The vanishing gate to hell

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A spark ignited on the vortex that is still raging on and the Skull Knight emerges from it with Charlotte riding holding onto him from behind. Hunter and James emerge from their hiding spot and see Charlotte in a bloody state. They both rushed over as Charlotte fell off the Skull Knight horse and landed with a thud on the ground. "CHARLOTTE!!" Hunter calls out. The Knight takes note of Hunter's reaction and sees that Hunter and James are Charlotte's friends.

"It appears this one is not destined to die just yet," he says. "Quickly, there is no time, see to her wounds". Hunter and James help Charlotte to her feet and sling her arms around their shoulders. Charlotte let out groans of pain and coughed up blood, her wounds were oozing blood and her suit was all torn up.

Zodd appears from behind and sees that Charlotte is alive, barely alive that is. "That girl! You mean that she's alive!? Another one survives the eclipse!? How very interesting!? Our fight shall be on hold for now due to this one's mad luck! Or should I say bad luck!! She may not have been branded but her fight is far from over!! You should hurry. Once the gate vanishes they'll all pour out!!". Hunter and James began picking up their pace and carrying a barely conscious Charlotte away. "Don't worry Charlotte! Just hang in there!". Hunter comforts.

Charlotte was drifting in and out of consciousness, she had already lost so much blood. "Please don't close your eyes! We're going to get you to a hospital!" Hunter begs. "Just don't die!".

High up above, the moon finally started moving away from the sun, sparking the end of the eclipse. The giant vortex in the middle of the botanical gardens vanishes and the apostles all begin to pour out. They all scattered in every direction and targeted areas with dozens of people watching. Screams of terror roar all across Sydney as all of the apostles attack and devour every person in their sight. Charlotte could hear all of the people screaming and felt sick to her stomach. The trio ran inside St Mary's Church which had people inside taking refuge from the beast.

James and Hunter carefully laid Charlotte down on her back and inspected her injuries. "My god...", James shudders. "These injuries, she took on those beasts inside that vortex?!", Hunter chimes in. "How is she even alive!?". Charlotte is struggling to stay conscious and is breathing heavily. She felt like she was gonna vomit but at the same time, her mental sanity had taken a massive hit and her view on reality would never be the same. She wanted to scream and cry but she was in a whole new level of shock.

Hunter and James notice the other people who are present in the Church and immediately covers Charlotte's face with her cloak hoodie. "We can't let anyone else see her face", Hunter explains. "Even tho she's injured we can't risk having her identity revealed to the world". James understood. Charlotte suddenly got a twitch and an Apostle that resembled a mutated alligator with wings burst through the roof, making everyone scream in terror and scramble. James and Hunter wasted no time picking Charlotte up and hurried to the far end of the church to hide but the beast chased after them. The boys thought that hiding underneath the chairs would be a good idea but now that the demons are here, it is pointless.

They make it pastor's stool and run behind the stool of candles. The apostles immediately knock the candle stool away, revealing their hiding spot. The apostle spots Charlotte. "So it appears the witness still lives!", it spoke. "Very well then, I'll devour you and these two other prey". The moment the beast said that sentence, Charlotte's protective instincts took over and she managed to get back up on her two feet and without thinking, lunged forward at the beast.

The Apostle wasted no time swatting Charlotte away like a fly, sending her into a wall. "Pathetic! She survived the entire eclipse only to be swatted like a fly!", the demon spat. "Oh well, guess I'll be eating you two boys". Hunter and James wrapped their arms around each other as they awaited their fate. "James! I just wanted to let you know that you are my best friend!". Hunter confesses. "I thought of you the same way!", James replies.

Just as the beast goes in for the kill, Charlotte jumps onto the monster's back and bites down on its shoulder, injecting her venom into it. The beast thrashes around, trying to throw her off who is holding on with one hand, her other arm is limp and looks to be bent, a clear sign that it is broken. After 20 seconds of thrashing, the demon stopped as it began to throw up blood and collapsed into a seizure before going limp. Charlotte finally lets go of the beast and wipes the blood off her mouth. Hunter and James sighed with relief. "Damn! I thought we were gonna die!", Hunter spoke.

Charlotte then collapses. The two boys rushed over to her to find her completely unconscious, her head had an open gash wound which was gushing blood, some had looked like it had gotten into her right eye and her left arm had been bent. The boys need to care for Charlotte until the demons have gone and it is safe to go out. The their minds, James and Hunter began to question the reality of this world and why there are demons.

"So, all this time, this world is full of demons!", Hunter James shudders. "Could this be when Charlotte recovers, does she have to go up against these demons from now on?". Hunter gulps. "I'm even surprised demons actually exist", he blurs. "I thought they were a fictional thing but now that I've seen them, I'm starting to see just how dangerous this planet really is". As for Charlotte, her bad luck is just about to get even worse

To be continued

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