Chapter Thirty-Three

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(A/N Ok so the fact that this story is doing so well just blows my mind! I really didn't know how it would do on here, but obviously a lot of you guys like it! That's why it's over 1,400 reads and is almost at 1,500! Crazy! I just want to thank you all for reading and voting for Trouble! Means a lot to me! Xx)

Megan’s POV

Monday came quick and I couldn’t be more happy. I can not wait to get this whole detention over with. I’m called into the principal's office and see Niall leaving. He looks like he hasn’t gotten any sleep and he’s been crying. I feel bad but not bad enough to comfort him. I walk in and see Principal Cowell sitting at his desk. He motions for me to take a seat and I do.

“Now Megan. You and your friends...”

“Their not my friends.” I say blankly. No real friends would constantly attack my relationship and make me feel like crap all the time.

“Well then you and your classmates behavior at the dance was unacceptable. Now you will serve detention for this entire week. It will start right after school and last until around five. Do you understand?”

“Yes. Now can I go?”

“Yes you may, but Megan, if you don’t mind me asking what was the whole fight about in the first place?”

“I do mind you asking actually.” I turn on my heels and walk out of his door. I see Nicole sitting in the waiting area. She glares at me and I do the same to her.

She stands and walks to the office making sure she bumps into me on purpose. Bitch. I go back to my second period and sigh. The day just began. Of course the day drags by and when lunch rolls around none of us are sitting together. I’m mad at Harry for spilling the beans. Janelle’s mad at Zayn for not telling her Harry and I were dating, and Nicole is mad at Niall for not telling her he knew about everything. And we are all mad at each other just to be mad. I’m dreading this detention.

As if living with two people that hate you isn’t bad enough, being forced into a small room with them is worst. The day ends and I walk to the library where the detention is being held. I’m the third one there. Harry is in the back and Niall is in the corner of the room. I decide to take the seat in the front and watch as Nell, Nic, and Zayn drag their way into the library. We all sit as far apart from each other as possible. The doors reopen and Principal Cowell walks in.

“Alright detention group. There shall be no talking. It is three thirty and you may leave at five. You all get two restroom breaks and one snack break. Does everyone understand?” We nod in agreement and he claps his hands together. “Good. I will be down the hall and if I hear any funny business I will give you all another weeks worth of detention.” I roll my eyes as he walks out of the library.

Well another hour and a half to go. I lay my head on the table and decide to take a nap. I could care less what everyone else is doing. I wouldn’t even be in here if it wasn’t for Janelle yelling and drawing unneeded attention to us at the dance. I’m almost in a full sleep when I hear tapping. An annoying tapping of a pen. My head pops up and looks around. Of course it would be Zayn.

“Can you stop.” He looks up at me and frowns.

He starts tapping his pen harder and louder than before. I sigh loudly and lay my head back down on the table. Another hour and twenty five minutes to go. I am once again almost asleep when I hear another noise. A freaking game. I whip my head up and see Niall.

“Seriously can you turn that down.” His blue eyes pierce through mine and he turns the game on his phone up louder.

“Really Niall.”

“Oh my god Megan! Shut up!” Janelle yells and my head snaps at her. I see Niall and Zayn snicker and I roll my eyes.

“Can you not yell Janelle. It’s unnecessary.” I look over at Nicole who is leaning back in her chair her eyes closed.

“I think your two cents is unnecessary.” Janelle snaps and Nicole opens her eyes to glare at her.

“Wow great come back. It must have taken you thirty minutes to come up with that.” Harry speaks rolling his eyes.

“How about we all stop talking. And will you please stop tapping your bloody pen Zayn! My god! We know you’re here Bradford Bad Boy! We don’t need to hear your pen!” I yell. I honestly hate the noise of things tapping. It’s always been my pet peeve.

“How about you stop yelling at me! I’ve done nothing to you! I tried to be there for you and keep your secrets for You! And look where that got me! No girl, no friends and in detention! So shut the fuck up Megan and go to sleep.” I open and close my mouth trying to find what to say to Zayn.

He turns away from me and goes back to sketching something in his notebook.What Zayn said is true. I shouldn’t be mad at him. Or Niall. They didn’t do anything to me. No one did anything to me. Nell and Nic were just trying to look out for me and Harry was happy with being back with me so he shared with the only people he could. I sigh and stand up from my chair. Everyone looks at me with confused faces.

“I’m... I’m sorry. To everyone. For everything I did and said. I’m sorry.” I give each of them a weary smile before sitting back down. Maybe this week won’t go by so slow.

(A/N awe Megan trying to be a better person! Now if everyone else can follow her footsteps!! Xx)

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