Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Harry’s POV

I walk into Liams office for our weekly meetings. I haven’t talked to him since the whole incident with Mr. Tomlinson. I knock a few times before I hear Liam on the other side of the door.

“Come in.” I stroll into his office and give him a half smile.

“Hi Liam.” I can see the slight anger in his eyes but he quickly hides it before he gives me a forced smile.

“Hello Harry. Take a seat.” I do as I’m instructed and take a seat in front of Liam’s desk. “So how have you been doing?”

“I’ve been doing pretty well actually. How are you?” I quickly regret asking the question.

“Well considering my boyfriend is now out of the hospital I am doing pretty good.” His smile leaves and his face is cold.

“Liam I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to...”

“Yes you did Harry. You knew what you were doing when you attacked Louis. No one forced you to hit him.” I drop my gaze from him and hold back my tears. “But I forgive you Harry.” I snap my head up and look at Liam.


“Because the problems you were dealing with internally were far more worst than I thought. What you did was horrible Harry and your past doesn’t condone any of it, but if you learn from it and move on you can better yourself.”

“I... I don’t know why everyone forgives me all the time.”

“Because people care about you Harry. Louis is fine now, but I’m guessing you know that. He’s out the hospital and is back home.” Liam grins widely at that last statement.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you and Louis... I mean Mr. Tomlinson get together?” Liam looks down at his hands and blushes.

“It’s kind of cheesy actually. You know those stories where you meet someone at a party and instantly fall for one another?” I nod and he continues his story. “Well that happened. I saw him at a staff party. It was my first year here and he had been here for only a year. Unlike the other people he talked to me and we spent the entire night talking to each other. I had this instant connection with him and I guess he felt it too because he asked me out. We’ve been together ever since.” He smiles again and so do I.

“That’s really sweet Liam. I think you and Mr. Tomlinson are perfect for one another.” Just like Megan and I.

“Well thank you Harry. So everything has been well with you?” I can tell he is just trying to subtly pry information out about me and Megan and if we are back together.

“Yup.” I pop the ‘p’ and smile.

“I’m happy for you Harry. I’ve never seen you this...”


“Yeah.” Liam chuckles lightly and I do the same.

I can honestly say this is the happiest I have been in a long time. We end our session and I leave Liam’s office and head to my dorm. I get there and see that neither Niall or Zayn are here. I pull out my phone and text Megan.

Hey you want to come over. The boys are gone and I miss you!

Haz Xx

I wait for her response and smile at her reply. The rest of the day should be fun.

(A/N ok so this is like a filler chapter to the extreme! Sorry!! I didn’t really like this chapter but I hope you do! Blah blah blah! Most of these last few chapters are filler chapters but trust me they all contribute to a BIG scene that is coming up so............ Yeah!! Xx)

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