Chapter 51 | Obanai Iguro

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During daylight you sleep. On trees mostly as it is safest and you won't get noticed by humans bypassing or hungry bears looking for prey on the ground. As soon as the moon ascends you wake up and hike across the island. With this strategy no demon can kill you in your sleep and no one distracts you.
In the early morning hours you buy yourself food in bakeries or other stores that open in synchrony with the sunrise. In case there's no town nearby you either don't eat or get nutrients in the forest. There're plenty of possibilities.

Oyakata-sama's house is far away from Yoshiwara. It takes you four days to reach the bottom of the hill on whose top his house stands. If it wasn't part of your job to walk from point A to point B and back all the time the thought of visiting Oyakata-sama definitely wouldn't cross your mind. There's a reason you feel safe when being in Yoshiwara.

The fresh wind swirls leaves around you and carries the smell of cinnamon. In about three hours the sun will rise. Naturally you expect Oyakata-sama to be asleep even though you know that at least kasugai crows are guarding this place.

You gulp and pay attention to the weight on your back. There's no reason to be afraid. You're armed, strong, fast and pretty - a professional indeed.
You take your time walking up the hill, hidden by the trees. You can't help the jumping of your eyes.

As expected Oyakata-sama's house lays in pure darkness. The sight of it tightens your throat. Gosh, you never wanted to return here.
You sneak closer but stay hidden between the bushes to observe your surroundings. There's isn't a single sound of wings being folded or moved. Your sharp eyes move over the the house's roof. Someone has to be there and guard Oyakata-sama. It could be his children. They are most likely guarding the place from inside. However you know that Oyakata-sama would never only let his place be guarded from inside. Somewhere has to be a guard - crow or human. Oyakata-sama can't be that naive.

You duck to crawl a few inches closer in order to inspect the place. Whoever is guarding it hasn't noticed you yet. Maybe it's on the other side of the house.
You're as qualified as a hashira. It wouldn't be surprising if the guard doesn't notice you at all.

You blink.
Your gaze meets pink eyes.
You blink again.
They are still fixed on you and they are dangerously close.
You gulp and slowly rise in order to get distance between you and the white snake whose tongue was nearly touching your nose.

"You may look like an animal but you're not as slick as one. Kaburamaru could easily track you", Obanai-san greets.

Hissing the snake slides back on her keeper's arm. Its scales gleam silver under the moonlight.
You don't turn around so the hashira can't see the shame and ire on your face.

And you thought you were subtle.

"I got an invitation", you say, still staring at the innocent, dark house.
The quiet forest around you seems to stare, too. It's just not clear if it is staring at the house or at you.

"Why are you acting like an intruder then?"
You very much dislike the threatening tone of his voice.

Because you are is the the answer he wants you to say.

The snake hisses. Obanai-san's breathing is calm.
You don't really know the serpent hashira. Sure, you've met him at the beach after the competition and also on the festival last year but you didn't exchange much words. All he ever said to you was his name and the name of his pet - his friend. Kyōjurō-san and Tengen-san once told you that he's a nice guy but difficult to handle with or to impress. You loathe narcissistic creatures. Thus you never felt the need to get in contact with him. The reptile always bedecking his shoulders underlined that decision.
Also, why is it that so many demon slayers have pets? Tengen-san has mice, Obanai-san has a snake, you've got a raven, Oyakata-sama owns all Kasugai crows and Inosuke is a pet.

"I suggest I'll wait until he's awake", you respond more to yourself than to Obanai-san.

"If he wouldn't see you as his daughter I wouldn't let you pass, I hope you know that. We're not allies anymore."
Typical answer for him, despite of what you've been doing.

Eventually you turn around to face the young man. His straight-edged black hair reaches down to his shoulders while some strands are stopping at his cheekbones. Two shorter strands hang between his eyes.
The almond-shaped eyes of different colors - yellow and turquoise - glare down at you even though you're a bit taller. Because of the bandage he wears over his lower face his voice always sounds muffled.

"Tell me something I don't know and I'll consider to not find you annoying."
Your voice is sharper than you wanted it to be.

Kaburamaru hisses and exposes its pointed fangs.
Why would anyone voluntarily keep a snake as a pet?

"Whatever. At least you're not drawing your katanas in front of a hashira. I'll keep my eyes on you, traitor", Obanai-san duns.
Kaburamaru hisses in agreement.

You roll your eyes but don't reply. Instead you again turn your back towards him as if you expected the house to be filled by light by now.
Your hair whirls in your face as Obanai-san dashes away.
Little fucker.

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