The invincible Spider

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A portal opens up in Miguel's lab, within a few seconds both Charlotte and Kraven fall out from the portal and land with a thud. Even tho Charlotte could not feel pain she could even stand back up. Kraven on the other hand is on his knees and is coughing up blood, it didn't take him long to start throwing up. Miguel is standing on top of the platform high above, an expression of disappointment written all over his face.

Charlotte attempts to get back up, using her right arm to lift herself up but a sudden jolt causes her to collapse back into the ground. Then she got a sudden sensation in her stomach, the type of feeling you would get when you're about to throw up. She tries to get back up again but then she begins throwing up her own blood, most likely a result of having her organs damaged.

Kraven gets back up and looks around, unsure of where he is and how he got here. "What the hell is this place?", he asked himself. "Well would you look at that, it's 'Kraven' the Hunter!", someone spoke in the darkness. Kraven turns around to see a man in a pink dressing gown emerge from the darkness. Kraven is confused about why a man like him is doing here. "Who are you? Why am I here?", he asked the man. "Oh, don't ask me why you're here, you should be asking my friend Miguel up there", the man replied and pointed to Miguel. "Anyways Miguel, why did you bring him here?", "I wasn't supposed to bring him here Peter, he just happened to fall right through the the portal while I was bringing The Black SpiderWoman here", Miguel grumbled.

Peter looks down and sees Charlotte on the ground coughing up blood. He rushes over to her and kneels to her level, "oh my! Are you alright!?", he asked, helping her up. "Nah! Nah!", she groans. "That Russian...Bastard... r...really fucked me up!". Kraven scoffs and spits out blood onto the floor. "Looks like we know who's won, don't we little girl", he mockingly says. Charlotte grunts, she may have lost physically but her ego refuses to give up. "Nah, I'm not done yet you son of a bitch! I'm still standing!", she yells. "Yeah, with the help of a man", Kraven spoke. "What's wrong? Not gonna face me anymore big guy!?", Charlotte shouts," I may have some broken bones but I can still kick your ass!".

Kraven brushes her words off as a bluff and begins to walk away. "OI! Don't walk away!", Charlotte yells, "Our fight still hasn't ended!". Miguel rubs his temple seeing that Charlotte is still fighting even tho her body is completely fed at this point, and the situation that is currently happening in Earth-555 requires her help. Kraven didn't get a few meters close to the exit when Charlotte used her remaining functional leg to launch herself forward towards him. "Oi! I did we aren't done yet!", she yells, making Kraven turn around to face her and that was when she drives her fist straight into his abdomen, puncturing his intestines. The punch had even knocked him back a few meters into the hallway.

Kraven brings his knees up to his chest and doubles over in agony, his mouth drooling from the resulting lunch. Charlotte on the other hand has fallen onto her side, she gets back up and supports herself with her one leg. She knew Kraven might not get back up after sustaining such a blow to the stomach. "What's the matter? Does it hurt?", she mocks. "It was just a punch! I thought you had worse!". Charlotte hops over towards him. At that moment, Kraven knew if he didn't make a move, she might kill him. Just when Charlotte is just a few feet away from him, he springs up and drives his elbow into Charlotte's knee, bending it back in the opposite direction.

Charlotte lets out a gasp as she falls back. Both Peter and Miguel were shocked at Kraven's sudden attack and the sound of Charlotte's leg snapping. Charlotte is definitely not getting back up, how can she? Both of her legs are now broken. Leaven stood back up but was still in pain from Charlotte's punch which made him lean over while clutching his stomach. In her head, Charlotte thought to herself in complete shock. 'He... he broke my leg! Despite having been critically injured himself, he used his willpower to leap forward and bend my leg backwards!'.

Miguel leaps off the platform and rushes towards Charlotte, kneeling down to her to inspect the damage that has been done. Lyla appears and she too is horrified at the damage Charlotte has taken from the fight. "Oh my god! No Variant has taken such damage before". She shutters. "I'm even surprised that she's not even making any sound nor reacting in any form of way to her injuries. It's like... she can't feel any pain at all...".

Kraven then suddenly gets back up, spitting on the ground in an act to relieve his pain. "Damn.... That hurt!". He groans, "But it seems that I am the victor!". He begins to stumble away into the hallway. "I best be getting outta here. You have satisfied me SpiderWoman, you have managed to prove yourself to be worthy prey but I'll leave you free for now to recover". Miguel sees Kraven walking away into the society. "Hey!", he calls out. "STOP WHERE YOU ARE!!". He stood back up and went after Kraven. "PETER! Stay here and watch Charlotte! Make sure she's okay!". He commands and starts running after the hunter.

To be continued

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