The Epilogue

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Harry’s POV

~ 5 years after graduation~

Life is great. At least that’s what I want to say. My life is complete shit. I live in a crap flat in downtown London. I haven’t spoken to my mum since graduation. I can’t afford Uni and my ‘friends’ from school don’t talk to me any more. I’ve heard from around town that they don’t even talk to each other any more. They are all still coupled up though. Niall with Nicole. Janelle with Zayn. And Josh with... Megan. Her name brings tears to my eyes. I miss her so much. I loved Megan, no I do love Megan. I always will. I know what I did to her was terrible, but I love her.

I have no one now. The only one I have is my bottle of whiskey. That always seems to keep me company on days like this. I drink forget everything and fall into oblivion once I’m too drunk to move. It helps me feel nothing. It helps me cope with my life as it is today. Being alone. Knowing nobody loves you. It can be unbearable. That’s why I’m staring at a Magnum 9mm. Wouldn’t this be the best way to end it all? A simple blow and everything is done. No more crying. No more pain. Just an end. It’s not like anyone would miss me. No one would find my body until my monthly rent is due and my sleazy landlord comes to collect his pay.

It would be so easy, so why do I feel like I have to make a call. Just one. To one person to let them know how I‘m feeling and what I’m thinking. So I do. I keep it brief and simple and end it like how I’m going to end my life. I stare at the gun for a long time. Whether it’s five minutes or two hours I don’t know.

I raise it to my temple. This is it. All the images of happy times flash before my eyes and I smile while the tears hit my lap. I relax in the chair and keep the gun to my temple. I can finally end it and be happy. I cock the gun and wait for the end to come but then I hear the door burst open...

(A/N So yes this is the very end of Trouble! I know a cliffhanger and you guys hate me for it but....

There will be a second book!! Yay!! I don’t know when I will start it because I have like six other books I am writing but it will come I promise! Thank you for reading and commenting it means alot to me!! Xx)

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