Chapter 8 | A shared bed

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Grabbing Hachiko's katana you start dodging the spikes with the two weapons. It's not easy in the beginning to coordinate both hands with a katana. But soon (there're enough spikes to 'train') you get along with it.

"Another katana won't help you defeating me!" the demon yells, dashing in your direction.

"We will see."
You dash forward aswell, taking a deep breath.
From the corner of your eye you can see the demon preparing his next spike attack.

"Shadow breathing, first form, shadow strike!"

You cut the spikes off the minute they appear. The demon screams frustrated and evades last second.
His breath is heavier now and he looks even more dangerous and angry.
"This is your last chance. Run away and leave the girl here and I won't hurt you. Otherwise I will eat you too."

"As if I'd believe a dirty demon. Don't be so scared and fight me already with all your power." you demand, beware of the provocation.

"YOU SHALL DIE!" the demon screams and hundreds of spikes shoot out of the ground. They're so many you can't evade them 100% and get cuts all over your body.

You jump between them and try to cut them off but as soon as you do, new ones appear.
Soon you get the speed they need to appear and rise your own.

Nearly the whole night the sound of iron clashing together echoes over the field. Now and then there's the wicked and angry scream of the demon while you remain silent and concentrated. You jump back to Hachiko several times to see if she is still breathing.

The demon is too strong for even your actual rank. Hachiko didn't have a chance from the beginning. It takes you hours to finally cut off its head because of the spikes pushing you back all the time. On top of that you had to protect Hachiko at the same time while attacking the demon. It was nearly impossible. You're so exhausted you are not sure if you'll make it home.

By now Hachiko's conscious again. The only problem is that her foot is broken and she lost a lot of blood.

"Will you be able to stay with me until we are home?" you ask her, helping her to get up.

You can see the pain in her eyes as she moves her hurt foot. She looks at you worried.
"You have to support me but you don't look good aswell."

"That's okay. I can support you but you have to help me a little."

Hachiko looks so tired and pale you really can't tell if she's strong enough to survive.

Groaning the two of you stand up, Hachiko's left arm over your shoulder. She hisses from the pain of the gravity. Her weight causes your legs to shake but you stand strong.
"Ready?" you ask.

"Ready" Hachiko answers with clenched teeth.


The sun rose about two hours ago. You cannot tell if Hachiko and you are still conscious. The stairs were your decline. Hachiko of course couldn't jump them up with one leg due to her injuries. Normally you wouldn't be able to carry her either but you don't have another possibility than to do so.
Even though it's early in the morning the sun burns on your skin and your throat aches for water. You're not walking straight anymore. It's more like swinging from left to right, trying to head in the right direction and not fall off the stairs.
Again you curse the stairs and Tengen-sama for building his home on a mountain.

As you finally reach the top and only 20 meters part you from your bed you can see one of the girls standing in front of the entrance. It looks like she's watering the plants but you don't know. Your sight is limited due to your exhaustion.

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