✨️ 100. Hotel

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✨️ 100 ✨️

Prepare yourselves because I think this is the longest chapter I've ever written lol


| 2021 |

Flashlight was scheduled to perform in Japan for Kcon in three days, and they were about to catch a flight.

That was, if Remi hadn't lost her passport.

"Do you at least know if you brought it?"

Yujin asked, energy drained.

"Uh...I don't remember putting it in my bag, actually."

The other three girls looked in awe at her.

"Well, at least you didn't lose it outside."

"I'm gonna go back to the dorms to search for it. Sewoon, please guide the other girls inside if I don't call in 20 minutes, alright?"

The other manager nodded.

Fortunately, Sewoon had grown way more fond of the girls in two months than Dongchul had in ten.

"Should I go with you?"

Remi questioned with an apologetic smile.

"No, you stay here just in case it's in the airport."

Yujin rushed outside while the girls sat down.

"It's not our first time going abroad, how did you forget your passport??"

Boram asked, still in disbelief that her older friend would commit such a mistake.

"I don't know, I don't really plan on forgetting something, you know."

She deadpanned.

As the two youngest bickered, Annie grabbed her phone and texted her boyfriend, telling him they might not get on the same flight.

Two minutes later, he replied.

"Is her passport' cover perhaps a pastel pink?" – it read, and, despite being confused, the girl still asked her teammate.


The group stayed in silence while she kept on typing on her phone.

"Why do you ask? Did Yujin find it? No way, it hasn't even been five minutes..."

Suddenly, a gasp left Annie's mouth.

"You're dating Hyunjin?!"

She yelled and, thankfully, they were in an area where fans weren't allowed.

Everyone else, including the manager, stood in shock.


"Minho said Hyunjin has it. You gave it to him so he could decorate it? As a gift?"


Annie covered her mouth with one hand.

"Since when?"

"We're not dating! We're just...we're friends."

"If you're saying that because of me, then you should've thought about a better excuse."

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