Chapter 43

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Next day..
Today I was assigned a mission with Shino and two others. It was a small mission which was going to take 2-3 days. I went and informed sensei about my mission. We were called Team Yami due to the girl who was our captain. Later on, in the afternoon we left for our mission.

~ Time skip ~

Team Yami was returning to Konoha after completion of our mission. But I wasn’t aware of the big news that would come crashing down on me.

I ran alongside Shino quietly as to not disturb his peace. We reached the village gates and headed straight for Hokage Tower to give our mission report. Shikamaru had told me that he became a Chunin before I left. I was happy for him as I knew he had the capacity to be a Chunin.

We knocked on Hokage’s office door and heard Lady Tsunade say ‘come in’ and we walked inside. Lady Tsunade was sitting at her desk with papers and looked up as we filed in. We gave our mission report and Lady Tsunade told me to wait.

After everyone left Lady Tsunade said, “Y/n, Sasuke has left the village.”

I stood there blankly, processing it for a while before asking, “What do you mean ‘left the village'?”

“Sasuke will be a rogue ninja if they aren’t able to bring him back. They probably must be on their way back now,” Lady Tsunade informed me.

‘How could he…? How he could he do that?! Why did he go?’ I started thinking.

“Where is he going and why?,” I asked feeling hurt by him just leaving everything and everyone of us behind as if we meant nothing to him.

I felt much more hurt because he used to talk to me many a times. That he talked to me about his feelings sometime. That he trusted me more. And yet I wasn’t here this time. I wasn’t here to listen to him talk. I wasn’t here to try and stop him. I felt hurt that he left without saying anything.

“He is going to Orochimaru for power. That’s what Sakura said. She tried to stop him but he still left after making Sakura unconscious,” Lady Tsunade explained.

The hurt I was feeling was slowly turning into angry. I was getting angry at Sasuke for just leaving like that. I was getting angry for the reason he was ready to give everything up. I was angry because he left us all just to achieve power.

“Thank you Lady Tsunade. I’ll wait for them to return at the village gates,” I said before bowing with a blank face.

With that I left and waited for their return near the gates. When they returned I took a glance at the state they were in and my heart gave an anxious flutter. I could feel my heart beating faster.

Choji and Neji looked in worst state. Kiba and Akamaru were badly injured too. Sand siblings were with them. Shikamaru didn’t have any grave injuries making me feel a little relieved to know at least he isn’t harmed all that bad.

When I saw Lee with them though, I was filled with angry. I was angry that he went after them in the state he was in. He just had surgery 3-4 days ago and needed rest, but instead he went to fight. I made a note to deal with Lee later as we rushed them to hospital. There were medics with them already.

(Naruto episode 135)

Shikamaru and I sat side by side with Temari in front of us. We were outside Intensive Care Unit 6 where Choji was being treated. I noticed how Shika kept fidgeting with his fingers. Temari spoke up and Shika talked about his feelings a bit.

He spoke about how he felt like it was his fault and how he couldn’t do anything more for them. Shika stood and walked away and I followed after him.

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