Chapter 100

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“Alright. On to the next table,” Y/n said.

“I’m Rock Lee! Nice to meet you!,” Lee greeted with a shout and thumbs up.

“I’m TenTen,” TenTen introduced herself.

“Nice to meet you both,” Sai said.

“Hey. No matter how cute she is, hands off. She is Lee’s girlfriend,” Y/n said.

“Y/n!,” TenTen shouted with a blush.

“What? Is it because I exposed you're not so secret relationship? Or called you cute? Lee would agree that you’re cute though, right?,” Y/n asked confused.

“That’s true. TenTen is cute,” Lee agreed. Y/n made a ‘See? I am right’ face and shrugged as TenTen’s blush got deeper.

Neji sighed. “I’m Neji Hyūga,” Neji introduced himself, being done with them already.

“Nice to meet you. I have heard that you are a Hyuga genius,” Sai said.

“Hello, I am Sango Hyuga. Nice to meet you,” Sango intervened knowing Neji didn’t like the unwanted attention.

“Nice to meet you too,” Sai nodded.

“I’m Yuuto. Nice to meet you,” Yuuto followed.

“Nice to meet you as well,” Sai replied.

“I’m Kiba Inuzuka! And my partner is Akamaru who is outside,” Kiba greeted.

“You know that big cute furball we saw earlier. That’s Akamaru. This guy’s owner,” Y/n said.

“Hey! What do you mean my owner?! Are you trying to pick a fight?!,” Kiba shouted, angry.

“Huh? I don’t know what you mean,” Y/n shrugged and continued to eat. Kiba got annoyed but Hinata scolded Y/n who just kept quiet with a frown, glaring at Kiba who was smiling and teasing her.

“I’m Shino Aburame,” Shino introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you,” Sai responded.

“Now that the interesting introductions are over, feel free to move to other table and make friends amongst yourself,” Y/n said.

Everyone began talking among themselves about various topics and breaking into small talk and relaxing and sharing a laugh. As the host, Y/n went to the other table after a while and began chatting with others and occasionally bickering with Kiba. She still held a grudge against him, after all.

The next day...
Team Kakashi was summoned by Lady Tsunade. “I have a mission for you,” Lady Tsunade said handing Captain Yamato a scroll.

“Lady Tsunade I’ll like to stay back and work in the hospital to improve my medical skills. Please allow me,” Y/n said, bowing.

“Y/n you didn’t discuss about any of this with me,” Captain Yamato looked at her.

“Yes. I thought it would be better to convince the two of you about this idea at once,” Y/n replied.

“What is your reason?,” Lasy Tsunade asked.

“From the last mission and the attack that had happened on me, it’s been clear to me that I need to improve my healing speed while maintaining precision. So I’d like to work in the hospital while they are away and be a better help next time,” Y/n said.

“What do you this Yamato? Would it be alright if you’re missing a member?,” Lady Tsunade asked looking at him.

“It is alright with me. We can handle this and it will benefit the team if Y/n stays here,” Captain Yamato replied.

“Very well. I’ll allow it. Go to the hospital to get your schedule later,” Lady Tsunade said.

“Thank you, Lady Tsunade, Captain Yamato. I’ll do my best,” Y/n bowed.

Team Kakashi was dismissed and they left the Hokage’s office. “Y/n you didn’t tell us anything even though we met yesterday!,” Naruto said.

“Sorry Naruto. I didn’t mean to hide it. I had forgotten about it since we were having fun,” Y/n said.

“I’ll get going now. I need to go to the hospital for the schedule. Don’t worry Naruto. I’ll learn how to heal quicker so next time I’ll be able to heal anyone quickly... Even if I'm the one who has broken their bones,” Y/n says while thinking about Sasuke.

“Um.. Y/n?,” Naruto called out nervously.

“Hmm? Oh. I was just thinking about Sasuke since you guys will want to bring him back. Okay. Bye now!,” Y/n ran away smiling and waving.

A few days later...
Y/n walked into the hospital washroom and made a clone. Changing her clothes, Y/n walked out of the room. The clone waited for some time before leaving as well. Y/n had dinner and went home, continuing her routine.

The clone walked into an alleyway and into a nearby restaurant on the other side. A girl who looked about her age waved at her from a seat in a corner. Y/n walked towards her and took a seat.

“Hello Y/n,” the girl greeted.

“Hello Shadow. You’ve come as a girl this time,” Y/n greeted back.

“Yes. Since you had asked to meet in public. Shall we get down to business? What do you want to know?,” Shadow said.

“Here,” Y/n handed the girl small thin bottle. She raised her eyebrow at her.

“Poison. Only can be diagnosed by very skilled medics or poison experts. Made by Sasori of the Red Sand. Pour it on a kunai and use it. Even a scratch can kill you in three days if you don’t have the antidote. Of course, meanwhile the target will suffer agonising pain and won’t be able to move. Now that Sasori is gone there is no one who can make this poison unless they know how to,” Y/n explain.

“I see. How did you get your hands on this?,” Shadow asked.

“I made it myself after analysing the original,” Y/n answered.

“I did know that Leaf Village Ninjas had eliminated Sasori but it seems it was your teams doing,” Shadow said.

“Yes. But we had Granny Chiyo with us. Sasori’s grandmother. Anyway, I need info on Akatsuki. Anything that you can give in exchange for the poison,” Y/n said.

“Alright. From what I know they are hunting for tailed beast and have already captured a few,” Shadow said.

“Wait! What?! I knew they were on the move but they are strong enough to catch them?,” Y/n asked.

“Yes. And they are moving in pairs. Recently two of them took down two-tailed beast and are probably moving onto their next target. That’s about the only info I can share,” Shadow said.

“I see. It’s big news already. Thanks for coming all the way here. Later,” Y/n said.

“Give me the antidote. I’ll tell you another piece of info,” Shadow said. Y/n smirked and slipped the other bottle into her hands.

“They are probably going to attack Leaf Village next for it’s Jinchuriki. Be careful,” Shadow warned. Y/n’s eyes widened.

“Thanks for the update. We’ll take precautions,” Y/n nodded serious look on her face. Bidding farewell, she poofed away.

In the Haruno house, Y/n’s room...
“Wha- I see. I’ll need to talk with Lady Tsunade first thing tomorrow morning,” Y/n mumbled to herself before going to bed.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! Sooooo what do you think about this chapter? Thank you for reading! See you next time!
I was going to update this chapter in between the past week as a surprise but then I.. forgot 😅
Anyway! Happy Christmas Eve! Enjoy your Christmas. Have an amazing time 😊 Take care 😘 Love you my babies 💕 Hugs for you ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ

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