Chapter 99

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Later that night, all the friends sat at three tables. Sakura, Ino, Sai, Hinata, Y/n, Shika, Naruto and Choji sat at one table. On the opposite side table sat Lee, TenTen, Neji, Sango, Yuuto, Kiba and Shino.

(2 Tables like these on opposite sides of that passageway?)

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(2 Tables like these on opposite sides of that passageway?)

“Everyone! I’m glad to see everyone has come! I didn’t expect someone of you to actually come but I’m glad you’re here!,” Y/n shouted with laughter as she stood in the middle of the two tables.

“Hmph. I was not going to come but it is to celebrate your recovery they said,” Neji said.

“It was last minute. We have a mission tomorrow,” Shino said.

“I agree with you. She told us this morning before being discharged,” Sango nodded.

“What? Come on! You all came anyway! Stop ganging up on me!,” Y/n said with a pout. They all laughed.

Y/n gazed around her friends felling happy and it soon landed on Sai. “Oh right. Sai come here,” Y/n called.

“Yes?,” Sai came and stood besides her.

“Everyone! Let me introduce the new member of Team Kakashi. He is going to replace you-know-who. This is Sai,” Y/n introduced him cheerfully.

“Hello. I am Sai. Nice to meet you,” Sai greeted with a bow.

“Alright. Back to your seat! You guys can introduce yourselves while eating!,” Y/n said as they returned to their seats.

Ino scolded Choji for trying to start eating before introductions. “Come on. It’s fine. Right Sai? It’s going to take a while with how many of us are here after all!,” Y/n said.

“Yes. It’s fine. I don’t mind,” Sai replied.

“Um, I’m Akimichi Choji from the Akimichi clan. Nice to meet you, uh Sai, right?,” Choji said all the while drooling.

“Nice to meet you… uh…,” Sai trailed off.

Y/n’s head snapped up as she felt something is wrong. She stared at Sai. “Fa,” Sai was saying but Naruto slapped a hand on his mouth from across the table before he could say anything.

Y/n heard some of the words Naruto whispered to Sai – fatty, taboo. Y/n knew what that gut feeling was for. Their table almost got destroyed.

“Did he… start to say something just now?,” Choji asked.

“No, it’s nothing…,” Sakura laughed nervously.

“I see,” Choji started eating.

“It sure is tough to come up with nicknames…,” Sai mumbled.

“My name is Yamanaka Ino. My family owns the Yamanaka Flower Shop. Nice to meet you,” Ino introduced herself.

‘Heh. This is going to be amusing’ Y/n thought.

“Nice to meet you… uh… pretty lady,” Sai greeted surprising everyone.

“What?,” Y/n’s eyebrow twitched.

“Why did you say that when it’s Ino?!,” Sakura shouted going to hit Sai.

This was the first time in a while the twins shared the same feelings on a topic. “Stop it Sakura!,” Naruto shouted, holding her back.

“Sai. If you want all your bones to remain intact then don’t use nicknames for anyone. I will kill you,” Y/n said with a brightest grin as she showed her fist which had veins bulging out of anger.

‘He called Ino beautiful…. He dared to called her beautiful after calling me ugly! Looks like he has a death wish!’ Y/n strangled Sai in her mind.

“Okay,” Sai nodded seeing Y/n and Sakura react this way.

“Moving on! This is Shika! But only I can call him that!,” Y/n said with a grin as she snatched his piece of meat away.

“Y/n! Don’t steal my food!,” Shikamaru said giving on that piece and picking another.

“Are you two dating?,” Sai asked.

“What?,” Shikamaru asked.

“Why does everyone ask that?,” Y/n asked, confused.

“It’s because how you behave,” Shikamaru responded.

“But we are best friends and I am like that with Lee and Hinata as well. Especially Hinata. Would you ask the same then?,” Y/n asked. No one said anything to that. Shikamaru only sighed.

“Also I didn’t say we were best friends,” Shikamaru said. Y/n looked at him shocked.

“You didn’t deny it either!,” Sango said from the other table. Y/n giggled and hugged Shika’s arm.

“Ugh. Let go you troublesome woman,” Shikamaru said.

“Oh. This reminds me of the first day we met. I asked them the same thing too,” Yuuto recalled.

“That’s true,” Hinata agreed.

“Oh! I guess I really should keep some distance huh?,” Y/n mumbled, but people at her table heard her.

“Y/n you don’t need to listen to others say about you. Don’t bother,” Ino said.

“Huh? Oh no. I’m not saying it because of that. Actually something unexpected happened this afternoon during lunch,” Y/n mentioned. Shikamaru started choking on his food. Y/n handed him water.

“Y/n! You don’t need to bring it up,” Shikamaru said.

“I only remember it. It wasn’t like I am telling everyone. But since you bought it up this way…,” Y/n gave a wicked grin.

“Y/n!,” Shikamaru hissed. Y/n giggled as she told everyone what happened.

“Huh? They must not know your true colours,” Neji said.

“What! How mean of you Neji!,” Y/n pouted.

“Haha! I agree with him!,” Kiba barked a laugh. Y/n looked at him annoyed.

“Kiba don’t be mean to Y/n,” Hinata scolded him. Y/n looked at her with her eyes.

“My sweet Hinata!,” Y/n hugged her even when the side of table hurt her stomach.

“Y-Y/n let go,” Hinata blushed, embarrassed to have so many eyes on them.

“Fine. Fine,” Y/n let go with a grin and turned to Shika with a teasing grin.

“So~ About Temari…,” Y/n said. Shikamaru held Y/n in a headlock, abandoning his food.

“Ack! Let go! Let go!,” Y/n whined.

“No. You deserve it,” Shikamaru said. A few others agreed with him and shared a laugh.

Finally letting her go, Shikamaru turned to Sai, “I am Shikamaru Nara.” Sai greeted back.

“This her is my best friend too! My cute little Hinata!,” Y/n said swooning over her.

“Y/n! I told you not to call me that!,” Hinata slightly glared at her.

“Look at how cute she is!,” Y/n giggled. Everyone looked at Y/n weird, but Y/n didn’t care.

“Nice to meet you,” Sai said.

“N-Nice to meet you too. I’m Hinata Hyuga,” Hinata responded.

“Sai make sure you don’t be mean to my sweet Hinata or giv her any nicknames or you’ll pay for it,” Y/n showed her fist. Sai nodded.


Hey guys! Long time no see! I couldn't post last time since I was sick but I'm back! Thank you for waiting patiently or impatiently 😂😂 I'm glad to see you all again. Thank you for reading as always. Let me know if there are any mistakes or how you feel about this chapter.

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