Chapter Twenty-Four

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Niall’s POV

“Hey babe!” I hear Nicole yell from down the hall. I turn from my locker and see my gorgeous girlfriend skip toward me.

“Hey beautiful.” I give her a sweet kiss and she smiles at me.

“How’s your day been so far?” I start pulling out the books I will need for my next two class periods.

“It’s been crap.” I mumble and she frowns. Her gaze doesn’t leave mine until I turn to face her.

“Why?” She grabs my hand and we walk to her third period class.

“Because I failed my last chemistry test and I have to pass the next one. If I don’t I will be failing the class.” I run my fingers through my hand and sigh loudly.

I really do try in that class, I just don’t get it. Nothing makes sense in chemistry. It’s just a whole bunch of confusing names and random numbers thrown together. And the fact that I have the world’s worst teacher ever! Like seriously, whoever let Mr. Higgins teach should be fired.

“Well I can tutor you if you want. You know I’m really good at chemistry. And I would be a great tutor.” Nicole gives me a smile and a wink. She is good at chemistry at she could be a good help especially with this test coming up.

“I think you would be a great tutor babe! Ok. How does tomorrow after school sound?”

“That sounds great!” She beams and leans into my ear. “And maybe I will give you a reward after.” She gives me a kiss that turns into a makeout session in the hallway and we didn’t even notice the tardy bell sound until her teacher walked out and forced us apart.

I give her a wave before running to my next class. I walk into my third period class with a scowl. I hate math. I’ve never liked it. The only reason why I go to this class is because Zayn is in here. If he wasn’t I would probably just skip and go somewhere else. I am almost at my desk unnoticed before my teacher yells.

“Mr. Horan. It’s great to see you could make it.”

“Sorry I’m late. I was...”

“Making out with your girlfriend.” Zayn snickers and I slap his arm.

“Don’t make this a habit Niall.” My teacher, Ms. Flack, hands me some worksheet before going back to her desk.

“So how is Nicole doing?” Zayn gives me a smirk and tries to hide his laugh.

“She’s doing well. And how are you and Janelle?”

“Better than ever.” He smiles widely and I nod. I turn to work on the worksheet my teacher gave me and get through a few problems with ease. I look at Zayn’s paper and sees he’s done nothing.

“You know this due at the end of class right?”

“Yeah. I just don’t feel like doing it.” He shrugs and pushes the paper forward.

“Wow we got a badass over here!” I laugh and so does Zayn, which causes Ms. Flack to scowl at us.

“Oh shut up.” He looks like he’s thinking about something so I push my half way done worksheet out the way and look back at Zayn.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Harry and Megan.” He says flatly.

“Why? Did something happen to them?” I ask trying to hide my nerves. I think ever since my little episode the last time they fought the boys are a little more cautious toward me.

“No. Nothing happened. I’m just wondering if they will last this time.” I knew what he really meant was if Harry would last without hitting Megan.

“I think they will. Harry seems different this time.” I shrug and pull my paper back to me and decide to finish the worksheet.

“Maybe. God I hope they do.” Zayn sounded anxious when he said that.

“Why do you say it like that?”

“Because if they don’t and he slips up and hits her, you know one of them will let it slip that we knew and I do not want to have that fight with Nell.” He rubs his face before putting his head on the table.

I never thought about it like that. If Harry does hit Megan again it wouldn’t only ruin his relationship but possibly Zayn and I’s as well. Damn.  Hopefully things do last this time then. The bell rings and I hadn’t realized class was almost over. I gather my things and wait for Zayn to do the same when Ms. Flack calls us to her desk. God what does she want?

“Did you boys finish your work?”

“I did.” I hand her my worksheet and she looks at Zayn.

“Well Mr. Malik?”

“I didn’t.” He shrugs and I try not to laugh at Ms. Flacks face.

“So you talk all class period and you do nothing.”

“It seems like it.”

“Well then you have detention. Today. After school. If I’m not mistaken it will be in Mr. Murs’ classroom.” Zayn groans and rolls his eyes only causing Ms. Flack to be more upset and me trying my hardest not to laugh.

“Alright. Can we go now?” She nods and Zayn and I walk out of the classroom and I laugh so loud the entire hall stops to look at me for a second before moving again. “Shut up Niall.” He shoves me lightly but I keep laughing until we see Megan, Nell, and Nic standing by their lockers.

“What’s so funny?” Nicole asks me and I hold back my last few laughs before answering her.

“Zaynie here got a detention!” We all start laughing and Zayn just rolls his eyes again.

“Aw what did my Bradford bad boy do?” Janelle coo’s and gives Zayn a smile.

“I didn’t do my work in class and I was talking to Niall the whole time.” He wraps his arm around her as we walk down the hall. I take Nic’s hand in mine and she smiles before intertwining our fingers.

“What were you and Ni talking about?” Nic asks and Zayn and I share the same worried look before looking at Megan and back to each other. I watch as he puts on his cool exterior and make up a half lie in his head.

“Oh just our amazing girlfriends.” He smiles down at Nell and she gives him a kiss. Nice save Zayn.

“Well aren’t you just the sweetest.” Nic says before kissing my cheek causing me to blush.

“So when’s your detention?” Megan asks and I realized this is her first time speaking.

“Today after school. It’s with Nell’s art teacher too.” He smiles at Janelle again and she returns it. Oh god even I know they are up to something. Zayn walks Nell to her next class and Nic walks me to mine before walking with Megan to their class.

“I’ll see you later.” I give her a quick kiss seeing as the last time we were both late to our class.

“Bye. Let’s go Megs!” Nicole smiles at me and I walk into my class. I really can’t wait for this day to end.

(A/N Lol Zayn’s detention! What do you think he and Janelle are planning! ;) Predict and Comment!! Xx)

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