Chapter 34 | Touch and sake 🍈

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The place is huge.
Fairy lights in every colour decorate the trees and bushes around. Paper lanterns enlighten every table in the garden and single candles are found everywhere.
Around 10 huge tables are placed next to each other and are filled with people you don't know. The doors of the house are wide open and next to them is a tiny bar with a queue. The place is so full you can't see the end of the garden. Also only a few people are wearing their uniforms. Almost everyone wears a kimono.

"We're the last I guess" Kyōjurō-san comments.

"I hope we didn't miss anything!" Tengen-sama says with a grin.

Didn't he call himself the god of festivals? You're curious how he will behave and if this term suits him.

"Let's look for the others" Rengoku-san proposes and starts walking again.

You follow him up the staircase that connects to the festival place.
"Does he mean the hashiras?" you ask Tengen-sama as quietly as possible.

"Of course. They won't say anything against you if that's your question" he answers.

It's weird how it became 'common' to be with the hashira even though you're not one of them.
Weird flex but okay.
What about Shinazugawa-san? He's not the one you wanted to see again so soon.

As if he read your mind Tengen-sama puts an arm around your shoulder and whispers in your ear: "Don't worry, I'm here."

You blush and nod.

Kyōjurō-san guides you through the masses of people to the other side of the area. You catch a few people looking at you.
The flame hashira makes a left turn and vanishes behind the house.
You raise an eyebrow wondering where you're going.

Behind the house is another single table. A few candles enlighten it as well as a

Oyakata-sama is the first person you recognize. He sits at the head of the table and two of his daughters stand next to him.
As you get closer you begin to recognize one hashira by another. One by one you greet them (even Shinazugawa-san!) and have a small talk with Shinobu who asks you to look for Kanao. Then you wait for Tengen-sama to take a seat.
He doesn't tho.

Shouting over the whole table without any sign of embarrassment or regret Tengen-sama asks you: "Wanna get an overview of the festival? I'm sure we'll find some fancy stuff."


Your heart beats faster and you wish I'd be dark so no one would see your blushing. You internally scream and slap Tengen-sama for this.
"Uhm...yeah sure" you answer.

Your view drifts to Oyakata-sama who keeps his eyes on you. A soft smile is on his lips.
He makes a small hand gesture to show you that he wants to talk to you later.
You nod and walk around the table. Even though you're not looking you can feel the stares of the hashiras on your skin.

"I'll join you guys later!" Kyōjurō-san shouts and takes a seat.

"Aight. I'll make sure you won't regret!" Tengen-sama answers.

Tengen-sama is different since you started going to the festival. Is his alias true?

"Come on" he says to you and holds his arm in front of you. Stunned you link arms and he pulls you around the house back to the setting.

Music starts playing and you can see a small stage with a woman singing on it.

When did it get here?

The people around you are so loud that you can't enjoy the song tho.

"Wanna grab a drink?" Tengen-sama asks you.

You look to your left where there's the bar and the barkeeper stares at you with a big smile.


Tengen-sama goes in front of the bar and orders two sake.
The barkeeper does his job and while you are waiting Tengen-sama puts his hand around your waist.

Why is he so touchy?

He strokes over your waist and keeps watching the barkeeper.
Your eyes jump to every direction to make sure no one is watching you.

"Here you go" the barkeeper says and puts two vessels filled with sake in front of you.

Tengen-sama pulls one vessel to him and looks at you.
"Go on, take it" he encourages you.

You grab your sake and carefully lift it.

"Cheers" Tengen-sama whispers and drinks the sake.

You mentally prepare for the alcohol and shoot it down your throat as well.
You squint your eyes because it's been long since you last drank.

"Ahhhh, that was good, wasn't it?" Tengen-sama asks but not expecting an answer.
"Wanna go over there? I can win marksman prices maybe" he proposes and points at a shooting range.

It's been ages since you last saw one.

"Yeah sure. Why not?" you answer.

You again link arms and walk over to the shooting range. Young adults stand in front of it and try their luck, shouting at each other.
They are around the age of Tengen-sama so you guess it's okay if he trys too.

You wait for them to finish until Tengen-sama pays for 5 shots.
He takes the fake gun and positions himself.
A few people are watching him.
"Pay attention darling" he murmurs concentrated as he focuses on the tiny wooden figures.


Your heart is going to explode.
His posture in combination with his kimono looks sooo delicious. And you're his company. Not everyone can say that.

With a loud bang he shoots the first figure from its position and it drops to the floor.
The owner claps and the people around you cheer.

Tengen-sama grins and shoots again. This time he misses.
He shoots another two figures to the floor and you find yourself being proud of him.

"Congratulations! You can decide between these articles" the owner says.

Tengen-sama looks at you with a soft smile and chooses one. He immediately puts it in a pocket so you don't know what he picked.
You raise your eyebrows.

"Follow me" he demands quietly.

People look at you. Specifically you.
You follow the hashira to a more quiet place. It's a room in the house of Oyakata-sama. Your heart pounds excitedly.

"Close your eyes and trust me" he whispers.


You close your eyes and cross your hands.
His scent washes around your nose and his warmth reaches you as he gets closer.
He puts one hand on your shoulder and you get goosebumps.
You can feel something in your hair and his lips are stroking over your forehead.
You want to get into his arms but you stand still.
He places a kiss on your forehead. Then he backs up and allows you to open your eyes again.

At first you're clueless until you touch your hair. You can feel something in it.

"There's a mirror."

You turn around and face a small round mirror on the wall. A silver hair clip with black crystals on it twinkles in your hair. It's tiny and gracile and you absolutely love it.
"Wow, it's so beautiful" you answer.

"I've won it for you. Thought you might like it."


It's his first gift.
You turn to Tengen-sama and walk in front of him. You look him into the eyes and give him a kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you."

The alcohol....

Tengen-sama doesn't do anything for a second. The he grins and puts one hand on your head.
"You shouldn't do this to me around so many people."

You smile while walking past him.
"Just control yourself."

Tengen-sama chuckles.
"Says the one with a body and skills like that."

You're not responding to him. Instead you're touching the hair clip and think to yourself:
You're going to look like Tengen-sama with crystals in your hair.

𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣'𝕤 𝕡𝕖𝕥 // Tengen Uzui x reader (+18)Where stories live. Discover now