The Escape

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Charlotte dashes down the halls of the castle. It was massive and pure white and shiny, almost like heaven on earth. The armour that she was wearing was heavy and made loud shackling noises every time she moved. Her helmet was off which prevented the Armour's negative effects from affecting her. She skits to a stop when she notices a group of guards standing by pillars. 'Okay, there are 7 guards over by those pillars'. She stated in her head. 'I can easily take them all on. Just need to make sure none of them get away and alert the others'.

She crawls up onto the ceiling and over the guards who are unaware of her presence. She drops down onto the ground and before the guards can even react, they are sliced down by Charlotte using her sword. They didn't have time to even let out screams as they were cut down. Charlotte lets out a sigh of relief, thinking that no one saw her. Wrong.

A maid had seen her cutting down the guards. She took off and alerted the other guards. "Guards! Milady has escaped from her cell! And she's cut down a few guards and she's wearing the Berserker Armour!". The guards all gasped with shock. They readied their weapons and charged in even though Charlotte now possesses the Berserker Armour, an armour so dangerous it should only exist in a fictional world. Try Armour's power can turn anyone into a bloodthirsty monster, even the most kind-hearted people will not be able to resist the blood thirst of the Armour's power.

Upon arrival, they were all great to the sliced corpses of their comrades but Charlotte was nowhere to be seen. The area is drenched in blood and there were even bloody footprints that lead down the hall. "She went down that way!". The commander cries. They all began following the footsteps which eventually led up the walls and onto the ceiling.

Charlotte has been crawling up the walls of the castle, she crawls out through the openings and onto the roof. Upon climbing to the top she was greeted by a beautiful sight of the great helix tree. It was the most me thing that combined both God-hand and the living realm together. She snaps out of her thoughts and begins web-swinging down and into the town below. Upon landing on the ground, the townsfolk all glanced at her and felt a familiar presence in her. Charlotte looked around and saw a lot of people staring at her. She scoffs and dashes around the town, looking for a way out before the army comes and things will escalate into chaos. She comes across a stable that keeps dozens of horses, all white. Charlotte thought of a plan to escape, she could just steal a horse and use it to ride out of there and as far away as possible.

She heard the bells of the city start to ring, indicating the army was getting ready for something, most likely to chase her down and capture her. She quickly went into the sable and picked out a random horse that looked fast enough. She quickly saddles up the horse and mounts it and takes off riding away. Upon taking to the streets she suddenly got a twitch. She looked back and saw the whole Falconian Army was now in pursuit. "What!? Already?!", she yells. "Just great! It's gonna be a pain to get away from these guys!".

Up ahead she can see the gate that leads to the outside. Behind her are like 500,000 or maybe 800,000 men chasing after her on horses, all with swords despite it being the 21st century. The front gate was closing fast, Charlotte needed to be quick or else she'd be trapped like a bird in a cage. "Come on Mate!", she spoke to the horse. "Go as fast as you can!". The horse picks up speed and makes it through the gate just before it closes.

Charlotte cheers with victory as she rides along the bridge that leads to the rest of the world and escapes.

"Lord Griffith sir!". General Sharnks reported. "Charlotte, commonly referred to as SpiderWoman has escaped from the city along with the Berserker armour!". Griffith felt a sense of frustration build up inside of him. He just got her and she escaped just 2 days after arriving. He takes a deep breath before speaking. "Find her, bring her back before she gets too far away". The general bows before walking out of the room and ready his army to find the Black SpiderWoman. "Wait!" Griffith calls out. General Sharnks stops. "Yes my lord?", he asks. "I'll be leading the army, calling the war Apostles!". He commands. The General salutes before running off to collect the War Apostles.

Sure Charlotte can take on a huge apostle like Zodd but War Apostles are on another level of strength and abilities. She might struggle to take on a few at the same time, but with the help of the Berserker armour, she might just demolish the whole army. Griffith might even go into his demon form, even with the Berserker armour she might struggle against him. Charlotte's battles are about to get even more harder.

To be continued

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