Chapter 20

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(Naruto episode 24)

Mr. Ibiki warned everyone not to fight without proctor’s permission or they would be disqualified.

“Now then, we will start the first test of the Chunin Exam! Turn in your applications, take one of the numbers in exchange and sit in the seat matching that number. After that we will hand out the papers for written test”, Mr. Ibiki instructed us.

As I suspected, Naruto-kun was terrified. We all took our seats. I checked for everyone’s positions. Naruto was very ahead of me. Sakura was just a few seats ahead. Sasuke was behind me, a bit further away from me.

After we were all seated and had papers with us, the proctor began to explain rules to us. As he explained them, I looked around seeing other proctors all lined up and keeping a keen eye on all of us.

He told us about point deduction system, points will be counted as a team and if one person gets zero everyone fails.

‘Oh no. What will we do? I hope Naruto-kun is at least able to solve one problem correctly. That’s all we need. Sakura, Sasuke and I can bring the team points up. We just need Naruto to get at least one point’ I thought as I moved my gaze towards Naruto.

Mr. Ibiki told us we have one hour for test and 45 minutes to complete the nine questions on paper. Last question will be given later. With that we began the test. 

I turned the page and looked through all the questions. ‘Hm. Unless you’re really smart or copy, you wouldn’t be able to do this test. I hope Naruto is able to solve at least the first one as it is the easiest one’ I thought.

I started solving the problems, imagining the scenario and writing down my answers. I finished my test as quickly as possible and sat with eyes closed to listen what’s happening around me.

‘This definitely is a good way to train your ears for the slightest sound or movement' I thought to myself as I continued.

Soon enough, I heard people being called out as they were caught cheating. ‘They were caught huh. But why would they not just disqualified when caught but use point deduction instead? Proctor said something about being exemplary shinobi. Hmmm’ I thought.

‘If I wouldn’t have been able to solve the questions, I would have cheated. Trying my best not to get caught… If I relate it to missions… That’s it! It’s a test to check out information gathering skills! If we get caught on missions we could die! That’s what they are trying to do! Kakashi-sensei taught us something similar during Bell test. It took me so long to realise it’ I thought.

(Naruto episode 25)

I opened my eyes as I heard the proctor announce it was time for the 10th question. He said he’ll be adding rules for the final question.

“Let me explain. These are the hopeless rules. First, you guys have to choose whether or not to take the 10th question”, Mr. Ibiki started.

‘What? What is he playing at now?’ I thought.

“If you choose not to take the exam, then your score will be zero. In other words, you fail! And of course, it goes for the other members of same group too! And… one more rule… If you choose to take it and are unable to answer it correctly, then you will have to… relinquish your right of taking Chunin exams forever”, Mr. Ibiki finished.
‘Say what now?! How is Naruto going to do this? He must be terrified. Sakura and Sasuke probably won’t forgive him or hate him for being on the same team. What do I do? This is so stupid!’ I thought worried.
Kiba started protesting that there are people re-taking the exams again. Mr. Ibiki just laughed and said we were unlucky to have him as our proctor.

“I did give you the option to go back. For those of you who aren’t confident, you can choose not to take it and take the exam next year or the year after that”, Mr. Ibiki laughed.

‘I’ll leave the decision on Naruto. We are a team. So we are in this together. At least I am. I wonder about others …' I sighed.

I saw just watching Naruto. After a while, he was raising his hand. ‘Well then, it’s decide I guess. There is always next year. What do I do to cheer him up after this?’ I was thinking when suddenly Naruto slammed his hand on the desk.

“Don’t underestimate me! I won’t run! I’ll take it. Even if I am stuck as a Genin forever, I’ll become a Hokage, no matter what it takes! I’m not scared!”, Naruto shouted.

‘Ahhhhh! He is so cool!’ I fangirled internally.

The proctor asked again if anyone wants to quit, but it seems like Naruto’s words influenced everyone as no one raised their hands.

“Alright then. For those who are still here… The first exam… You have passed it!”, Mr. Ibiki said shocking us.

Sakura asked what did it mean and proctor laughed and said making the choice to continue or not was the 10th question.

The sand girl asked if all these questions we answered were meaningless. The proctor told us the objective for it.

‘So I was correct! It was to test information gathering skills’ I thought.

Proctor began explaining things. I was shocked to know there were Chunin sitting with us for the test.

Mr Ibiki then removed this headband and I cringed at what I saw. There were horrible burn marks, nail punctures and scratches. I shivered at the sight.

He told us our lives depends on information we gather. If we don’t have correct information we could be ambushed and captured. Tortured for gaining information from us.

The sand girl then said the last question doesn’t make sense. So proctor told us the objective of it too.

“The 10th question was to take the test or not. It was a painful decision to make. Those who choose not to take it, are immediately disqualified with their teammates. Those who chose to answer and got it wrong… would be robbed of the chance to take Exams forever. It was an unfair question”, proctor explained.

Then he gave us an example, “Let’s say you become a Chunin. The mission is to steal a secret document! You have no idea how many Ninjas are there, their abilities and other armament they may have. On top of that, there maybe traps set all over. Now this mission… Will you take it? or not take it? Because you want your life spared… Because your partners will be put in danger… Can you get away from dangerous missions? The answer is… No! There will be mission you cannot avoid no matter how risky or dangerous it may be! Showing your courage to your teammates in a tight spot, and the ability to get through the hardship… This is a quality needed for a Chunin troop leader! In a pinch there are those who cannot risk their own fate, and those who waver and give up their chances because they think they will have another chance. I believe those fools who don’t have such strong determination have no right to become a Chunin!”

Proctor announced the first exam complete and wished us well for the next test. Naruto started screaming in happiness.

Suddenly the window broke and in came a woman who pinned a banner behind her with kunai.

“I’m proctor for the second exam! Anko Mitarashi!”, the woman introduced herself.

Seeing so many of us present Miss Anko commented that the exam must have been easy. I raised an eyebrow at that. She then said she’ll make sure more than half of the teams present would be eliminated for second test.

‘Are we going to get sadist for all our test or what? She seems crazy!’ I thought.

“I’ll give you the details tomorrow. We are changing locations. Your Jonin will tell you about the time and place of meeting. That’s it. You’re dismissed!”, Miss Anko said.


Hey guys. How are you doing? I hope you like the chapter. Thank you for reading. Take care of yourself 😘 Love you all 💕 Hugs for you ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

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