Chapter 21

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After leaving the academy, I waited for Naruto to come out. As I saw him, I waved him over.

I compliment Naruto, “Wow Naruto-kun! You were so cool back there!”.

“Really? Well, it was nothing special. Do you think Sakura would think so too?”, Naruto asked.

I got angry. “Why are you asking saying things like that?! Will Sakura this? Will Sakura that? Does her opinion matter more to you than mine? More than one of your friend’s opinion? Forget it! Just forget it!”, I said angrily and ran away.

Turning around the corner, I bumped into Hinata Hyuga who was there to probably watch Naruto.

“I-I’m s-sorry”, Hinata said.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it”, I replied getting up.

“U-um y-you like N-Naruto too, don’t you?”, Hinata asked.

“Let’s go. We’ll talk elsewhere”, I said taking Hinata’s hand and pulling her along.

We went to a tea shop. I was still angry, so I  ordered a lot of sweets. Hinata ordered a tea and a plate of dango. I spoke up as we took a seat, “Yes, I like Naruto-kun. I know you like him too”.

“B-But doesn’t he like Sakura?”, Hinata asked.

“Yeah, he does. I don’t know what he even likes about her. Like she is always after Sasuke and hitting Naruto. I dislike her so much. She is always mean to him, but he still likes her and it annoys me. He can have a better girl than her like me or you”, I rambled on frustrated.

Hinata was red as she said, “B-But I like Naruto-kun too… A-And you would b-be okay with me being h-his…. But why? You l-like him too”.

“I wouldn’t mind because I would know that he would have someone who would take good care of him. I would like to see him happy, so if it would be you who makes him happy then I’m okay with it. I just don’t like the fact that he likes Sakura who always just hits him and is harsh with him”, I replied honestly.

After that we chatted for a some time eating our food. “I-It was really nice to officially m-meet you. I w-would like to be y-your friend too. I always t-thought you wouldn’t like me, s-since we both like Naruto-kun. But your really nice”, Hinata said.

“Well I’m not my sister to just throw people away because of things like that. It would be petty of me to do so. I had a great time with you! If you are going to meet your team then I’ll like to come. I want to meet up with Kiba. If you would mind me coming along”, I said.

Hinata agreed and we both walked towards training grounds to meet with her team. We talked and laughed as we walked. When we reached the ground, I saw Kiba looking at us in shock.

“Umm.. why are you shocked Kiba?”, I asked confused.

“You’re friends? Like you and Hinata? You both know that you two like the same person, right?”, Kiba asked.

“Yes. So? That doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, can it?”, I asked.

“Well …”, He didn’t continue.

Then I saw a boy who I had only seen in our class at the academy. Kiba turned and smiled creepily, making me shiver a bit. Then he turned back to me.

“Y/n, this is Shino Aburame. Shino, this is y/n Haruno”, Kiba introduced.

“Hello! Nice to meet you!”, I greeted with a smile.

“Hello”, he greeted back.

Kiba then walked closer to Shino and whispered something in his ear to which Shino nodded. Then I saw insects coming out of Shino’s sleeves and I slowly backed away with fear.

The insects came at me and I ran around crying. “Kiba! Stop this! You know I hate insects! That I’m scared of them!”, I yelled.

He only laughed so I ran towards him and punched him chakra filled fist. He flew away and hit a tree hard losing his consciousness. I ran away as they bugs followed me.

I saw Shika and ran towards him, holding his arm with tears in my eyes looking up at him, “Help me! Save me! Hide me! Do something!”

Shika saw past me asking, “What did you do?! Why are bugs following you?!”

I just said Kiba and he understood. Taking my hand he ran towards his team. Choji saw my tears and asked what happened. I just pointed behind.

“Asuma-sensei, help us with the insects!”, Shika ask his sensei for help.

Asuma-sensei was going to help when Shino came out and stopped the bugs. I hid behind Shika holding his t-shirt.

Shino asked for forgiveness and told me Kiba said I liked insects and would become friends if he send them towards me.

I forgave him and told him to inform Kiba that I’m not gonna talk to him after he wakes up. I told Shino we can still be friends, if he can keep bugs away from me and he agreed. He then went back.

I sighed in relief and tried to calm myself. “You’re still holding my t-shirt”, Shika said.

“Sorry”, I said as I let go.

“This is the first time I ever saw you cry y/n. I only heard about it from Shikamaru but I couldn’t imagine you being so afraid of bugs… “, Choji said.

“So, what happened to Kiba? What did you mean after he wakes up?”, Shika asked.

“Well… He got what he deserved”, I replied angrily.

“Elaborate”, Shika urged.

“He just laughed when I told him to stop. So I punched him and he hit a tree behind him and lost consciousness”, I shrugged.

“Remind me not to get on your bad side”, Asuma-sensei mumbled shaking his head.

I giggled at that. Ino just had to act up. “Stop trying to seek attention. You won’t even be that strong so stop lying”, Ino said.

“You want to pick a fight? I’ll show you how weak you are”, I said looking down on her.

Getting annoyed she was going to agree to fight but Asuma-sensei stopped us. “No fighting outside exams”, he said.

I just shrugged and turned to Shika, “Thanks Shika”.

“What are you thanking me for? I didn’t do anything”, he asked.

“For trying to help me”, I smiled at him. 

“You’re the best, you know”, I continued.

“Thank you too sensei”, I bowed towards Asuma-sensei.

“It’s alright. We were going for BBQ, want to join us?”, He asked.

I shook my head, “ No. I have to clean my tools and prepare for tomorrow.”

They nodded and we said our parting words. Going home, I did what I had told them I would. Cleaned my weapons. Day ended as usual.

‘..Other than the fact that I made 2 new friends’ I smiled, drifting off to sleep.


Hey guys. I hope you like this chapter. There will be more chapters like these. They might be extra but might be necessary even if a little bit so I hope you understand. Have a great day ahead. Take care of yourself 😘 Love you guys ❤️ Hugs for you ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

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