Chapter 26

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(Naruto episode 44)

As beep was heard, the board displayed – Naruto Uzumaki vs Kiba Inuzuka. Both of them got hyped up for different reasons. Both stood facing each other and everyone’s eyes were on them. They just stood there, talking and finally the match began.

Kiba used his jutsu and went at Naruto hitting him with his elbow. Everyone started commenting about Naruto being a loser. “Come on Naruto-kun! Get up!”, Y/n shouted.

Kiba turned and started to leave. Slowly, Naruto got up, shocking them. They started talking and then Kiba and Akamaru ran at Naruto. Kiba threw smoke bombs, blocking everyone’s view of what was going on. Naruto ran out of the smoke, only to be attacked by Akamaru and back into the smoke.

Kiba had jumped away and as the smoke cleared, Naruto was seen laying on the ground with Akamaru at his side. Kiba spread his arms and Akamaru ran at him, but instead of going for hug, he bit Kiba. Everyone was stunned.

Akamaru poof and there was Naruto biting Kiba. Kiba began to search for Akamaru and Naruto clone help him up. They talked again and Kiba threw a chakra pill at Akamaru, eating one himself. Akamaru got a bit bigger and turned brown. Jumping away from Naruto and his clone poofed.

Kiba and Akamaru used their signature jutsu. Akamaru turned into Kiba with pointed nails and fangs just as Kiba’s fangs and nails grew. Both ran at Naruto, who jumped away. Kiba and Akamaru began to attack Naruto, running around and attacking from different directions.

They continued to attack and ran at him together. To dodge Kiba, Naruto jumped in the air, taking advantage of that he used Fang over Fang which hit Naruto sending him flying in the air. Naruto hit the ground with a bleeding forehead.

Kiba started taunting and laughing at Naruto. “Stupid Kiba! Just you wait! You’re gonna regret it!”, Y/n shouted angry.

'Kiba really pisses me off sometimes' Y/n thought angry.

(Naruto episode 45)

Kiba and Naruto talked again. Naruto slowly got up again. Kiba and Akamaru ran at Naruto again and used Fang over Fang. Naruto jumped into air but got hit by the jutsu. Kiba and Akamaru skid to opposite sides as they landed. Naruto sat up.

Kiba threw smoke bomb again obscuring everyone’s view. After being done with their attack they jumped away. Smoke disappeared and Naruto stood up once again. They talked and once again Kiba used smoke bombs, using Fang over Fang again.

Smoke disappeared and there were three Kiba left standing, looking at each other. Real Kiba attacked another Kiba sending him backwards, poof was heard and as smoke cleared there laid Akamaru. It shocked everyone.

Kiba turned and hit the other Kiba sending him backwards. There was a poof and Akamaru was there. Poof was heard from behind and Kiba turned around to find Naruto coming at him and kicking Kiba. Kiba fell backwards and was next to Akamaru. Naruto teased Kiba to get a raise our of him, but Kiba bit his hand calming down.

Naruto bragged about a new technique and Kiba went at Naruto as to not let him do it and threw shuriken, Naruto evaded them all. Kiba used his jutsu and ran at Naruto in a quick speed. Kiba hit Naruto who skid backwards, Naruto looked ahead but Kiba was already at his side and punched him, sending Naruto backwards.

Naruto got up once more but Kiba was already running at him in a fast speed and attacked him sending him flying backwards again. Kiba jumped at Naruto and scratched him with his animal like nails. Naruto caught a hold of his hand and threw him but Kiba landed perfectly.

Naruto was gathering chakra and Kiba ran at him full speed. Kiba scratched Naruto arms as he jumped away. Kiba ran at him again, scratching at his back. Naruto got up again, slowly, his body shaking a bit.

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