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Shake off the trouser legs, quickly extinguish the cigarette, throw it into the trash, knock the soles of the shoes on the road, turn around a few times, wave straight hands, and try to dissipate the smell of smoke around him.

Zhong Youyou: ... Over, too respectful, right? When you enter a hot pot restaurant, how can you burn incense, bathe and change clothes?

Still, she admired the guest's behavior of extinguishing the smoke and smell.

As soon as he entered the store, the customer was like a fool.

He stood for a long time in front of the first bamboo forest painting in the hall, muttering to himself: "It is better to eat without meat than to live without bamboo."

"Insist that Qingshan will not relax, and the roots are in the broken rock."


Well-known poems one after another, it seems that he is a cultural person.

Zhong Youyou suddenly realized and asked, "You are in the circle of friends and saw the painting, so you came?" The

man woke up from a dream and turned back and said, "Yes." Ay...... This...... Ay!

He couldn't help it, even if it wasn't appropriate to say it.

"Hello store manager, my name is Huang Lijun." The middle-aged man introduced himself, "Just call me Lao Huang."

"I thought there were only paintings hanging in the private room of the lake, but I didn't expect you to be in this hall..."

"Hey, this... What a! Comrade Lao Huang said bitterly, "How can such a master's work be hung in a hot pot restaurant?"

"Even with shrink film protection, that's... Ouch, really, really!

But Lao Huang can't say why, according to the hope in his heart, of course, it is best to hang all the famous paintings in the world in the free museum for the world to enjoy.

But that's also a dream.

In fact, according to Lao Huang's own experience of going in and out of museums and art galleries many times, none of the ten tourists who enter can really understand it.

It is to take a look at the flowers, at most hear "this is painted by the xx master" and "the price of xxxx million was sold at the auction", so as to win tourists to stand for a second and take a look more.

Lao Huang asked: "Store manager, you dare to ask which master's work this painting is?" Why is there no name for the payment prompter? Just

a clean painting, and nothing beside it.

If it is really a master's work, then the emperor collects a painting and knocks on the seal to show that I have come here.

Zhong Youyou thought about it, this guest is probably an expert in painting.

But all the decoration style previews she saw from the system store, inks, oil paints, sketches... Paintings, calligraphy, sculptures... Tea bowls, vases, incense burners... Everything you need and it looks like it's all on a high level!

But all of them are not attributed.

After all, she guessed that the sources of goods were all cross-plane, and the signature was a trouble.

Zhong Youyou replied: "Stay at home..."

She hurriedly braked, remembering that her home was local, and no one had collected paintings for eighteen generations.

Zhong Youyou quickly changed his words and said: "What was passed down from my boyfriend's family, he returned to China to settle down, so he brought it back and hung it in the store."

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