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I'm afraid that the tip of the eyebrows, nose and chin will come out with a shiny pimple, or several, echoing each other.

There are many skin care routines before going to bed, and the brands I buy are getting more and more expensive, so I quietly go to the beauty salon and can't wait to apply the whole bottle of body lotion in two days.

But people, often just can't resist genes.

Just so taboo, light diet, skin care, her skin, that is, poor.

I almost want to save up money to go to the medical beauty.

Fortunately, the money has not been saved enough, and it is not too late to go.

That night, I don't know which of her boyfriend's friends was drinking and meat, so he took his mobile phone and recorded a voice and sent it to her anonymously.

I just listened to my boyfriend inside, obviously drinking, and bragging.

"It's the same when the lights are turned off, I tell you, your sister-in-law, then you can only see with the lights on."

"Turn off the light, the back is full of little beanie, the goosebumps on the arms and legs, it's stinging to the touch, I'm afraid that I will kiss a mouthful of pox pus one day."

"It's not good to cure it, it's sad, she cries when she says it, and she was born like this. If it can't be cured, I want to break up, and I'm going to be cold. There was also a voice

next to him, laughing and popularizing science: "Hereditary follicular keratosis, this can't be cured, it can only be alleviated, you can bear it!" I

don't know how many times I listened to the recording, and I cried while listening to it, and I listened to it while crying, which stabbed her cheeks and her heart hurt.

Turning around, the boyfriend turned into an ex-boyfriend.

But she was so depressed that she was about to cry when she thought about it, and she didn't know how long she had been crying at home with a dirty face before she was pulled out by her friends.

Forget it, Rapunzel tied a ponytail with a hair ring, took a vicious bite, rolled peppercorns and peppers, and swallowed the large piece of hairy belly.

Choked, choked with tears, choked so much that the store manager specially sent a cup of cold water to her, saying that it was not enough.

She just wanted to hide in this small world covered by the bamboo forest, bury her head and eat spicy pot, find an excuse to be so spicy that she was choked, and finally cry with tears in her eyes.

No matter what image she has, how can she have any image at all.

If you burst a pox, you will break out, and you will be single anyway.

In the red pot soup, once she has her brain, it is a little unsightly, and she usually goes out for dinner, but she doesn't dare to order it.

This time, she and her friend both love to eat shabu-shabu, so they don't need to pay attention to it, and they take big gulps.

She loves to dip a lot of garlic, but when she has a boyfriend, she is afraid that it will be inconvenient to kiss, and because her boyfriend hates garlic, she doesn't even eat garlic-flavored dishes.

Add it hard today!

But while eating, I wanted to cry over chili, but Rapunzel wiped her face and felt that she didn't want to cry.

Men are big pigs' trotters!

Dog man, how far to roll how far.

Just when you have been bitten by a dog for a few months, stop the loss in time This is still.

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