Chapter 1 | Muscles and mice

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You breath heavily after you reach the top of the mountain; the end of the stairs.
Who would have thought that the mansion you are gonna live in for an unknown time amount from now on is at the top of one of the highest mountains in the area.
You hold a hand on your chest to calm down while looking around. There are big trees all around the mansion which is the reason why the whole place seems somehow dark. The sun needs more time to warm this place which is why there's dew on every leave you see.
Crystals are everywhere around the place and accompany the stairs you ran up because you overslept. didn't oversleep. You just didn't think about the possibility that the mansion would be on top of a mountain.
You had thought that it would be somewhere on the land or in a city. That's why you didn't calculate enough time. That's why you are now sweating like you just had a fight with a demon.
You sigh. The sun just rose but you are already annoyed as fuck.
Oh, what I would give to turn back time, you think to yourself.

A sudden scream makes you raise your head. A young girl rans out of the mansion towards you holding two bed sheets under her arms. She looks like a maid or something and anxiously shuts her eyes.
You tilt your head to one side and watch her running towards you, eyes closed.
Well, you are impressed by her skills because it takes a full 30 seconds until she trips and falls onto the ground. She tries to stand up without the sheets touching the ground which is very difficult because she shores just on her ellboes and knees.
She looks like she is around 15 years old.
You watch her for a while before you decide to help the poor lady.
With large steps you walk towards the girl and bow down to her. Carefully you take the bed sheets off her hands.

"Thank you so much", the girl says while standing up.

The moment she looks into your face her polite smile fades for a second.
She quickly takes her sheets off you and stands straight.

"You must be y/n, am I right?", she asks.

You nod.

"My master will arrive soon to welcome you. I will show you your room if you follow me", she says with a stern voice.

You nod again and follow her to the large doors that mark the entrance of the huge building. The girl pushes the doors open and enters the mansion. The sudden smell of wood welcomes you.
You have been in many mansions before so this isn't really surprising to you which the girl recognizes.

"Looks like you've been raised in a wealthy surrounding", she guesses.

"No", is all you answer.

The girl looks mad now and doesn't ask you anything again. She just leads you to your room which is big enough for two rooms.
After the girl makes your bed with the sheets in her hand she leaves without saying anything.

Now you stand there in your new home.
You don't know where you are supposed to eat or what rooms in general exist in this mansion but hey, you have an own room and an own bathroom. Also there are huge windows from the ceiling to the ground. You can see one part of the mansion and the little garden through it. That's actually very cool.
You walk around and put your stuff that you had with you all around the place to make it somehow comfortable.

It isn't that much tho. Just your second uniform, shoes, a bag, bath stuff, hair ties, a book and your katana. Everything a female demon slayer needs.

You decide to rest until your new master will welcome you. At least you are still exhausted of running up 6000 miles.
With a loud poff you jump in your bed and are satisfied that there isn't any cracking sound following. Smiling you roll around testing the bed. After you found the perfect position to chill your thoughts drift to your new master.

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