Chapter 1

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Hello, I am Sakura’s younger twin sister. Y/n Haruno. I have pink hair and green eyes just like her but we have different face shape. Sakura’s face is triangle shaped while mine is round shaped. It makes me look cute. I have short shoulder length hair while my twin has long hair. I am a bit more on the girly side than my twin is and almost no one can resist my puppy dog eyes. I have tanned skin like dad while Sakura has fair skin like mom.

I have am bit of perfectionist and serious type of personality which I get from our mom. But I can be a bit outgoing and jovial like our dad. I am 6 years old now and going to start academy tomorrow. I have already picked out my outfit for tomorrow and kept it on my desk neatly folded. It’s same like my sister’s. I like my sister. She is very nice to me and takes care of me.

I hope I get to learn a few easy tricks to throw shuriken and kunai as soon as possible. I already know how to but it’s kind of difficult. I am so eager to learn all different types of tricks and jutsu. Till now I have only practiced Taijutsu and learned to warm up by spying on different genin team on training ground. I find them very intriguing and tend to make anyone my sensei. I love to learn and expand my knowledge. It’s one of my favourite things.

~ Next day ~

(Hello everyone. I am here to make academy timing clear. It will be from morning 9 till mid afternoon 2. So I hope that clear things up for story ahead. I’m sorry if it gets confusing for you ahead. But please be patient with me. Thank you)

I woke up early in the morning at 6. I am not a morning person but I can’t be lazy now. I will have to wake up this early everyday now. I am so excited to start academy today. I wonder what we will do today. After showering and dressing up I went downstairs for meditating like I have seen a person do on TV. They say it’s good for health. I wonder how.

After meditating for 30 minutes I left living room and walked into the dining room for my precious breakfast. Mom saw me and gave me my breakfast cereals and milk.
After breakfast I walked back upstairs to see if onee-chan was awake. I don’t want to be late for academy. We still have 1 hour 45 minutes.

‘Hmm who will come with us today. How much time would it take to go to academy? Is it near or far? I hope others are friendly or I don’t know what I’ll do. I guess I’ll just have to ignore them. Ugh what do I do? It’s just first day and I am getting headache thinking about these things. Maybe I am overthinking? Yeah probably. But what do I do now? I have so much time to spare’. I didn’t realise I was just standing outside onee-chan’s room and thinking until the door opened and Sakura bumped into me.

“I’m sorry Sakura. I wasn’t paying attention”, I said.

“It’s ok y/n. I was so excited that I didn’t think you could be here to wake me up. But don’t worry. I am already dressed up”, Sakura replied.

With that both of us walked down the stairs. Sakura went to eat breakfast and I walked into our backyard to do warm up. Then I walked to the tree where I do my target practice. I am not that good but I don’t have someone who can teach me tricks to do it easily. I practiced throwing shuriken while running.

After practicing for 30 minutes I went back inside. I took time to clean all my shuriken by the time I was done mom was already calling me to leave.

As we walked to the academy I saw a cute boy with yellow spikey hair. I remember him as the one getting bullied. ‘I hope he isn’t getting bullied anymore. I would like to be his friend. He is so cute too’ I thought.

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