Chapter Ten

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Nicole’s POV

Today has been an interesting day. For some reason Megan was nowhere to be found and neither was Harry. Everyone else might have brushed it off as them ditching together but this bad feeling was sitting in the pit of my stomach. Janelle and I walk into our dorm room and it looks a mess. Things are thrown everywhere and I see blood. I immediately run to Megan’s room to see if she is ok.

“Meg’s?” I open her door and see she is in her bed. “Megan?” I walk over to her and see blood on her pillow. “Megan! What happened?” She jumps up and grabs her side.

“God Nicole why are you yelling?” She is trying to hide the pain in her face but she sure as hell couldn’t hide that busted lip.

“What happened to your lip? And side.” Megan quickly covers her mouth.

“Nothing. It’s nothing.” I move her unharmed hand from her mouth and lift her shirt to see multiple bruises. I can tell one is recent by how dark it is.

“Megan. This is not nothing. Come on.” I take her wrist and she winces. “Sorry.” I get out of room and see Janelle trying to put things back to the way they were before in our living room. “Nell let’s go.”

“Where are you taking me?” Megan asks trying to get out of my hold.

“To the damn hospital.” I look over at Janelle and she looks confused. “Look.” I lift up Megan’s shirt again and hear Nell gasp.

“Megan! Who did that to you.” Megan does not answer her. Instead she turns and glares at me.

“I am not going to the hospital Nicole.”

“Yes you are. Now let’s go.”


“Megs you really need to go to the hospital and get that stuff checked out. It looks bad.” Megan sighs and we all go to the nearest hospital.

We get her checked in and I decide to call Zayn seeing as though if I called Harry things might end very badly. For him.


“Hey Nic. What’s up?”

“Megan is in the hospital.” I hear him gasp on the other line.

“What? Why? What happened to her?”

“Just tell Harry to stay the hell away from her alright.” I say through my gritted teeth.

“Nic. I don’t...”

“Just please Zayn. Oh the doctors are coming in. I will call you back once we figure out how bad the damage is.” I hang up before Zayn can respond so I can listen to what the doctors are going to say.

“Hello Megan.”

“Hi.” Megs response is short and bitter.

“Well the charts show that one of your left ribs are fractured. You will need seven stitches in your lip and you have slight internal bleeding. Not enough to have caused you major damage though since you have had it for a while now.”

“That’s a lot.” That’s all Megan could come up with. I am really going to hurt Harry.

“Now Megan, how did all of these injuries come to be?” Janelle and I watch Megan intensely and I see her racking her brains for lies.

“Well I box and I guess I always stray from the doctors office so...” She trails off and I see the doctor does not believe her but he can’t push things.

“Ok. Well lets get you prepped for surgery.”

“Wait. What? What do you mean surgery?” Megan begins to panic.

“You have internal bleeding. And a fractured rib. We have to stop the bleeding and the rib fracture could cause more damage internally. The surgery will be a quick one, an hour at the max.” And with that the doctor exits and leaves Megan, Janelle and I alone.

“So are you going to tell us what really happened?” It’s Janelle that asks this question.

“I just... And he...” Megan looks at me and I already know what she is or I guess was going to say before she broke into tears. Janelle and I quickly rushed to her side to try and comfort her.

“It’s ok Megan. It will be ok.”

“No it won’t. He hurts me. He hurts me bad. But I still love him. So much.” Janelle looks at me and I just nod knowing what she is thinking. Our moment is cut by the doctors coming in and taking Megan to her surgery.

“He hits her doesn’t he?” I just nod at Janelle’s question not able to find the words to say just yet. We stay in silence before my phone rings.


“Nic! How is she?”

“Harry I swear to god. If you ever come near her again I will beat the shit out of you and do way more damage than a fractured rib.” I hang up on Harry and see that my hands are shaking.

My temper has been good, but this takes me back to then and I know that is not a good thing. I’m guessing Nell saw my anger and she walks over towards me.

“Nic maybe you should go home and cool off for a little while. The surgery will be over in an hour and I will call you once she’s out. Ok?” I sigh but decide to take Janelle’s advice and leave the hospital.

I get back to my dorm room and decide to lay down. When I finally think I will get some rest my phone buzzes.


“Uh Nic. Can you meet me somewhere?”

“Niall? What’s wrong?” I can tell he’s been crying.

“Can we just meet at that park that’s like five minutes away from the school?”

“Yeah. I’ll be there.” I get up and hurry out my room to go and find Niall. I just hope he’s ok.

(A/N Awe Nialler is upset!! Hopefully Nicole will make him feel better! Comment and predictions are loved!! Xx)

Trouble (One Direction Fanfic AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora