Chapter 6

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~ Time skip to 6 months later ~

It’s been 6 months since Shisui nii-san’s death. Itachi nii-san has been distant but never stopped helping me train. Though now it happens a fewer times than before.

I was on the training grounds when I heard it. The most shocking news I had ever heard.

“I heard Itachi killed his whole clan and went rogue”, someone said.

“No. There is a survivor. Sasuke Uchiha survived the attack”, other said.

“He is said to be in the hospital”, third voice spoke up.

I didn’t wait to hear any longer. I ran to the Uchiha compound.

‘They are lying. It can’t be true. I know nii-san wouldn’t do it. He always has good reason to do something. Nii-san doesn’t like wars, he is too kind for this. I refuse to believe it’ I thought.

Soon I reached Uchiha compound which was sealed with yellow tapes. An ANBU member nearby approached me.

“Hey little girl. What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here. Go home”, the ANBU said.

“B-But… Sasuke! Where is Sasuke?”, I asked frantically.

“He is at the hospital. If you want to meet him go there. No one is allowed here”, the ANBU replied calmly.

“Okay. Thank you”, I shouted running away.

I reached the hospital and asked the front desk if I can visit Sasuke.

“Yes you can. He is in room 201 on the second floor”, the lady replied.

“Thank you”, I said walking towards Sasuke’s room.

I knocked on the door hoping that he would allow me in. I heard his voice say ‘come in’ so I entered the room. As I entered I saw him sitting on his hospital bed looking at me. I just walked to him and hugged him without another word.

“Hey. What are you doing?”, he asked in annoyed voice.

“It’s okay to cry you know. If you need someone to talk to I’ll be here. You don’t have to go through it alone”, I said feeling sad.

He didn’t say anything, just stayed quiet. I didn’t release him from the embrace. Just patting his back lightly without talking any further.

After a while, I suddenly felt him hug me back tightly. Trying to hold back his tears. I started patting his head letting him cry it out. Which he did. I felt his tears wetting my shoulder.

After he stopped crying he finally let me go as I did the same. No one said anything. I silently offered him water which he drank.

“Don’t tell anyone about this”, Sasuke said in a hoarse voice.

“Don’t worry. I won’t. You’re my close friend. This is what friends do. Be there for each other. So if you need anything just ask okay?”, I replied softly afraid that he’ll break.

Hn was the only reply I got. After a few minutes I left him alone. Going home to sleep. I needed time to sort my messed up thoughts about everything that had happened. But first I need rest.

When I woke up I felt better than before so I went to watch cloud in late afternoon. As I watched the clouds go by I let my thoughts wonder back to the events since morning.

‘Hmm. They say nii-san killed the whole clan. I didn’t see him anywhere too. It must probably be true then…. But I know nii-san better than anyone else. Though if Shisui nii-san would be here maybe he would have helped me sort this out? He knew him better than I ever did’ I thought as I sighed.

‘But I know nii-san better than anyone else in Konoha. Maybe even better than Sasuke. Shisui nii-san always said that Itachi nii-san had a soft spot for me and somehow he was a bit more expressive around me than with anyone else. I remember nii-san said he hated war. He wanted peace. So it is possible that nii-san didn’t do it because he wanted to. Maybe someone forced nii-san? Or maybe someone used some jutsu to control nii-san?’ I continued.

‘Whatever anyone says I will still continue to believe in nii-san. I know he wouldn’t do something like that. Even if he did, he would have a really good reason to. I know nii-san is the kindest person. Nii-san… I hope I can meet you so I can talk to you about this…. I want to know why?’ I wondered.

A voice pulled me out of my daze. “Hey y/n. What are you doing here?”, the voice asked.

I sat up to see that Kiba guy with his dog Akamaru. “Oh um nothing. Just watching clouds”, I replied.

“You should go home. It’s getting dark now”, he said.

I nodded as I asked, “Your name is Kiba right? I remember you from my class. What are you doing here?”

“Yes, Kiba Inuzuka. And this is my dog Akamaru. I was going back home from our walk. Isn’t that right Akamaru?”, Kiba asked to which he got a bark as a reply.

“Oh. Well I should go home now. It was nice meeting you”, I said turning away.

“It was nice meeting you too. Bye”, Kiba yelled from behind followed by a bark from Akamaru.

I went home following my nightly routine. As I go to bed I thought, ‘Today was… I don’t even know how to explain it. But it was really shocking. But I guess Sasuke and I became a bit more close friends. I made a new friend I guess’.

A few months passed by just like that. Sasuke was being more distant though there were moments in which we were like really close friends.

Shikamaru and I got closer. We are slowly becoming best friends. Choji and I hang out often too but mostly at BBQ shop. Kiba and Akamaru has been friends too. Sakura and I are still the same.

Then there is this annoying blonde girl who is another Sasuke fangirl. Her name is Ino Yamanaka. She thinks I am her rival since I am friends with Sasuke. I don’t even care about it.

Then there is Naruto. I guess I am starting to like him. I’ll just have to wait and see. But we are still good friends.


Hello guys. I hope this chapter is to your liking. I had forgotten to add other characters surnames so I'll be editing since there are some of my friends who don't know much about Naruto series. Sorry you have to deal with this. Thank you for your patience. Have a great day. And take care of yourselves 💕💕

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