Justice vs True Hero

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Charlotte gets into a fighting stance. I'm her head, she knows she can take on this guy, now with armour on her shins, arms, hands and feet, she definitely has the upper hand. She has fought against bigger foes than this guy before so this will be a piece of cake. She then decided that web shooting wouldn't be necessary for she could sense that this was just an ordinary guy and not a monster this time.

"Isutitia is your name? That's cute" Charlotte cues. "Let's see how long you can last against me."  Isutitia just stared blankly at her, his eyes were cold. "I've been watching your every move SpiderWoman" he spoke. "When I'm done with you, I'll remove that mask of yours and show the world who you are. Don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're a woman." Charlotte scoffs. "I like to see you try big boy." She teased.

Isutitia goes into a stance and awaits for Charlotte to make the first move. Then Charlotte made her move and delivered a low turning kick to Isutitia's knee but it didn't seem to affect him. Charlotte moves back to leave distance between her and her opponent. 'He didn't lose his balance, let alone again he didn't even flinch!'. Charlotte said in her head. 'This guy is tough'. Charlotte then goes at Isutitia again and tries to deliver A High Spinning kick to his head but Isutitia sucks down and dodges her kick, making her lose balance but she catches herself and moves back to make more distance.

Charlotte charges in and tries to throw a jab but Isutitia blocks the jab and throws a punch of his own and hits her forearm but the armour prevents the attack from landing a scratch on her. "Not back". Isutitia spoke. "That armour of yours is no ordinary armour. But never the less, I will have you destroyed!!". Charlotte moves back a few feet away, in her head she thinks about this man. 'Damn, first he took on a low kick to the knee from an armoured foot, dodged my spinning kick and even blocked my jab! This man's abilities are incredible! Perhaps he is a monster but I can't feel his monstrosity!'.

Her thoughts are interrupted when Isutitia charges in to attack but Charlotte stops him by closing the distance with her leg. Both are now inside each other's range. Little did Charlotte know, he let her kick him on purpose, just to provoke her. Charlotte steps back again, feeling more cautious about her opponent. Usually, she would just go full-on out on her opponents but this time she is feeling more cautious, ever since her fight with Zodd, she has been more cautious since he did say that death will come and visit her. Just he said that would happen during the eclipse and that's in a month.

Isutitia then changes his stance which makes Charlotte nervous. 'What is he doing?' She thought in her head. 'He's changing his stance, what is he thinking?!'. Isutitia suddenly charges to attack. Charlotte attempted to break to the left but Isutitia circled around her and blocked her path and delivered a powerful punch to her side which she blocked with her arm, the armour deflected the force but it was still enough for Charlotte to feel it. 'Damn, he predicted my move!' She thought in her head. 'He's fast! This is bad!'.

Charlotte backs up to a safe distance but Isutitia moves and closes the distance. Charlotte attempts to throw a left jab but Isutitia ducks and avoids it and throws a right uppercut but Charlotte moves out of the way but is too slow when Isutitia throws a lower kick to her right hamstring which slightly throws her off balance but she quickly recovers it. Isutitia throws another turning kick but Charlotte blocks it with her armoured leg. She jumps back and starts throwing punches and kicks at rapid speeds but Isutitia blocks most of them.

'Damn! This guy is stronger than I expected!' Charlotte screams in her head. 'At this rate, I could lose!'. Isutitia then throws a jab. Charlotte leans back but the jab grazes her cheek and to her surprise, it rips through her mask and leaves a cut on her cheek. Charlotte sets back and regains her stance. 'I need to end this fight as quickly as possible!'. She states. Then Isutitia starts throwing punches at Charlotte but she dodges them all as her reaction time increases along with her reflexes. Unfortunately, Isutitia somehow managed to land a jab directly to Charlotte's face which threw her off for a split second but she was quick to regain her position.

Isutitia raises his fist and throws a jab but Charlotte manages to duck down and grab him by the arm before putting him into a jiu-jitsu triangle chock and begins strangling him. 'Yes, got him!'. Charlotte cheers in his head. 'Now all I need to do is strangle him unconscious and then I'll put on the rest of the armour'. Just then, Isutitia uses all of his strength to stand back up, bringing Charlotte up with him. Charlotte doesn't seem to be affected by it as she repositioned herself up Isutitia's body and put him into a chokehold from behind.

Isutitia pulls hard on Charlotte's arm, eventually pulling her arm free and eventually pulling her off with his immense strength and throwing her into the other room. Charlotte was quick to get back up and get back into her stance. Isutitia charges at her but this time Charlotte shoots her webs at him and ties him up completely with web and then uses all of her strength and throws him into a wall which collapses on top of him. Charlotte smirks with satisfaction. "Finally, I got his ass", she mumbled to herself. Suddenly Charlotte's senses went off as she felt the presence of someone behind her.

"Freeze!" It was Police Officer Dan Sullivan. "Put your heads up where I can see them!". Charlotte turns around and faces Sullivan. "Afternoon officer" she greets. "Glad you came just in time, I defeated this man who tried to assault me". "SpiderWoman! It's been a while" Sullivan growls. Charlotte frowns under her mask." it's been a week since we last saw each other" she said. "Plus I heard you're now a Captain of the NSW Police Force! Congratulations!".

Suddenly Charlotte got another twitch, a bad one. She glanced over to where Isutitia was and saw that he wasn't there. "Sullivan! Get outta here!" She yells. "He's still alive!" Before Sullivan could even react, the ground below the two collapsed and they both fell into the floor below into a large storage room full of boxes and crates. Charlotte tries to react and catch herself but was crushed by fall debris and momentarily blacks out.

To be continued

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