Chapter 80

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I was boiling with rage. 'That bastard Sai! How dare he! He was suspicious to begin with! I knew he couldn't be trusted! That insect! Pest! Vermin!'

Sakura opened her eyes, slowly sitting up. "Are you alright?," Captain asked.

"Y-Yes...," Sakura replied before holding her head, wincing.

"Sorry... I'm okay now...," Sakura said. I observed the mess of the bridge and surroundings that had happened. It was a total mess.

"What happened here...?," Sakura asked.

"Naruto did it...," Captain answered.

"Where's Naruto now?," Sakura asked.

"On the other side of the bridge... with Orochimaru," Captain answered.

I saw something weird go up in the sky from the other side, somewhere inside the forest. "What's that smoke...?," Sakura asked.

"Is that even smoke?," I asked.

Captain Yamato made a wood clone and sent it away to keep an eye on Naruto and situation on the other side. We saw a burst of orange chakra coming from where the weird smoke was seen earlier. A breeze stronger than ever blew, almost like a shock wave.

After it passed I was shocked to see the destruction that has been caused. Many trees were uprooted, lying around on the other side. Captain's clone went to check on the situation.

(Shippuden episode 42)

"I don't believe this... The fourth tail has appeared," Captain Yamato said placing a hand against his ear. I gasped.

'If I remember correctly Master Jiraiya had mentioned it being really bad if fourth tail appears!' I tried to remember.

Something happened on the other side and we felt a strong shockwave even at the distance we were from the actual fight. We had to close our eyes so that nothing goes into them and hurts the eyes as leaves and dust blew.

"Was this also Naruto's...?," Sakura asked.

"That's right," Captain Yamato replied.

"Captain Yamato... You know something... about Naruto, don't you?," Sakura asked, looking troubled.

"I want to know too. Whatever you know... please tell me...," I pleaded.

"What in the world happened to Naruto?," Sakura asked.

Captain Yamato looked towards the direction Naruto probably was. "Sakura, Y/n... you don't need to worry. It is for that very reason and for times like this... that I was chosen by my superiors... as Team Captain," Captain Yamato reassured us.

"I don't want to know why or what. I just want to know more about Naruto-kun and how I can help him!," I said.

"Y/n you can't help him when he is like this. In his fourth tailed form," Captain Yamato replied and I felt dejected and helpless for not being able to do anything for the guy I love.

"It seems Sasori won't be coming here, now is he...?," Kabuto's voice was heard from behind.

"Oh. Yeah. I forgot that he even existed," I said and heard an irritating sound come from him. I giggled to myself.

Kabuto walked out of the forest, looking as healthy as a horse. "Huh? Too bad you aren't dead yet," I said.

"I am not someone who would die so easily," Kabuto replied.

"The only person who was supposed to know that I was coming here today was Sasori... Not even the other Akatsuki members were privy to that information. But despite that, you leaf guys are here... It would be hard to believe that Sasori... would confess under torture... Which means that he gave out the information of his own violation. Most likely, his intention was for you to get information... about Orochimaru out of me... and then have the Leaf Village dispose of him. Because Orochimaru has proven to be too tough a customer... for the Akatsuki guys, too," Kabuto said.

"Your disguise earlier on... was perfect... Unless one of you has met directly with Sasori, it wouldn't have evolved that way... Most likely Sasori gave you the information about today, at that time... Of course, it was probably based on... the assumption that the jutsu placed on me was still in affect. The fact that Sasori would go out of his way to do that... means that he's acknowledge your strength... Sasori holds a grudge against Orochimaru. He was always saying that he wanted to personally execute Orochimaru... But to act against his own will and send you guys here means... that he is already in a situation in which he is unable to do that.. In other words... he has either been captured... or he is already dead," Kabuto concluded.

"Unfortunately it's the latter...," Sakura said.

"That's delightful...," Kabuto commented.

After a while three huge gate looking things appeared into the forest where Naruto is supposed to be. But no sooner than that something happened and a huge explosion took place, the barrier/ gate had completely vanished from the face of earth.

"What in the world?!," Sakura said.

We saw something rise from there and then crashing down and being forced backwards. It came and hit some distance away from the bridge, making a huge impact.

As the dust cleared, we saw a sword trying to pierce Naruto's fourth tail chakra cloak, but to no avail. "Naruto-kun..!," I gasped in shock.

"He's gotten even closer to the Nine-tails than earlier on, hasn't he?," I heard Kabuto commented as I watched in horror and worry.

(Shippuden episode 43)

The mini Nine-tails form growled. "Got it. Continue to observe," Captain Yamato said placing his hand over a ear.

Naruto remained still, the sword trying to pierce him. "Naruto!," Sakura shouted.

The mini Tailed Beast held the sword and swung it to a side. It came towards us and we jumped high to dodge it. We had jumped away from the bridge and near the forest so that even if it falls we would still be relatively safe.

"This is not like a Ninja battle, but more like a battle between monsters...," Kabuto commented. I glared at him, clenching my fist but ignored him and turned my attention back towards Naruto.

The long sword went back and a few moments later, Naruto's mini Tailed Beast form growled.

"Look at that... I wonder if he still wants to save Sasuke... even in that state," Kabuto said.

"Shut up you stupid four eyes! Or I'm going to kill you!," I shouted as I raised my clenched fist.

"But now, even his self-consciousness is gone... What a sad kid...," Kabuto continued.

"Don't you pity Naruto! He is not someone to be pitied! He's strong! And kind! And-," I choked up as tears began to blur my vision. Tears of anger and helplessness.

'Is there really nothing I can do for him? I just... want to do something... I want to help him... in some way, any way I can! Damnit!' I thought rubbing at my eyes but tears just continued to flow.

No one said anything. Just watched Naruto from where they stood. Suddenly Sakura ran towards Naruto's Tail Beast form and I was startled.

"Wait! Sakura!," Captain Yamato shouted. But Sakura ignore him. I clenched my fist even tighter until it hurt, until my fist turned white, until my nails dug into my skin drawing blood.

'I say that I love him and yet... And yet! Sakura is the one running towards him! I hate it! I hate that I am being like this!' I thought.

"Don't get close to Naruto in that state!," Captain Yamato shouted.


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