The Time of Arrival

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One month later

It has been a month since Charlotte's fight with Isutitia. Her body has fully recovered and she has been training for the time being. The sword and dagger she managed to get came in handy. She has been using them in training and as a result of using swords, her muscles have gotten bigger and most importantly, they've gotten heaps stronger. Charlotte has even trained herself to swing on webs with one hand and use her sword with the other. The armour that she stole from Kingpin was also useful for she can use it to protect herself from attacks.

Today is the day of the eclipse. Charlotte is swinging around Sydney. Charlotte has created leather casings for her weapons and her armour covered her arms and legs from the elbow and knees down.

"Okay, during a time like this, what might happen for strange things to happen?" Charlotte thought to herself. Eventually, Charlotte finds herself in the botanic gardens next to the art gallery. She notices something off with the area. During a time like this, there would be dozens of people gathering around to watch the eclipse but all she could see was a group of people gathered around the centre. Confusion sweeps over Charlotte and she decides to move for a closer look.

As Charlotte moves in, a dark shadow moves over the sun, casting a shadow over the earth. When Charlotte got a closer look, she saw that the group of people were Kingpin's personal bodyguards and scientists. Among them was Kingpin's daughter, Penelope Kingpin. She also has something in her hand. It was a crimson-looking egg thing with a deformed face. Penelope was also holding a pocket knife in her hand, bringing it up to her palm before slicing it open, letting blood ooze onto the crimson egg.

The moon fully covers the sun into a total solar eclipse. A ring of fire rages behind the moon as the face of the Crimson Behelit rearranges and strange people begin to gather around the group, all with eagerness on their expressions. The Behelit lets out a strange roar, and the land suddenly transforms. Everyone gasped and frantically looked around as the land around them now looked unrecognisable. The land around them looked like hills of giant faces that were made up of smaller faces. The sky is dark and the only light source was the runs rays that raged behind the moon.

"Woah! What's going on!?" Someone asked. "What's happening?!" "Where the hell are we!?" "Is this a dream?!". Everyone was asking random questions. Charlotte on the other hand was frantically looking around, her mind was trying to process what was happening. Meanwhile, the strange naked people surrounding the group all began chanting.

"The time has come"

"The time of the great nocturnal festival!!"

"The feast that happens once every 216 years"

"This is the eclipse!!"

"They come!!"

"They are coming"

"The advent!!"

"The sovereigns of the supreme beings!!"

"The advent of the 8 Guardian Angels!!"

Suddenly the beings all cheer as a woman suddenly emerges from the plains of faces. She stands up and opens up her massive black wings, giving them a few flaps before they morph into demon-like wings. Everyone stood there was surprise. Suddenly there was the sound of giggling, then a weird-looking entity fell from the sky and towards everyone in the crowd who all flinched and cowered down, expecting to be crushed but were all met with a little floating being with a weird-looking grin on its face. Then another being appears from the ground of faces that resembles an opera singer.

From up above, a dark shadow appears and morphs into a strange figure. Before long, it turns into another entity that has a brain for a head and a long cloak that covers its entire body. Next, there was the found of flapping and a flacon-like entity appeared and swooped down before landing next to the 4 other entities. Then a surge of fire appears and a 6th entity appears that resembles a man with horns and his lower half is a goat's body. Then a 7th entity appears that looks like a lion with a man's head and reptilian legs. Then came the 8th entity which resembles a child wearing a really long cloak that made it seem like a giant serpent that encircles the other entities.

The beings all cheer as the entities stand on top of a giant face hill and stare down at the crowd of people who look back up with shock and surprise. "Gods?" Charlotte shutters. "No, demons!!"

"At this great time of blessing," the brain entity started. "I bid thee welcome to this distant setting, this abstract time. Ye lambs of the ungodly god born of man, enjoy this sacred nocturnal festival to the fullest." The entity then points to Penelope. "Thee, honourable child consecrated by the laws of causality. The Rose". Everyone looks at Penelope with confusion. "Honourable child?" One said. "Laws of Causality?" Another said. Charlotte was beyond confused at this point.

"Thou art the chosen one. At this time, in this place, this one chosen by the hand of the great god. We art kinsmen, o bless Queen of grief". Charlotte's heart was beating out of her chest. Without thinking, she yells out. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!!?! FIRST YOU DRAGGED US INTO THIS GODDAMN SHIT HOLE AND THEN YOU START SAYING WHATEVER YOU WANT!?!! JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE CALLING QUEEN OF GRIEF!?!! WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!!?!". The entities all began laughing, making Charlotte even more confused.

"Such words coming from a woman like you," the winged woman said. "But if it weren't for your spiteful relationship with this chosen one, you'd make an excellent sacrifice" Charlotte's heart sank to her stomach when she heard the word 'Sacrifice' leave the woman's mouth. "Yes, a precious sacrifice, so that she may become a demon" the woman explained. The floating entity jumps in. "From the moment you took possession of that crimson behelit, you had the qualities to become a demon. No, perhaps I should say that because you had those qualities, it fell into your hands. That you used the Behelit to summon us is evidence that you are qualified to be our kinsmen. After all, all apostles gathered here used Behelits to obtain their proper form."

Then it hit her, Charlotte remembered the previous monsters that she fought. Rosine and Zodd. Is it possible that they're both... Apostles!? Suddenly, the beings around the group all began to transform. Everyone watches with shock and fear as they witness the shocking transformations of the apostles that surround them.

"The time is now at hand for us to perform the invocation of doom" the Brain entity spoke. The opera entity then raises its hands as it chants. "Bring the child to the alter!". Suddenly the ground began to rumble, everyone watched on as the ground below Penelope shot up and formed a giant hand with Penelope now resting on the palm and the 8 entities were all standing on top of the fingers. The apostles all cheer and roar while everyone looks up at the hand of god.

"Are you afraid?" The Brain entity asked. "One such as yourself!? Of extraordinary beings such as us? Or perhaps of the future, you will follow?" The floating entity jumps in. "Before we enter the future, let's return once to the foundation of your past. Then you shall know what it is you are."

Then Penelope began seeing a vision. It was her, running along the streets of Sydney with a present and flowers for her boyfriend. "This is not an illusion," the floating entity said. "It is the reality within your conscious realm, Materialised within this dimensional plane." Penelope stopped dead in her tracks, a shocked expression on her face. There, in front of her very eyes was her boyfriend with another woman. Penelope drops the present and the roses she got for him and collapses to her knees and starts crying hysterically. Her world began shattering and before long, everything was just a void. Penelope clutches her chest as she can feel her own heart breaking. Tears fall from her face and onto the ground and even on the roses that she dropped.

"Yes, that is you," the floating entity said. Penelope was brought back to reality, her eyes flooded with tears. "Seeing your precious loved one betray you and that rose that caught your tears, that was you" the brain entity climbs in. "Now if your heart still believes in love, if that rose still lives on and grows from the tears of your heart, then pile it up, take all you have left, chant the words "I sacrifice" in your heart and you shall be granted rose thorns and peddles that shall blossom in the heavens. If it is reason that destiny transcends human intellect and makes playthings of children it is cause and effect that a child bear her evil and comfort destiny."

Penelope looks down at the scientist and bodyguards who she had grown to feel attached to for most of her life. They may only be workers and followers of her father but they have grown a connection between herself and them. Then she looks over to SpiderWoman. She then says her last words to her in her head, hoping that she will hear them. 'Forgive me for what you're about to witness'. Then deep in her heart, she chants two words.

"I sacrifice"

To be continued

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