Chapter 101

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I woke up early as usual, going through my routine before going to meet Lady Tsunade. I knocked on the door to Hokage’s office, getting permission to enter.

As usual Lady Shizune was attending to Lady Tsunade. “Y/n what bring you here?,” Lady Tsunade asked.

“I have an important information Lady Tsunade. Though it is not confirmed but we need to make preparations just in case,” I answered.

“What is it?,” Lady Tsunade asked turning serious. I told her about the information that I received last night from Shadow. Lady Tsunade’s eyes narrowed after hearing it.

“They have captured a few tailed beast already?,” Lady Tsunade asked. I nodded in confirmation.

“I received this info from the same informant as before. It can be trusted. They did mention the second piece of information regarding the attack isn’t confirmed. Naruto isn’t here which is concerning if they coincidently meet,” I revealed my concerns.

“I will take care of things so be ready when I send for you,” Lady Tsunade informed.

“Yes, Lady Tsunade,” I answered, taking my leaving after being dismissed. I went to the hospital as scheduled and continued about my day, trying to improve my healing speed.

I had improved a little but it wasn’t enough for me. I found out my team was back and went to greet them since there wasn’t much to do. Kakashi-sensei had been released from the hospital while the team was away.

Kakashi-sensei had come to get Naruto to begin his training. They went to report to Lady Tsunade and I bid them farewell. Going to market I bought various ingredients to cook.

I rushed home and started cooking a delicious meal for Naruto and packed it. I had a little bit of lunch, packing some snacks for me to much on later.

‘I am out for quite a lot of time. I’m definitely getting scolded but it’ll be fine since there are no emergencies. Plus Sango is there to make up for me not being there. I’ll go to Naruto before returning to the hospital quickly’ I thought as I left.

I found them where they said they would be. “Naruto-kun!,” I called out making Naruto and his clones to turn to look at me.

“Y/n!,” a dozen Naruto’s greeted me, making me laugh. I walked over to where Kakashi-sensei and Captain Yamato stood.

“So which is the real Naruto? Can you stop for some time?,” I asked.

“Hmm? Sure,” Naruto nodded, his clones poofing away. But as soon as he did, he almost fainted.

“Woah! Are you okay?!,” I asked as Kakashi-sensei caught him before he fell.

“I’m…fine. Just a little tired,” Naruto replied.

I held out the basket to him, “Take a break. You should eat something first. I made lunch.”

“Wow! Y/n’s home-made lunch!,” Naruto eagerly took the basket from me.

“So you made lunch for Naruto,” Kakashi-sensei muttered to himself.

“Share it with sensei and captain, okay? Since they doesn’t have anyone making lunch for them,” I teased them, snickering. Sensei looked over at me annoyed.

“Y/n you should respect your superiors,” Captain Yamato scolded.

“What? I only stated facts,” Y/n shrugged.

“Okay! I’ll share with them,” Naruto replied.

“There are also drink but you should drink it yourself. It will help with fatigue. I have to go now. If you get hurt or anything stop by the hospital. I’ll be there. I’ll heal you,” I said.

“Sure,” Naruto nodded and I left them alone as they took a break. As expected I got scolded for running away in between shift and promised to make up for it by staying until later.

Y/n’s POV

The next day Y/n made chakra pills for Naruto with the ingredients she bought yesterday. “Hmm. They seem good,” Y/n nodded to herself and wrapped them up in a pouch. She kept the pouch in the basket which had refreshments for Naruto.

With that Y/n left for the training grounds. On the way to meet Naruto, Y/n met Sai who was going in the opposite direction. Seeing Y/n coming towards him with a basket made Sai gasp in horror, “Sakura.”

“What?,” Y/n glared at him annoyed.

“Oh. Y/n. I’m sorry I just thought ut was Sakura since I saw her earlier,” Sai apologies.

“Fine. It’s a good thing I met you. Try this and tell me how they are,” Y/n opened the pouch reveal the chakra pills. Sai looks slightly scared.

“Eat it,” Y/n said in a demanding voice. Sai reluctantly takes one and bites into it.

“Oh. It’s taste good,” Sai spoke without realising.

“Really? Thanks Sai!,” Y/n said happily before skipping away to give them to Naruto.

As soon as Y/n reaches the open field she stops in her tracks, her smile falling as she stared at the scene before her. Sakura was returning after meeting Naruto.

“Y/n,” Sakura said.

“Sakura,” Y/n said as they got closer to each other with each step.

“You bought something for Naruto too?,” Sakura asked.

“Yes,” Y/n replied.

“Me too. You should go now meet him now since he seems to be taking a break,” Sakura said. Y/n glanced behind her to find Naruto eating the chakra pills even when he seemed to be choking.

“Later,” Sakura walked away, having no ill intentions.

Y/n got closer to them. “Y/n,” Naruto greeted her upon seeing her.

“Naruto-kun… Is that chakra pills? Is it good?,” Y/n asked looking at the basket.

“Yes! Sakura-chan made chakra pills for me! They are very bitter but Sakura-chan made them for me! I’m so happy!,” Naruto exclaimed.

Y/n’s face became blank. “Right. Of course,” Y/n said. Kakashi and Yamato knew Naruto messed up. Yamato was ready to break the fight if one occurred.

Y/n turned towards the two of them. “Here. You both make sure to finish this,” Y/n almost slammed the basket into Kakashi’s chest.

He took it and Y/n turned and left without a glance back. Kakashi and Yamato looked at each other with complicated expressions as Naruto called out to Y/n confused by her behaviour. Confused why she didn’t even speak to him and just went away.

“Why did Y/n leave? Did I do something wrong?,” Naruto turned towards the two confused.

“It’s complicated Naruto,” Kakashi replied.

Y/n went back to her shift in a bad mood. She had made refreshments and chakra pills for Naruto while giving up on her break, only to find he didn’t need them. Feeling hurt Y/n carried on with her day as usual.


Hey guys! How have you been? What do you think about this chapter? Like it? Not? Did you feel the emotions I am trying to portray? I sure hope you did. Thank you for reading! See you guys next year!
Take care 😘 Love you my precious readers 💕 Hugs for you ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ Have an amazing new year 😊

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