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All three skill points have been spent, and Zhong Youyou, who has cleaned up all the newbie gift packs, has one more saleable commodity, and has opened the roller shutter again.

The small gang of four people with Scarhead had long since disappeared, the clouds outside were getting lower, the sky was getting darker and darker, the cold wind was blowing, and the depression was abnormal.

Although Zhong Youyou was holding the notebook that served as an evaluation book, and was trying to fan it on top of the hot pot, in a vain attempt to make the flavor spread faster, he also felt that there might be no more diners coming to his door today.

She has a good mentality, anyway, she has already sold twelve orders, and her performance on the first day is not bad.

But just when Zhong Youyou was about to call it a day, at the corner of the two-way four-lane road directly opposite the store, a figure vaguely appeared, and there was only one person.

Zhong Youyou, who has a binocular vision of 1.2, can only vaguely see that the other party is a tall man, dragging prey in his hands, and it is estimated that his strength is not weak, and he also looks like he is not short of food.

Zhong Youyou was a little distressed, if it was a small gang of four people like just now, it would be better to say that the person who maliciously attacked was electrocuted, and she could deter others to help with the work.

But now there is only one person, if the other party comes up and maliciously attacks and snatches food, and then is disabled by electricity and unable to move, then she can't do this business?

Zhong Youyou sincerely prayed, hoping that this time the diners would not come up and smash and rob.

The kidnapped store manager Zhong is still very professional, regardless of whether the other party will be like the small gang of four just now, he looks fierce and has bad intentions, and first sent Ying Ying a smile from afar.

When doing business, you always have to smile and welcome people.

After all, she can't go out and hand out flyers.

I don't know if it's the manager's greeting smile or the smell of the hot pot, but in short, the other party paused, and came over with the prey.

It's just a little strange, the other party's body seems to be wrapped in a flickering cold mist, and the sight of people exploring is hazy and can't see clearly.

It wasn't until the other party was very close to the store that Zhong Youyou could see the diner who came out of the cold fog.

He was a young man, with a long body and a handsome face, but these did not offset the fear that Zhong Youyou brought after seeing the prey in his hands...

Zhong took another step back, repeated the mistake of the past, stepped on the plank where he slept, and almost tripped over.

Zhong Youyou: QAQ, is this a giant mutant combination of a centipede and a snake? She was terrified of both!!

Especially snakes, not to mention face to face with the ugly and mutant giant snake, in the past, when I accidentally swiped a photo of a snake on the Internet, I had to quickly close my eyes and drag it over...

Probably because her fear was too obvious, the young man stopped, looked sideways, and walked over to place his prey against the wall of the street.

With such a limited view through the glass wall, Zhong Youyou couldn't see the disgusting giant centipede snake.

Then the other party walked over and raised his hand and gently tapped on the glass wall in front of her.

"Hello." "It's late, don't stay outside, it's dangerous," he reminded. The storefront glass on this street used to be fine because no one lived in it at night. If you smell the breath of a living thing, the beast tide will attack desperately, and the glass can't stop it.

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