Chapter 63 | Entwined 🍈

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A fresh breeze tickles your sensitive skin - your entwined hand - as if fingertips would caress it. The wind carries the sweet smell of narcissus and hyacinths which you greedily inhale. Almost immediately spring fever washes through you. It causes your heart to beat faster with excitement and your stomach to feel light as a feather.

Brilliant colors adorn the vibrant green of the grass. The shadows of the trees perform dances on the ground whenever the wind blows through their branches. Lights falls through the branches but gets swallowed by the tiny white and pink blossoms.

Warmth from the sun and the hand holding yours floods your body and soul. It blows away all the remnants of your hate and opens the canals for acceptance and healing. It plashes along like a gentle stream meandering its way through a peaceful yet deep forest.
With an astonishing diligence the warmth loosens the last desperate grip around your awaiting heart.
With a loud THUD it beats with full strength again. You can hear it laugh with joy and relief.

A smile broader than the mansion makes your facial muscles hurt.

"It's not the first time you see this garden", Tengen reminds you and squeezes your hand.

His words pull you out of the sensation.
"I know but today it just feels different", you explain truthfully and close your eyes to feel the vividness of this moment again.

Tengen waits by your side and keeps holding your hand. His thumb brushes over the back of your hand in a way which doesn't distract you.
Lingering in the middle of the garden the two of you enjoy the sunshine and the buzzing of the bees. It sounds like a choir which doesn't need to be understand.

After a while you open your eyes again and look at Tengen. He didn't adorn his hair with crystal chains again after your session. This doesn't change the fact that he's sparkly beautiful. The direct sunlight on his face is emphasizing his jawline and satine-like hair.
Tengen opens his eyes.
In this light they could be flowers.
He turns his head to you and grins.

"Let's go over to the bench", he suggests and makes a step forward.
You dont answer but your eyes seem to have told Tengen enough when he pulls you to the bench and sits down with you.

He places your legs across his legs and puts an arms around your waist. With the other hand he gently strokes over your legs. You put one arm around Tengen's neck and place the other on his chest. Tengen's chin rests on your forehead. His smell roots deep into your brain just as the feeling of his finger tips against your skin as he grazes them along.

You again close your eyes to enjoy the peace that settles in you, in Tengen.
Your heartbeat synchronizes with Tengen's until you almost fall asleep from the steady sound.
"I wanna stay like this forever", you murmur and welcome the warm sunlight on your body.

Tengen smiles against your skin and holds you tighter.
"It would get uncomfortable at night but I'd make sure you'd survive", he responds.

You laugh.
"How kind of you."

Tengen chuckles and kisses your hair.
You blush and snuggle closer to him even though it's not really possible. You can't get enough of him yet there's nothing more you can get.

"Always", Tengen's voice shakes through your body.

You lift your head and meet his eyes. Those wonderful eyes that tell more than his mouth ever could.
They are yours to claim.
Just as Tengen is, you realize.

His face inches closer to you. No words are needed to announce what he's about to do.
Both of you close your eyes and meet each other's lips.
You kiss passionately, lovely and slowly.
Like you've got all time in the world.

𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣'𝕤 𝕡𝕖𝕥 // Tengen Uzui x reader (+18)Where stories live. Discover now