Chapter 5 | Wind and memories

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Hachiko doesn't say anything when seeing you awake the next morning. She just looks a bit confused.

After breakfast you start your way home, again in silence. You can see the scratches on her neck from her fight yesterday but you don't comment on it.
The weather is good; no rain or wind, no heat. A pretty day for a walk

It takes you longer to return to the mansion because of the mountain you have to climb.
It's dark when u arrive at the doors of the mansion. To your surprise Hachiko owns a key to the mansion and unlocks the door to let you in. It's quiet and all the lights are off.

"Looks like they're all asleep." whispers Hachiko and looks around.


"I think it's best to go to our rooms and talk with Master Tengen tomorrow."

You're lucky it's dark inside the building. Otherwise Hachiko would now have seen your disgusted facial expression.
You turn around fastly and walk towards your room.

"Goodnight y/n!" Hachiko whispers loud.

Not stopping you raise your hand and wave. Even though you aren't able to see what's happening behind you, you can hear it.
The moment you close your door you hear a happy little laugh from Hachiko and a deeper one from a man.
Ignoring the bittersweet taste in your mouth you shower and change.
The exhaustion hits you and with wet hair you finally fall into a dreamless sleep.

It's early midday when you wake up because of the sun nearly blinding you with eyes closed. You never sleep that long normally but you needed to rest a bit longer after 2 days of walking without sleep or good food.
Worried that you will now hear a lecture from Tengen-sama you stretch and make yourself ready.

After leaving your room and eating breakfast alone in the kitchen you soon find Hachiko sitting on a bench in the little garden of the mansion. She is in uniform of course but doesn't seem to have a mission.
Her eyes are closed.

"Hey." you greet.

Hachiko turns towards you. Her cheeks are a bit red because of the sun she's sitting in.

"Good morning y/n. How are you?"

It obviously isn't morning and she is too polite.

"I am fine. What about you?"

She nods with a smile.

The thought of her laugh yesterday night pops up in your mind.
"Where's Tengen-sama?" you want to know.

"There's a meeting with the hashira. He won't be back until lunch."

Gotta be about an hour or two then.

"You don't need anything from me, do you? I'd like to go train so..." you ask.

Hachiko raises her hands in front of her chest to sign you that there's nothing she needs from you. The smell of her bloomy parfum suddenly spreads.

"Okay then, see you later."

"Good luck!" she wishes.

Something's off about her, isn't it? you think while walking away.

The other girls (they aren't that many as they seemed) are everywhere in the mansion doing their work. They still don't look at you but they aren't rude either.

Today you won't train your body but your katana skills and mind.
'The blade is only as sharp as the owners mind.' someome once said.

The trees now are helpful. Your task is to run through them and 'attack' as many trees as possible in the same height without cutting deeply into the bark.
A difficult task for a kanoto but not for a hinoe. To be able to do something like that is a condition.

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