Nosferatu Zodd

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2 weeks later

It has been two weeks since Charlotte's battle with Rosine. Her face wounds are almost fully healed along with her other bite marks from the smaller minor elves. The area where she fought had completely burned out of existence but the fire itself was quickly put under control by the firefighters.

Today she is currently in the city, swinging around from building to building. She got news of a situation that is currently happening in Saint Mary's Church near the botanical gardens. The police have the building surrounded and ambulances and even some military vehicles and personnel were present at the scene. Charlotte thought to herself. 'Uh, the defence force is here. This could be serious this time'.

Charlotte swings down and enters the church. Upon entering, Charlotte was greeted by piles of corpses on the ground, all mutilated and hacked to pieces. 'This corpse!' Charlotte thought in her head. 'Men in protective gear torn apart like dolls after a dog!!'. Charlotte begins wandering around the church. The inside was big but not too big. The entire Church was smeared with blood and corpses littered the ground, chairs and tables had been overturned if not smashed, and the religious paintings and statues were all wreaked.

Then Charlotte's senses went off, it was something bad. She turned around and was met with a huge naked man holding a huge sword that had two police officers impaled on it. The man was emitting a strange aura as he stared down at Charlotte with his cold gaze. "Woah! What that fu-?!" She yells out before being cut off by an attack by the beast of a man as he swings his massive sword and flings the dead officers off his blade. Charlotte jumps back, avoiding the blade and body's all altogether as she looks back at the man.

"You predicted my attack well, SpiderGirl," the man said. Charlotte's heart was beating at a fast rate. 'This aura... this is no ordinary man!' She says in her head. The man starts swinging his sword around at rapid speeds. Charlotte jumps up and webshoots away to a safe distance. "So, mind telling me who you are!?" Charlotte asked. "I fought against other villains but you're new so I need to know more about you before I take you down!" The man just looks at her and scoffs.

"So you've never heard of my stories, Girl" he scoffs. "I'm the one who has slaughtered thousands of men over the millennia! I'm the one who has had rumours spreading around about my death, only for me to return to the next battlefield! People have told stories about me for over millennia! I'm Nosferatu Zodd!" Charlotte looks at him with surprise. "A millennia!? Jeez, you're old!" She says. Zodd then starts swinging his sword at Charlotte, trying to land a hit on her but she is just too fast and her reflexes never fail her.

"You're too slow!" She taunts. "Not bad for an old man like you!" Zodd was starting to get frustrated with the fact that he couldn't even land a hit on her. "Superb! I can't even land a single hit on you! You're not a normal human aren't you!?" Charlotte then starts shooting her webs at Zodd and eventually ties him up in the web. "I enjoy your little display of sword swings but bows the time I throw you away in prison like I do with the other bad guys!", Charlotte states. "Hope you enjoy prison food!".

Suddenly, Zodd's body begins to emit a strange energy. The web's restraining his body broke off as his body began to transform. "What a surprise, you are not an ordinary human! You can stick to walls and create webs like a spider! You're not an apostle or a demon but you don't possess the traits of a normal human! You're the first human ever, to make me impressed!" Zodd had transformed from a tall muscular man to a huge beast that resembles a bear with huge horns and devil wings. "Now SpiderWoman! Let's see how long you can last against me!" He roars.

Charlotte couldn't believe her eyes. "Holly sweat and Eastern!" He shutters. Zodd launches an attack, Charlotte tries to jump out of the way but is quickly swatted down like a fly into a wall. She quickly got back up and barely dodged a punch attack from the beast but was quickly backhanded into another wall. Charlotte gets back up again and this time she starts webshooting around and tries to restrain Zodd again with her webs. "Fool! Your little tricks won't work a second time!" Zodd roars as he rips the webs of him like they are nothing.

'Damn! This isn't good!' Charlotte screams in her head. 'This is just like last time! He's not human like that moth bitch I fought 2 weeks ago! How do I beat this guy!?'. Zodd then opens his wings and punches a massive hole into the roof before taking off to the sky. Charlotte web shoots up and onto his back. She lifts her mask and attempts to bite down on him but Zodd reaches back and grabs Charlotte with his massive hand and brings her in front of him.

"How foolish of you to think that you can just jump on my back and bite me" he scoffs. "As if a little bit would do much to me!" He then grabs Charlotte's mask with his fingertips. "Now let's see who is behind this mask of yours," he says before ripping it off completely, revealing Charlotte's true face to him. For some odd reason, she looked familiar to the beast, as if she reminded him of someone. Then it hit him, could it be that this girl was him?

"So... you've returned, Black Swordsman" Zodd starts. "Even after death, you managed to reincarnate yourself into this mortal body in the shape of a girl!" Zodd lets go of Charlotte and lets her fall. She catches herself and lands on top of the Church, well what's left of it? "Our battle is on hold for now. But let me tell you something, when the next chosen one's ambition collapses, Death will come back to visit you once more!! And this time you can never escape!!" And with those words, Zodd flies away.

Charlotte watches Zodd fly away over Sydney. 'Death? You mean... I'm going to die...?' Charlotte thought in her head. 'And most importantly, who's the Black Swordsman?'. Charlotte then realises she no longer has her mask. She throws the hoodie of her cloak over her head and begins looking around for her mask. Eventually, she finds it and puts it back on before anyone can even see her face.

'Whatever that monster said, it can't be too good'. Charlotte thought in her head. 'Whatever that death might be, I guarantee be a brutal way out'. She then swings away from the scene as everyone watches onward.

To be continued

The Black Spider Woman (Under reconstruction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora