Chapter Thirty-Six

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Megan’s POV

I lose consciousness and slip into this sea of darkness. My entire body is aching in pain and I need to move to get help but I can’t. I don’t know how long it’s been but I slip my eyes open slightly and see I am being carried by someone. I can’t really see the face but I can hope it’s someone with my best interest at heart. I wake up and my head is pounding along with the rest of my body. I scan the room and notice that it is not mine. I have no idea where I am and I start to panic. It’s not like I can move or go anywhere because of my physical condition. Just then the door opens and in walks Josh.

“Hey Megan. How you feeling?” He walks over to me with a towel wrapped in ice and some asprin with a glass of water.

“Like shit.” I roll my eyes and he laughs lightly.

“I uh washed your clothing from last night and placed them in my bathroom. Don’t worry I didn’t do anything to you, I just got you out of those clothes and cleaned up a few wounds you received. I will be down in the kitchen when you feel like you can move and shower and stuff.” Josh smiles and leaves me in his bedroom.

I slowly make my way out of his bed and to his bathroom, which is very large. I take a look at myself in the mirror and cringe. My right side of my face is blue and purple and covered in bruises. I pull up the night shirt Josh gave me and see me side is wrapped up. My stomach is blotchy with purple bumps everywhere. I strip and remove the kinesio tape and step in the shower letting the hot water relax my aching muscles. I stay in the shower for a long time, not even bathing just thinking of last night. Of everything Harry said to me. How he used my own story against me. I grab some soap and start scrubbing my body hard. Trying to rid all of the memories away as well as the words of last night and the bruises that were caused. After I finish my shower I throw on the clothing I was wearing yesterday and meet Josh in his kitchen.

“Thank you for... ya ‘know.” I grab a piece of toast and began nibbling on it.

“You’re welcome.” An eerie silence falls between us. “It was him that did this wasn’t it?” I already knew who Josh was referring to.

“Yes.” I whisper and he walks over to me gently rubbing my arm.

“I’m sorry.” He whispers while inspecting the light bruises and scars on my arm. All of which came from Harry.

“It’s not your fault.”

“Yes it is. I saw the way he looked at me yesterday. I should have followed you two but I didn’t want to seem like a creeper so I waited a little while and I shouldn’t have. I should have followed you so I could have stopped him from doing this to you. I’m sorry.” I can feel his tears hit my arm and I stroke them off of his face.

“Do not apologize for any of it. It’s not your fault Josh. You couldn’t control Harry’s actions. He did what he did and there’s nothing I can do about it now.”

“Yeah well I can.” He mumbles under his breath.

“You are not going to do anything. Ok?” He stays silent at my question. “Ok?”

“Fine. But I’m not letting you anywhere near him. If you want you can crash here for a little while. I know you probably don’t want to deal with Nicole and Janelle.”

“I’d like that. Thanks. But won’t your roommates get upset?”

“I don’t have roommates.” He shrugs and walks over to the couch patting the seat next to him.

“How can you not have roommates? Are you this rich kid that demanded a room by himself?”

“Well I am rich, but that’s not how it really happened.”

“Oh. Mummy and daddy wanted their Joshy poo to have an extra large room at the School huh?” I chuckle lightly but get no witty remark from Josh.

“Ahh no. My mum and dad died when I was about six.” I gasp loudly and feel so bad.

“Josh I am so sorry. I had no idea.”

“It’s ok. My parent’s were very wealthy. They got into a car accident and died on impact. In their will I was left everything but could only gain it in a monthly allowance until I turn 25. I was living with my aunt and she sent me here. This school has one of the best music programs, hence my drum playing. This was the only dorm left and I got it.” Josh looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile that what I said didn’t hurt him.

“I’m still sorry for what I said.” Josh leans in to pull me into a hug but I automatically flinch back.

I see the pain flicker in his eyes and I don’t know why I did it. Maybe it’s because of what I’ve been through with Harry. But it’s Josh and he helped me so I shouldn’t flinch away from him. He won’t hurt me like Harry will, but I can never be too sure. I never thought Harry would beat me but I was wrong about that. What if Josh is just another Harry? I can’t go through that. Not again.

“I won’t hurt you like he did Megan. I will never lay a hand on you, I swear. I know he probably said that to you a million times but I mean it. What he did to you was not your fault. You did not deserve it at all and I will never make you feel that way. You deserve to be treated with respect. And care. And love. Not cruelty, jealousy, and hatred. So please Megan, don’t be afraid of me. Because I’m a better person than he is. I will treat you better than him and I will wait for you to open up to me. Whether its in a day or twenty-five years. I will wait. Alright?” I take Josh’s hand in mine and give him my best attempt of a smile.

“Alright.” He smiles and tentatively pulls me into a hug.

Every thing he said was so kind and whole hearted. Too bad I don’t believe him. I don’t deserve someone like Josh. He’s a good guy. And I’m... me. Harry was right. No one will ever love me or want me.

(A/N Josh is the hero!! Aww!! But Megan is broken! Damn Harry!! Xx)

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