Hissy Grudge

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Charlotte falls through the portal and lands on the dark floor of a familiar laboratory. The impact of the fall caused immense pain in her already broken legs, causing her to let out a scream of pain. To make matters worse she felt a pain in her chest, signalling that her ribs were broken. "God, can't you just groan a little quieter!?", a familiar voice complains. Charlotte immediately turns her head and sees Miguel on top of his planform with an annoyed expression.

"You...!" Charlotte's expression quickly changes from shocked to enraged. For the past two weeks, Charlotte has been holding a grudge against Miguel for getting her captured and imprisoned in Falconia where she was tortured to the point she could barely stand. Miguel can tell she is not happy to see him, you can't blame her tho. "Rough day, aye?", he sarcastically said, infuriating her even more. "What the fuck you want?!", Charlotte hissed.

Miguel sighs. He knows she's not gonna take this very kindly. He mustered up all of his courage and spoke. "I need your help Charlotte". Charlotte had a change of look, at first it was a surprised look but it quickly changed into a face of seriousness and anger. Weeks of rage and hatred erupted from her mouth as she returned her words. "Are you fucking serious mate!? Is this why you brought me here after you made me go through all of that!? WHAT MADE YOU THINK IN YOUR GOD DAMN SHIT FOR BRIANS THAT I'LL HELP YOU AFTER GETTING ME CAPTURED AND TORTURED!!!".

"Look Charlotte I know you're angry but please hear me out". Miguel pleaded. "You getting captured was a canon event and if you didn't get captured it would disturb it!". Charlotte was just not having it. "Don't even get me started with that bullshit event you silly little cunt! If I could I'd flog your mutated science nerd ass right where you stand!". Lyla appears next to Miguel. "Man, she's really pissed off at you", she stated. "I see that", Miguel told her off. "Okay look, I'm sorry Charlotte, I know you're angry but please hear me on just this once more, I really need your help". Charlotte scoffs, "Even if I want to help you I can't, my legs are broken and my ribs have been smashed!".

Suddenly a portal opens and Charlotte's berserker armor falls through and lands on the ground a few meters away from her, a few moments later, her sword falls through the portal and lands on the floor. "You were saying?", Miguel asked. Charlotte lets out a sigh before speaking in a tired tone. "What's the problem?". Miguel clears his voice and explains the problem. "There are apostles from your word here in my world, even I and most of the variants here can't even take them all on, we need you Charlotte". This caught her attention, "how many?" She asked. Miguel gulps, never before in his life has he been so terrified in a situation.

"12". He blurs out. Charlotte hums in acknowledgment. "Quickly, help me put my armour on, now!". She said. Miguel jumps down and rushes over to help. He begins putting on the armour, being careful with the legs. "I can see you really need me, but just this once", she says sternly.

Within the streets and open areas of Nueve York, the variants all struggle to fight against the apostles that terrorize the city. Countless have fallen and a few might have been killed already. Jess is currently trying to take on a huge chameleon-like apostle that is wreaking havoc by using its only tongue to grab things to either eat them or throw them like missiles. "Damn! How can The Black Spider Woman even handle multiple demons at once? A whole army of spiders can't even take on one!", Jess complained, slightly admiring Charlotte's abilities to survive and defeat multiple demons at once.

Suddenly the demon grabs her bike with its tongue and yanks it away from Jess, causing her to fall and injure herself. The demon swallows her bike whole and turns its attention to Jess. 'Oh no! It's gonna eat me!'. Jess screams in her head. The demon shoots its tongue at her, Jess flints and awaits her fate but the tongue never makes contact. Jess opens her eyes to see Charlotte in the full berserker armour had appeared from outta nowhere and sliced off the chameleon apostle's tongue off with her sword. Charlotte goes on to slice the apostle into multiple parts in a matter of seconds with her sword, killing it. Jess couldn't believe her eyes, it was Charlotte alright but the armour she was wearing had completely changed her.

Charlotte dashes around the town, she quickly finds the other apostles. All of the other variants have either suffered serious injuries or have been defeated, a few are lying on the ground with injuries that are a clear sign that they are dead. The apostles all charged at Charlotte to kill her but Charlotte cut them all down with just a few swings. The Spider variants all watch as Charlotte's attacks become less human as she turns the tables on the demons. One variant had even shuddered to herself, "My god, she's a monster!".

The remaining apostles began running away from Charlotte who is now a demon herself, but before they could even get far, they were sliced into small chunks of flesh that splat onto the ground. Just when everyone thought it was done, a final apostle appears and approaches the raging spider. To everyone's surprise, it was Wyald, the demon that Charlotte was fighting earlier. "Well, well, would you look at this", Wyald grins. "It's our little swingy girly, man that's a terrifying set of armor you've got there-". Charlotte cuts him off and charges at him and swings her sword at full speed. With just one powerful swing, she slices off the giant demon's arm.

"Ow! My arm!". Wyald yells. "Geez you're not playing around! This is gonna be fun-". Charlotte cut him off by slicing both of his legs into small pieces and worked her way up to slicing his head off and into small pieces. The bodies of the apostles all turn back to their past human forms and their souls all flow down into the abyss of hell, the entire city of Nueva York has been saved. Everyone cheers and celebrates with victory, the monsters have all been defeated and everyone is safe.

Or so they thought.

To be continued

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