Spider Psycho

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2 months later

Charlotte stood on top of the tallest building Sydney, watching over the citizens as night fell upon the area. It had been 2 months since she and Kraven had fought and now she just got word that he was back. She has been on the hunt for the past 2 months for not only apostles but also the sinister 6, she hunted them all down one by one and gave them one hell of a bad time before sending them to their graves. She got word that he wanted her to meet up at Darling Harbour, and that's where she gonna meet him and see if he has improved.

The bodies of two young adults lay badly injured on the concrete ground. Kraven has another boy pinned up against the wall by his throat. The boy struggles against the hunter but Kraven's physical strength is far beyond normal. "No....wait... p-please!", the boy begs. Kraven says nothing and snaps the boy's neck like a twig before letting him go and letting him fall onto the ground. He wipes his hands clean of blood on his clothes, scoffing at the stains on his clothes.

Suddenly he senses someone nearby, he grins knowing who it is. "So you've come", he spoke, slowly turning to look up at the bridge where a figure is crouched on the railing. Charlotte can sense that Kraven has been training since the last time they met. "I can tell you've been training since the last time we met", Charlotte spoke, standing up, hopping off the bridge and landing in front of Kraven," So mr Kraven..." She blurs out, pulls out her sword and gets into a stance. "Let's see how much you've improved!". She takes a swing at Kraven who then dodges the blade and delivers a powerful turning kick to her and sends her flying back. Charlotte is quick to get back up to her feet, feeling surprised at Kraven's surprise counterattack.

"Not bad!", she stated. "You have indeed in proved". Kraven grins, "I told you I'd be able to reach up to your level in no time", he said. "It was a good thing that freight train came just in time". Charlotte charges at Kraven again and swings her sword again but this time Kraven catches it by its blade before giving Charlotte a good kick to the chest, sending her back a few feet and making her let go of her sword. Kraven inspects the sword before tossing it to the side. "Come on SpiderWoman, let's see how well you can fight me with your bare hands". He said. Charlotte thought it through and decided that it would be a fair fight without her sword. She puts her guard up and gets ready to throw her hands.

Kraven goes in to throw the first punch but Charlotte moves out of the way and throws rapid punches to his face which sends him flying back. 'Woah! Damn!', Kraven thought to himself. 'She's not holding back! Or maybe I haven't seen her yet!'. He gets back into his stance and inspects Charlotte's fighting stance. It looks similar to that of a Thai fighter, the most brutal form of martial arts out there. 'So this girl knows her way when it comes to hand-to-hand combat', Kraven acknowledges. 'I must say, even tho I've trained for 2 months nonstop, she might still beat me! But not before I rip off that mask and she who she is!'.

Kraven continues his onslaught of jabs and crosses in hopes of hitting Charlotte but she just keeps on dodging his attacks and lands attacks of her own which are hard and powerful which sends Kraven back a few times. 'Fool! You may be bigger than me but I've faced bigger threats than you!', Charlotte yells in her head. 'But since you lack the abilities of an apostle, you have little hope against me!'. Charlotte then leaps behind Kraven and goes in to deliver a punch with her left fist to the back of the neck to snap his neck from behind. 'This is where it ends here!', she chants in her mind, thinking that she has won.

Suddenly Kraven swiftly turns and grabs Charlotte's arm before she can even land then jab. Then he uses both hands to pull her arm and the bones disconnect by the elbow joint. He then twists the arm until the skin by the elbow joint begins to break. Charlotte is quick to leap forward and deliver a powerful head-bud to Kraven and make him let go of her arm. Charlotte steps back and inspects her arm. It was badly damaged, the arm was dislocated by the elbow joint and the skin had all but been broken off, the muscle tissue and the tendon were the only thing that was preventing her arm from falling off. "So... you managed to break my arm", Charlotte said calmly which somewhat Creeped out Kraven. "Gotta say, you have improved! Not to worry, you just made the fight a little more fair".

'How on earth is she so calm!?'. Kraven thought to himself. 'With an injury like that she should be screaming and crying in pain! But she isn't even making a single effort to reach to pain! Can she not feel any pain at all?!'. Charlotte changes her stance. "Shall we continue?", she taunts. Kraven snaps out of his thoughts and goes in for a hook punch but Charlotte ducks down and delivers a head-bud to his lower region which takes him off his balance. She took this opportunity to hit him with a roundhouse kick to his side and knock him off his feet.

"Heh! Even with one arm, I can still beat you!", Charlotte taunts. Kraven gets back up and charges at her, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up before slamming her into the ground. Charlotte gets back up as if she wasn't affected by being slammed and continues throwing punches with her only functional arm.

As Kraven continues to take on Charlotte's punches, he is analysing her abilities and reactions. 'So... with her reaction to her broken arm and the way she just got back up after being slammed into the ground,' Kraven concluded. 'It is clear that you aren't able to feel any pain at all!'.

After Kraven manages to deliver a powerful kick to Charlotte's side, she just keeps going as if she wasn't hit at all. It appears that the only way that Charlotte can be defeated is by death!

To be continued

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