Chapter 4 | A mission

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Your prayers have been heard.
The next morning it's not the sun waking you but the constant knocking on your window.
Tired you open your eyes and stare into a pair of black one's.
A raven sits on the other side of your window right next to your bed watching you through its piercing eyes.

It takes a moment until you realise that first of all this is your "crow" and secondly you have to open the window to listen to it.

You reach out your hand and open the window not leaving the warm bed. Accompanied by a cool breeze the cawing bird flys into your room, loosing a feather on its way. It flys around for a couple of seconds like it is analysing the new area before landing on your arm.

"Hello Tori, I missed you." you greet your buddy.

"New mission!" the bird caws.
It shakes to fluff up its feathers and continues: "Takayama, Gifu prefecture. Kanoto y/n shall look for demon evidence. If possible don't fight."

What kind of mission is that?

The raven waits for you to give him a sign that you understood him so you nod.
Tori caws and jumps on your windowsill. You pet its soft feathers so it won't go directly. There's a special relationship between Tori and you. Tori caws and you take your hand back. Its eyes lay on you for a while then it flys out of your window. You watch it as it gets smaller and smaller in the distance.
You envy its wings that give it the ability to "go" wherever it wants.

Starting the day with a good message and a sigh you rise and dress properly.
In order to not be here too long you want to quickly leave for your mission.

The moment you leave your room you nearly run into the woman Tengen-sama confounded you with yesterday.
She is dressed in her uniform, a katana on the one side of her hips. You're taller than her and you guess, also have more experience.
She smiles at you kindly.

She bows when seeing you and introduces herself.
"Good morning. My name's Hachiko. Oyakata-sama sent me here to train with Tengen-sama just like you but I shall be your company for now."

You hesitate and keep inspecting her like you've never seen another female demon slayer before.

"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you."

Remembering her behavior yesterday you cannot decide whether it was a lie or the truth.

"Did you already get the message for your next mission?" she asks.

"Yeah. It's a small city isn't it?"

"Yes. Rumors say they're people missing. We don't know if there's a demon and how strong it'll be. Nevertheless I am the one who should fight it. That's why I accompany you."

You lift your eyebrows.

"I don't think that I'll need help killing a demon." you say.

Her smile fades for a short time amount.
"It's not about whether you need help but about whether you shall get help."

You nod staring in the woman's eyes and ask: "What about breakfast?"

"We will eat something in a town nearby. I want to leave as soon as possible because we'll need half of a day to reach Takayama."

You nod again.

She's so strictly and organized!

The two of you leave the house without meeting anyone. The mansion is filled with silence.

It's chilly outside but the sun is shining.
It takes you an hour to get to the nearby town and another hour to leave the prefecture. Neither of you talks. You just walk on trails through the wilderness.
Soon you get bored and begin to hum a melody. Hachiko doesn't complain so you keep going. Your melody changes over time, sometimes it completely dies away. From.time to time you whistle to level up your melody.

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