Kraven the Hunter

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Weeks later

Weeks have passed since the incident in Bankstown. Charlotte has been stalking the man for weeks, learning everything about him. She learned that his name is Sergei Kravinoff but he goes by Kraven the Hunter. Judging by his accent he is Russian. She is still yet to know why he is after her and if his intentions are good or bad.

Liverpool: 26 Km from Sydney.

2:30 AM

A group of young teens were roaming around the train station. They were all dressed in their usual Adidas-style outfits and they all had vapes and knives. They have all gathered to do some illegal criminal stuff because that's what they felt like doing, it brought them joy making others feel fear.

As they were talking and planning on their next crime, a massive 6-foot Russian man walked by, not even paying any attention to them. "Oi mate!". One of the boys calls out to the man. "The fuck you walking to, dog!?". The man stops in his tracks, turns around and faces the foolish Eshay who dared to speak out to him. In his usual Russian accent, he spoke. "I'm looking... for the Spider". The boys laughed as if they heard a hilarious joke. "You're looking for SpiderWoman Brah!" One of the boys spoke. "Why are you after her?! That Bitch will knock your teeth out Brah!".

Kraven chuckles. "That's why I'm looking for her", he spoke. "I want to see how strong she is for myself. Now move along little boys, back to your mothers". The three boys didn't take Kraven's words too kindly. "Who you calling little boy Brah!?". One of the boys asked out hostility. "I will bloody floor you Brah!". Kraven scoffs and smacks the boy hard on the face. The three boys were in shock, no one had ever acted out on them like this before. They all ran away crying like the little boys they were.

Kraven sighs, clearly unamused by the Eshays. Suddenly he heard a whoosh coming from up above. He looked around to see who it was but saw no one. He shrugs it off as if it's just his mind playing tricks on him but when he looks ahead of him, he notices a figure on top of the stairway roof with the corner of his eye. He looked and to his surprise, it was SpiderWoman in her usual crouched pose.

"G'day mate". She greets. Kraven grins at the sight of SpiderWoman. "Finally, you've shown yourself after some time", he spoke, clearly overjoyed. Charlotte crawls around the stair roof on all fours. "I've been watching you for some time, Kraven". She said. "I even saw you kill Apostles with your bare hands, I'm impressed. But that's not why I'm here". She stops in her tracks. "I heard you're after me", she spoke sternly. "Why is that?".

Kraven scoffs. "I've heard so much about you", he said. "I wanted to see just how strong you are if you are worthy prey". Charlotte raises an eyebrow underneath her mask. "Prey?", she asked. "You see me as Prey? Don't make me laugh". She stood upright and jumped off the roof, landing just a few meters away from Kraven. "Only one way to find out", Kraven spoke and got into a fighting stance. Charlotte pulls out her sword and gets into a stance. "Let's see how long you can last against me!". She yells and charges at Kraven and swings her sword at him in an attempt to slash him, but is stopped when Kraven catches the blade with his hands. Charlotte is quick to react by delivering a powerful kick to his chest which sends him stumbling back a few feet.

"Not bad", Kraven grins, "you are good prey after all". Charlotte licks her fangs underneath her mask, she is getting excited that she has found a strong opponent who isn't an apostle. "Finally!", she blurs out. "Someone strong who isn't a demon! This should be fun!". Kraven picks up a rubbish bin and throws it at Charlotte, who slices it clean in half with her sword. Charlotte then attempts to slice Kraven but he leaps back by some cars, picks up one and throws it at her. Charlotte dodges the car like she does with other attacks from opponents. Kraven picks up more cars and begins throwing them at Charlotte but she dodges them all like a game of dodgeball.

Charlotte lungs at Kraven again and swings her sword around but he dodges all of the swings. Kraven delivers a powerful punch that sends Charlotte flying back but it doesn't seem to affect her. By now Charlottes has begun to notice the side effects of dawning the Berserker Armour, since her last psycho rage moment in the Spider Society her ability to feel pain had vanished. Her pain receptors had been damaged while she was going berserk which eliminated her ability to feel any form of physical pain. Charlotte charges in at Kraven again as if she was never hit by him and swings her sword with such speed, Kraven doesn't have enough time to react and he ends up getting a slash to his chest. Luckily for him, the cut wasn't bad enough to affect his ability to fight but it still stunned him.

Kraven leaps back and creates a fair bit of distance between him and SpiderWoman. Charlotte swings at him again but this time Kraven leaps out of the way again and jumps up onto the roof of the staircase ramp on the Train Station. Charlotte does the same and continues her onslaught of swings with her sword, landing a few good hits on him as she goes. Eventually, she has him backed up on the edge of the roof just above the train tracks. Kraven is now at her mercy. "Gotta say", He puffs from exhaustion. "I truly underestimated you, your powers give you such an enormous advantage". Charlotte grins underneath her mask.

"Underestimating me was your biggest mistake", she stated. "And now you die for it, you are nothing like what I have previously fought against". Just as Charlotte was about to land a killing blow, she was stopped when Kraven spoke. "Then I can assure you that I will beat you in a battle if I were to train more". Charlotte scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Should have thought of that before coming after me", she said. "As if I'd let you live to train to get up to my level, which you never will".

Just as Charlotte said that, a freight train appears and passes through the station below the two. Kraven took this opportunity to let himself fall back and land on top of one of the containers that was on the train. Charlotte was stunned at Kraven's daring escape. She'd go on and chase after him but for some reason, she didn't.

She sighs and watches the train move on with Kraven riding on top of one of the containers. "You know what... maybe I should give that guy a chance" she mumbles to herself. She turns away and begins walking away. "We shall fight again someday when you are truly ready"

To be continued

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