Chapter 7

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Hello everyone. This is going to be a long chapter so hang on tight. Hope you like it. Don't forget to give your feedback. Take care. Have a great day ahead.


I am 9 years old now. It has been a year since Uchiha massacre. I miss nii-san and hope that he is okay. I still refuse to believe what anyone else says about nii-san. They didn’t even know him to judge him like that.

It was a bright sunny day. I was walking through academy training grounds and saw a boy being bullied for some reason. I went closer and heard what they said about him. They were bullying him because he couldn’t use ninjutsu or genjutsu and his taijutsu was weak. I walked up to them.

“Hey. You. Come with me”, I ordered the bowl cut boy.

“Who are you? You look younger than me. Why should I follow you?”, the boy asked.

“Just do as I say or else you wouldn’t want to find out what happens”, I replied irritated.

‘Argh I am trying to get him away from them. Why can’t he just shut up and follow me.’ I screamed mentally but kept my calm. Something I learnt over the year so I don’t punch someone because they were bad mouthing nii-san.

“Hey little girl. Just get lost. We are talking to him”, one of the guys said.

I got pissed at that. “How dare you call me a little girl?”, I yelled and started doing hand signs quickly as I practiced with Itachi nii-san a year and half ago.

“Sinkhole manipulation jutsu”, I yelled and applied almost half of my chakra since they were 3 of them. I yet haven’t controlled my chakra properly.

Suddenly all the bullied fell in the hole 4 feet in length. I yelled from top, “If you make me angry next time I’ll use all my chakra to make sure you are at least 8 feet underground”.

I turned to the bowl cut boy ordering him, “Follow me quietly unless you want to join them”.

The boy quietly followed me. I found Iruka sensei just in the other side of the building.

“Hey Iruka-sensei. There are 3 annoying brats that need your help. They are in a 4 feet long hole”, I smiled way too brightly.

“What did you do y/n? And who is he?”, Iruka-sensei demanded.

“Why do you think I did something?”, I pouted.

“Well you don’t smile that brightly at me unless you did something. So tell me what did you do”, Iruka-sensei demanded.

I sigh, “Well it was their fault. They started it. I didn’t do anything. I was just trying to take this boy with me since they were bullying him but then they started bullying me too. You can ask him if you want”.

“Is that true kid?”, Iruka-sensei asked the boy.

“Hai. They were bullying me then they were being mean to her so she got angry and used some jutsu on them”, the bowl cut boy answered.

“See Iruka-sensei. I am telling the truth”, I then turn to the boy as Iruka-sensei went to look for the kids.

"So what's your name?", I asked.

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