The Battle

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Cedric and I were curled up in bed together, sleeping soundly. Cedric's hand protectively over my stomach, like he did subconsciously every night. If you would really look, you could see the smallest of a bump. The first time Cedric noticed he peppered my stomach with kisses and talked to the baby for hours. Then we were jolted awake when a brisk knock came from the door downstairs.

"Cedric." I grabbed his shirt.

"Stay here." He whispered, he grabbed his wand from the nightstand and hurried out the room.

"Like hell I am." I muttered and grabbed my wand, before following my husband downstairs. I heard Cedric's voice call out before I saw him.

"Who is it?"

"It's Remus."

"Remember the promise you made me, the night your son was born?" I heard Cedric ask as I crept closer, my wand still raised.

"You made me promise to take care of her in case..." Remus let the sentence hang, but I knew what he meant, and my stomach lurched. "What was Teddy's first change?"

"Purple hair." Cedric answered, another moment before Cedric opened the door.

"Is Tonks okay? Teddy?" I asked and Cedric frowned at me as he saw me approach.

"They're both fine, they're with Andy." He took in a deep breath, and my nerves grew. "It's time. Harry is at Hogwarts."

"The battle?" Cedric asked. It seemed like the had talked about this before, and knew it was coming. That's when a light glow came from the bowl in the kitchen, redirected me to it. I tucked my wand behind my ear and walked over. It was the coin from the DA.

"Cedric." I read the coin and tossed it his way. He caught it and examined it closely. "Where do we go?"

Cedric looked up from the coin and shared a look with Remus, they were having a silent conversation as I started to get frustrated.

"You can go stay with Andy and Tonks, I already cleared it with Andy." Remus said carefully, and he was right to do so.

"If either of you think I'm sitting this out, you are sorely mistaken. I'm not letting my husband go into battle without me!" My voice was rising, and I slapped Cedric's hand away when he tried to reach for me. "I'm getting dressed. And if you two disappear without me, believe me, I will find a way!" And I stormed upstairs.

A few minutes later, I came back down and saw the two men quietly conversing. Cedric had transformed his pyjamas into jeans and a hoodie. "Ready to finish this stupid ass war?"

"You better watch your language when your own baby arrives." Remus's lips curled up.

"I still have time." I chuckled dryly and rubbed my stomach. "I better let it all out now."

Cedric came over and put his hands on my waist. "Are you wearing the necklace?"

"I am." I showed him the necklace before tugging it back in my shirt.

"Are you sure -"

"I'm coming. I'm not leaving you." I said determent and kissed him. "So, where to Remus?"

"The Hogs Head Inn." Remus said and smiled a little at our surprised faces.

"He's not happy that people are coming in and out his tavern, is he?" I asked as we walked the new secret tunnel.

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