Chapter Nine

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Megan’s POV

I get a note in my third period class from Mr. Tomlinson. Apparently I am wanted in the counselors office. I exit my class and see Mr. Tomlinson waiting for me.

“Hello Megan.”

“Hey Mr. T!” We both laugh at the new nickname I gave him.

“I know you are wondering why I requested you to see my boy.... my co-worker Mr. Payne.” I see Mr. Tomlinson fidget and I know this must be awkward for him.

“I was a little curious.”

“I just want to make sure you are alright. I mean yesterday you seemed out of it and then today I see your  wrist. I’m just worried that’s all.”

"It's fine. My wrist was a little sprain I got by trying to lift a heavy box by myself." I laugh lightly at the lie I'm telling my teacher.

He eyes my wrist and the wrap it is in but says nothing to me. We walk to the counselors office and I guess he was in session with someone else. The door opens and I see Harry. His eyes look like he had been crying but they change to hate when he sees me with Mr. Tomlinson. I go to speak to him but he just rushes past me bumping in to Mr. Tomlinson on purpose.

"Ah hello. My name is Mr. Payne but you can call me Liam if you want." He holds his door open and Mr. Tomlinson gives me a reassuring smile before leaving.

"My name is Megan."

"We'll it is nice to meet you Megan. Now in here everything we talk about is completely confidential. Just think of this place as a free zone." I look at Liam and can't help but think he and Louis, I mean Mr. Tomlinson would be the cutest couple. He sees I zoned out and he clears his throat.

"Oh sorry. I zoned out a little."

"It's fine. Now why do you think Louis... I mean Mr. Tomlinson wanted you to see me?"

"I think it's because he is worried about me. Just like everyone else around here is." I mumble the last part hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"Why do you think everyone is worried about you?"

"I don't know. I am fine. I've been able to take care of myself for over 17 years now. I think I can handle myself." I answer him agitated that everyone is so damn worried about me.

"I think you are not upset with the people that are worried for you but more so with why they are worried about you." Liam tries to read my face but I keep it expressionless.

"There is no reason why." I lie to him.

"Megan I am not making assumptions but by the bruised wrist and the way your face scrunched up when you put your left arm up on the table I would say there is a reason why people are worried." He takes a look at my face once again and I can feel the tears in my eyes. " Like I told you before whatever we say in here stays in here. Now do you want to talk about it?"

"I do. But not yet. I'm not ready yet." I start to cry and Liam gives me a hug.

"If you would like we can keep meeting like this. Maybe once a week. And when you are ready to talk about it we can ok?" I just nod my head in his chest before getting up to leave.

"Thanks Liam."

"You're welcome Megan. I will see you next week?"

"I will be here." I exit his office and decide to take the rest of the day off.

I don't feel like going to any classes. It's not like I can write anyway seeing as though my right hand is sprained. I get to my dorm and see the door is open. That's weird. Nicole and Janelle should be in class.

"Uh Nic? Nell?"

"No just me." It's Harry. Shit. I try to act as casual as possible.

"Hey babe. How'd you get in?"

"Janelle let me in before she left. So how was your talk with Liam?" His eyes are trying to read mine but I'm not going to let him see through me.

"It was ok." He gets up and walks over toward me in the kitchen area. Maybe not the best place to be right now.

"Oh. What did you talk about?"

"Nothing." That wasn't a lie but I could see Harry didn't think so.

"So you didn't bring me up?" I can see he is trying  to hold his anger.

"No I didn't. Harry can you leave? I'm really tired and I just want to get some sleep?" I quickly regret this statement when Harry's fist hits my stomach.

"So you're tired? I have been trying to call you for the past three days and get nothing!" He slaps my face this time. "I know why you're tired Megan! You're a fucking whore that's why!" He pushes me to the ground.

"Harry stop!" I try to pull myself up but he just knocks me down harder that before and I fall on the side where he hurt me before.

"I know you are sleeping with him Megan! God I can't believe you!"

"I am not going to tell you this again Harry Edward Styles! I am not sleeping with my drama teacher!" I finally get up and try to run to my room. But Harry pushes me and I fall on the hardwood floor. I feel my lip begin to bleed.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that you slut." I see his foot going toward my side and I quickly roll away.

I get back up and get to my room before he reaches me. I lock my door and I hear him kicking and hitting it trying to get in. Eventually it goes silent in my dorm and I get up and go to my restroom and see the damage that is done this time. My face is red from the crying and the hard slap he gave me. My lip is cut open and is bleeding. I pull my shirt up and see a big black and blue mark on my torso. I have no idea how I am going to come up with a lie for this. And I don't know if I want to.

(A/N ok so Harry beat the shit out if Megan!! God and I thought he was making progress! I see not! Leave comments and what you want to see in the future!! Xx)

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