Chapter 49 | A wooden figure

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The village you are entering is huge. Even though it's a weekday and most of the residents are at work the streets are filled. A train station connects this village to the capital of the country which is the reason why the majority of residents here are rich. This village is a magnet for people who want to earn money quickly.

You adjust to your surroundings. Keeping your head low keeps you out of trouble. The mass of people hides you while you walk past the houses and look for the correct address.
It takes you half an hour to do so. The house is amid the city and perfectly shows the contrast of the people living here. There are those that live in huge, modern buildings and those who can't afford a bell.
You knock on the door twice and wait.
After a few seconds an elderly woman opens the door. Her face shows wrinkles and eye bags that sing songs about sleepless nights. Her posture mirros a fallen soldier and her expression is lifeless. A coat is covering her body but it takes only one look at her hands to know how skinny she must be.
Overall she looks neglected. It's not surprising. You know what happened to her.

Her dark eyes scan you with mistrust. An expected behavior.
You're covered in black cloth from neck to toe. A black hood hides every part of your head apart from your mouth. Two katanas bedeck your back and grin at everyone who dares looking at you for too long. Your boots are dirty as hell and tell stories about the wilderness. Black gloves hide your hands leaving everyone clueless of what you're doing. Around your waist is a belt holding several potions, drugs and medicine. It's not visible for anyone tho.

"Good afternoon, are you the mother of Akuino?", you ask friendly but without a smile while hiding most of your teeth.

The woman's eyes widen and agony dances in them. Her lips begin to quiver but she catches herself.
"My son's dead", she answers with a hoarse voice.

She clenches onto the doorframe like it's the only way to stand upright.

You clear your throat.
"Indeed. That's why I am here. He turned into-"

"I know what happened to him", she interrupts you and her eyebrows knit.
Her gaze lays upon your nichirin blades.

"I'm the one who ended his suffering and came here to give you some of his belongings. He insisted on giving them to you as well as an apology for his misdeeds", you recall and grab the wooden figure in your coat that's been whispering to you since you got it three days ago.

The woman just stares at you like you're an alien and watches you placing the dog figure in your gloved hand to show it to her. You don't know what it meant to Akuino.

"Why?", she asks and her voice breaks.

You immediately understand.

"Because I know that the minority of demons became creatures of the darkness voluntarily. Akuino wasn't one of them. I gave him a painless and comforting death to do him justice at least once in his life", you explain.

You won't mention the fight that filled her son with dread and gave him several severe injuries. It's the end that matters. No mother would want to hear that her child was suffering at all.

The mother still stares at you and the figure.

It's always a fifty fifty chance whether the family of a demon accepts their belongings, apologies or whatever or if they don't. Most of them don't. They are scared to be seen as incredulous for forgiving a demon. Sometimes it's the case that all family members have passed away too and you have to dig a grave for what's left of the demons.

"Are you part of the demon slayer corps?", she wants to know, "I've heard of them. They are good people."

You point to the weapons on your back and state: "Only members of the demon slayer corps are allowed to carry nichirin blades."

It's not a lie yet not the truth.

The woman looks into every direction and then comes closer.
"I'll take it then", she whispers, "but don't tell anyone, please."

You hand her the figure and she quickly hides it in her coat.
"I don't talk with anyone about this except for the family members", you respond with the truth.

The woman steps back into the doorframe.
"Thank you", she says and turns her head as someone shouts for their mum, "I need to go."

You nod and answer: "You're welcome. I am grateful that you accepted his belongings and wish you all the best."

The woman slowly closes the door while giving you a smile she needs all her strength for. You understand the hundreds of words and emotions behind it. All the things she wants to say but can't.

The door shuts and you're alone again with a now lighter heart. No grave digging today.

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