Chapter 66

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Qin Luan took the stage and finished writing about the military department he hoped to join as an intern - naturally it was the Third Army Corps where Shen Ling belonged. Wasn't he just to have an honest office romance after he had been diligently ranking for so long?

After Qin Luan handed the application form to the teacher, he stood quietly on the stage pretending to be a pillar.

However, although Qin Luan was pretending to be a pillar, he was not standing rigidly at all. Instead, he stood casually and naturally. His waist was straight, his legs were long, his chest was broad, and his muscles were strong. He looked like a pillar... very good-looking. Pillar.

It's much prettier than other pillars, it's the kind of limited edition luxury pillar that shines on its body.

As for the reason why he didn't go down, it was because there were some commendatory speeches and other completely unnecessary and time-wasting procedures to go through afterwards.

The top ten should receive commendations in a very ceremonial manner.

Qin Luan felt that the Zerg's sense of ritual could be used in other, more useful ways.

For example, when you get married.

He has no interest in accepting commendations and speaking in front of 10,000 people, talking about how he achieved his current results.

He is more interested in sharing his love story with everyone at his wedding ceremony.

His beautiful love story will definitely move all the guests to tears.

But others, especially Qin Qiu, who was standing not far behind Qin Luan, obviously didn't think so.

As for why Qin Qiu is standing here - usually, the top ten are all females.

At least it was like this before the Qin Rebellion appeared.

Therefore, in order to express the importance to males, males will have a separate male ranking list.

They do not have the right to independently choose the internship department. What they do have is the right to receive commendations when the top ten in the overall rankings receive commendations.

In short, it's just taking advantage of others' praise.

But everyone was fine with it.

Anyway, it has no impact on the normal top ten. It's just that I'm on stage with them, so they won't lose anything at all.

Besides, these people are all males, so it's normal to receive some special treatment.

Not too much.

What's more, most of their females find it difficult to find excuses to get close to the males. This event is a good opportunity for their top ten females to get up close and talk to the males.

It's such a fateful thing to go on stage together to receive commendations. It's very suitable for them to add communication numbers to each other.

It would be even better if you can go to the same military department for an internship and develop a relationship.

As for the nearly 10,000 female insects below who did not make the top ten, they were more interested in the male insects than those who had defeated their opponents.

Therefore, in past commendation conferences, the person who attracted the most attention was usually the number one male on the list.

This person should have been Qin Qiu. Whether it was Qin Qiu himself, the students below, or the teachers on the stage, they all basically thought so.

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