Chapter 22

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(Naruto episode 27)

Next morning, I followed my routine taking extra time for meditation. I left for the meeting place early and arrived before time. Soon everyone were gathered and I was with my team.

‘This place sure is creepy. I hope there won’t be many bugs… I don’t care if we encounter a strong team, as long as there aren’t bugs’ I thought scared, trying to maintain blank face.

“This place is called ‘The Forest of Death, soon you’ll realise why”, Miss Anko said.

Naruto teased her and said he isn’t scared. Miss Anko threw a kunai which grazed his cheek as blood began to trickle down.

Miss Anko, who appeared behind Naruto said, “A kid like you dies at the very beginning, dappled with the red blood I like.”

A very creepy lady was standing behind them, very close and Miss Anko warned her not to stand too close to her unless she wanted to die.

I shivered a bit as I saw the creepy lady pass by. My guts were warning me not to engage with her. For some reason she was giving me chills, so I made note to myself to retreat if we saw her.

Miss Anko went to the front and pulled out a sheet of paper explaining we have to sign it. It is a consent form and we would be responsible for our own safely in the forest.

As we passed along the form we were explained about the details and instructions. We would be giving one scroll. Either Heaven scroll or Earth scroll. We had to fight and get other scroll and reach the finishing point which is the tower at the centre of the forest. If we had same scrolls we wouldn’t be allowed further.

We were instructed to not open the scroll. All the members of the team should reach the tower with both scrolls. We had 5 days to finish the test. If we need food and water then we had to be self sufficient.

‘Good thing, I have bought a few fruits and always carry candies and chakra pills. I didn’t forget to bring water too, so I’m all set. My team doesn’t have to worry that much’ I smiled to myself.

Kabuto rained on my parade saying, “It’s teeming with fierce people eating animals, poison bugs, poisonous weeds and much more.”

‘It’s alright. I just need to tell Sasuke to help me out if there were bugs. I hope we don’t encounter any bugs’ I thought with a blank face.

Miss Anko explained, “The rues for disqualification are: 1, If all three members of the team can’t make it to the tower with both Heaven and Earth scrolls within time limit. 2, If a team loses a member or is incapacitated. And only look inside the scroll after reaching the tower.”

Then Miss Anko explained it is to see how reliable we are if we were sent to a super secret mission. And we have to exchange forms along with our teammates and we’ll receive a scroll then go to a gate. All gates will be opened at the same time.

“Finally a word of advice… Don’t die!”, Miss Anko said.

‘Oh wow. That helped. I was planning to die in there’ I thought sarcastically.

~ Time skip ~

We were ready and standing in from of gate 12. We walked inside as the gate opened. As we moved further into the forest we heard scream of a team from somewhere.

Naruto wanted to pee. Sakura hit him and told him to go further away. I just turned away and flustered, feeling embarrassed.

After a while Naruto came back but as I saw him, I narrowed my eyes. Sasuke attacked Naruto while I retrieved my kunai from it’s pouch. Sakura was shocked.

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