was starting to get on the demon's nerves. Suddenly she stuffs up landing on a branch and ends up slipping. "Woah! Oh shit-". The demon takes advantage of her mistake and swats her with the tree and sends her flying across the forest, landing in the snow. She wasn't hurt too badly, but just as she was trying to get back up she got a twitch and saw the demon had leaped into the air towards her. "Wyald Jump!!", he cries. Charlotte tried to move out of the way but the demon, now known as Wyald, stomps down on top of both of her legs.

Charlotte let out a scream of agony as she felt every bone in her legs get crushed under Wyald's feet. "Whoops". He spoke. "It appears I accidentally squashed both of your legs". Wyald lifts his foot off of her legs. Charlotte now knows she has been defeated, her legs are broken and she can't fight back or get away. "Looks like I win little girl". Wyald cheers. "Now we can get down and do the deed that we've been delaying up until now". Wyald reaches down for her but suddenly a portal appears underneath Charlotte and she falls right through it before it closes.

Wyald stood there in shock. "What?!", he yelled in disbelief. "How could this have happened!? I've been denied once again!!". He then proceeded to tear down the forest in a fit of rage.

To be continued

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